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Doc updates for namespace editor for 24.11 changes
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(Internal change: 2346056)
pixar-oss committed Oct 30, 2024
1 parent 1930e0b commit e45ffe6
Showing 1 changed file with 276 additions and 36 deletions.
312 changes: 276 additions & 36 deletions docs/user_guides/namespace_editing.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,19 +10,26 @@ A namespace edit is an operation that removes or changes the namespace path of
a **composed** prim or property on a stage. Edit operations currently include
deleting and moving (renaming and/or reparenting) a composed prim or property.

While it is possible to do some of these operations using Sdf or UsdStage APIs,
these APIs can only edit prims or properties on a single layer. Namespace
editing handles edits for prims and properties that are composed from multiple
layers or other composition arcs. Using namespace editing lets you robustly
delete and move prims that have opinions throughout a LayerStack that you have
the authority to edit. Namespace editing also allows "non-destructive"
deletion and moving of prims defined in LayerStacks that you don't have the
authority to edit.
While it is possible to do some of these operations using Sdf or UsdStage APIs,
these APIs can only edit prims or properties on a single layer. Additionally,
any paths targeting the moved or deleted objects will need to be manually fixed.
Use namespace editing to easily and safely delete or move prims and properties
across the :ref:`LayerStack <usdglossary-layerstack>`. Namespace editing handles
edits for objects composed from multiple layers and handles changing
:ref:`EditTargets <usdglossary-edittarget>` or fixing paths targeting the
edited objects, automatically.

Namespace also provides non-destructive editing of prims defined across
composition arcs by adding the **relocates** composition arc if needed.
By using relocates, namespace editing ensures non-destructive edits by *not*
modifying the source of a composition arc. This is necessary for workflows where
you might not be able to make changes to the source of the composition
arc directly (e.g. you're referencing prims from assets maintained by a
different department that are also being referenced elsewhere).

As a simple example, if you had :filename:`model.usda` with various prims:

.. code-block:: usda
:caption: model.usda
#usda 1.0
@@ -39,10 +46,9 @@ As a simple example, if you had :filename:`model.usda` with various prims:
And :filename:`main.usda`, which has :filename:`model.usda` as a sublayer and
overs for :sdfpath:`/modelScope` and :sdfpath:`/modelScope/model1`:
overrides for :sdfpath:`/modelScope` and :sdfpath:`/modelScope/model1`:

.. code-block:: usda
:caption: main.usda
#usda 1.0
@@ -60,15 +66,16 @@ overs for :sdfpath:`/modelScope` and :sdfpath:`/modelScope/model1`:
After loading :filename:`main.usda` into your stage, if you wanted to fully
remove :sdfpath:`/modelScope/model1` from your composed stage, using UsdStage
remove :sdfpath:`/modelScope/model1` from your composed stage using UsdStage
APIs, you'd have to delete it twice: once in :filename:`main.usda`, and then,
after changing edit targets, again in the :filename:`model.usda` layer:
after changing :ref:`EditTargets <usdglossary-edittarget>`, again in the
:filename:`model.usda` layer:

.. code-block:: python
stage = Usd.Stage.Open("main.usda")
# This only removes model1 in model.usda, not
# This only removes model1 in main.usda, not
# model1 in the model.usda layer
removeResult = stage.RemovePrim("/modelScope/model1")
@@ -77,28 +84,28 @@ after changing edit targets, again in the :filename:`model.usda` layer:
# set the edit target to the model.usda layer and call RemovePrim() again
Whereas using namespace editing will properly handle removing the prim from
both :filename:`main.usda` and :filename:`model.usda`, handling edit target
changes for you:
both :filename:`main.usda` and :filename:`model.usda` in a single edit
operation, handling edit target changes for you:

.. code-block:: python
editor = Usd.NamespaceEditor(stage)
removeResult = editor.DeletePrimAtPath("/modelScope/model1")
Namespace editing also handles issues such as making sure that paths to
and overrides of edited objects are still valid after renaming or reparenting
Namespace editing handles issues such as making sure that paths targeting
edited objects and overrides are still valid after renaming or reparenting
prims. Namespace editing tries to fix any existing composition arcs,
relationship targets, attribute connections, and overrides that used paths to
renamed or reparented prims to use the new paths.

Namespace editing in a future update will also use **relocates** for more
complex edit scenarios. Relocates are another composition arc that maps a prim
path in a namespace to a new path location. For example, if you were referencing
a prim from :filename:`refModel.usda`:
Namespace editing will also use **relocates** for more complex edit scenarios.
Relocates are another composition arc that maps a prim path defined in a remote
:ref:`LayerStack <usdglossary-layerstack>` (i.e. across a composition arc) to a
new path location in the local namespace. For an example of how namespace
editing uses relocates, if you had :filename:`refModel.usda`:

.. code-block:: usda
:caption: refModel.usda
def "modelA" ()
@@ -107,16 +114,19 @@ a prim from :filename:`refModel.usda`:
Which is referenced in :filename:`main.usda`:

.. code-block:: usda
:caption: main.usda
def "mainModelA" (
prepend references = @refModel.usda@</modelA>
You will be able to use namespace editing to move or rename
:sdfpath:`/mainModelA/modelAChild` using relocates.
You might want to use namespace editing to move or rename
:sdfpath:`/mainModelA/modelAChild`. Because :sdfpath:`/mainModelA/modelAChild`
is composed across a reference composition arc, it can't be directly edited,
so namespace editing will use relocates to create the edit.

.. code-block:: python
@@ -125,6 +135,30 @@ You will be able to use namespace editing to move or rename
removeResult = editor.MovePrimAtPath("/mainModelA/modelAChild", "/mainModelA/renamedChild")
The resulting stage root layer for :file:`main.usda` will look like:

.. code-block:: usda
#usda 1.0
relocates = {
</mainModelA/modelAChild>: </mainModelA/renamedChild>
def "mainModelA" (
prepend references = @refModel.usda@</modelA>
.. note::

**relocates** is a new composition arc for USD that is a separate feature
from namespace editing, and can be used independently of namespace editing.

.. _nsedit_using_usdnamespaceeditor:

Using UsdNamespaceEditor
@@ -147,7 +181,7 @@ rename or reparent prims and properties using :usdcpp:`UsdPrim` and
When you call a :usdcpp:`UsdNamespaceEditor` edit operation, the operation paths
are validated (e.g. the paths passed to :code:`MovePrimAtPath()` are checked to
make sure they are valid paths), and then the operation is queued (to support
batches of operations, see :ref:`namespace_editing_batch_edits` below). To
batches of operations, see :ref:`nsedit_batch_edits` below). To
execute individual edit operations, as the following examples do, call
:code:`ApplyEdits()` after each operation call.

@@ -204,6 +238,82 @@ Note that after renaming or reparenting a :usdcpp:`UsdPrim` or
:usdcpp:`UsdProperty`, the :usdcpp:`UsdPrim` or :usdcpp:`UsdProperty` reference
used in the operation will no longer be valid, as the path has changed.

.. _nsedit_setting_editor_options:

Setting Editor Options

When you create a namespace editor, you can optionally provide edit options
that control editor behavior. The current set of options are:

* **allowRelocatesAuthoring**: If :code:`True` the namespace editor will use
relocates when needed to make edits. If :code:`False`, the namespace editor
will not use relocates and will issue errors when applying or validating edits
that require relocates. The default is :code:`True`.

The following example creates the :code:`noRelocatesEditOptions` edit options,
disables :code:`noRelocatesEditOptions.allowRelocatesAuthoring`, and creates
a namespace editor for :code:`stage` with these options.

.. code-block:: python
noRelocatesEditOptions = Usd.NamespaceEditor.EditOptions()
noRelocatesEditOptions.allowRelocatesAuthoring = False
# Create/use namespace editor that will not use relocates
noRelocatesEditor = Usd.NamespaceEditor(stage, noRelocatesEditOptions)
.. _nsedit_working_with_relocates:

Working With Relocates

As mentioned earlier, namespace editing will use **relocates** if necessary
for edit operations across composition arcs. Namespace editing will add or
update relocates in the appropriate layer's metadata relocates list. The
following example shows layer metadata with a relocate added by a namespace
editing operation to rename :sdfpath:`/mainModelA/modelAChild` to

.. code-block:: usda
#usda 1.0
relocates = {
</mainModelA/modelAChild>: </mainModelA/renamedChild>
For delete operations that require using relocates, namespace editing will
create a relocates mapping that maps a prim or property to a "deleted" target:

.. code-block:: python
# Delete a referenced prim, which will add a new relocates
.. code-block::
#usda 1.0
relocates = {
</RootPrim/ChildInRef>: <>
Note that the way in which relocates must "transfer" composed opinions prevents
you from re-defining a new prim at the deleted or moved target location:

.. code-block:: python
# Continuing from the earlier Python code, now try and define a prim at the
# deleted /RootPrim/ChildInRef path. This will result in a
# "Failed to define UsdPrim" error.
.. _nsedit_fixing_paths_for_moved_objects:

Fixing Paths For Moved Objects

@@ -318,16 +428,108 @@ With the flattened results looking like:
.. note::
Currently, direct edits across composition arcs, such as renaming just
:sdfpath:`/Shot1/shotAsset/assetChild` in the above example, is not supported
via namespace editing and will result in the following error (from
:code:`CanApplyEdits()` or :code:`ApplyEdits()`): "The prim to move requires
authoring relocates since it composes opinions introduced by ancestral
composition arcs; authoring relocates is not yet supported". Relocates will
be available in a future update.
.. _nsedit_fixing_edits_with_dependent_stages:

.. _namespace_editing_batch_edits:
Applying Edits to Dependent Stages

In some situations, a namespace edit applied to one stage can impact other
**dependent stages**. A dependent stage is any additional stage open in the
current session that has a composition dependency on any layer edits made for
the editor's primary stage. For example, you might have a stage that has
references to prims in the editor's primary stage, and you might have edits
that rename or delete the referenced prims.

By default, an editor only makes edits and fixes to the editor's primary stage.
However, you can add dependent stages to an editor via
:code:`AddDependentStage()` and the editor will make any necessary additional
edits in those dependent stages to update the composition dependencies

For example, we might have the layer :filename:`layer1.usda`, which will get
composed into the stage for which we'll create a namespace editor.

.. code-block:: usda
#usda 1.0
def "Prim1" {
def "Child" {
def "InternalRef1" (
references = </Prim1>
) {
over "Child" {
int overChildAttr
We also have an additional layer :filename:`layer2.usda` that references prims
in :filename:`layer1.usda`:

.. code-block:: usda
#usda 1.0
def "OtherStageRef2" (
references = @layer1.usda@</Prim1/Child>
) {
int overChildAttr
We can open both layers in separate stages, create a namespace editor for the
stage containing layer1, and add the stage containing layer2 as a dependent

.. code-block:: python
stage1 = Usd.Stage.Open("layer1.usda")
stage2 = Usd.Stage.Open("layer2.usda")
# Create a namespace editor for stage1
editor = Usd.NamespaceEditor(stage1)
# Add stage2 as a dependent stage for our stage1 editor
# Move /Prim1/Child to /Prim1/RenamedChild. This will not only
# update the prims and references in stage1, but also update the
# OtherStageRef2 reference in stage2
editor.MovePrimAtPath('/Prim1/Child', '/Prim1/RenamedChild')
After the edit, the root layer of stage2 looks like:

.. code-block:: usda
#usda 1.0
def "OtherStageRef2" (
references = @layer1.usda@</Prim1/RenamedChild>
int overChildAttr
You can use :code:`RemoveDependentStage()` to remove any added dependent stages
before making a namespace edit, when you do not want the dependent stage
dependencies updated.

If you have several dependent stages, you can set a list of dependent stages on
an editor using :code:`SetDependentStages()`.

Note that namespace editing finds dependencies in dependent stages based on
what is currently loaded in those stages. If a stage has dependencies in
unloaded payloads, load mask filtered prims, unselected variants, or children of
inactive prims, the namespace editor cannot find and update those dependencies.

.. _nsedit_batch_edits:

Batch Edits
@@ -370,12 +572,16 @@ Executing batches of edits will usually be more efficient than applying each
edit individually. USD will process the list of edits in a batch to determine
the most efficient way to apply them.

.. _nsedit_editing_best_practices:

Namespace Editing Best Practices

The following are some general best practices and caveats for namespace editing.

.. _nsedit_canapplyedits_validate_operations:

Use CanApplyEdits() To Validate Edit Operations

@@ -404,6 +610,8 @@ indicating the path does not resolve to a valid prim.
# Handle error, using canApplyResult.whyNot as needed, etc.
.. _nsedit_builtin_properties_not_editable:

Built-In Properties From Schemas Are Not Editable

@@ -429,3 +637,35 @@ would fail.
editor.DeletePropertyAtPath("/testSphere/customProp") # This is allowed
editor.DeletePropertyAtPath("/testSphere/radius") # This is not allowed and will cause an error
.. _nsedit_relocates_performance_impact:

Be Aware of Relocates Performance Impact

If your namespace editing operations result in adding **relocates** to your
stage, this can increase the number of composition arcs in your stage, which
could impact stage composition performance.

If you want to test whether a namespace edit will add relocates, you can
use an editor configured to disallow authoring relocates, and use
:code:`CanApplyEdits()` looking for any errors that indicate relocates would
be needed.

.. code-block:: python
# Create/use namespace editor that will not use relocates
noRelocatesEditOptions = Usd.NamespaceEditor.EditOptions()
noRelocatesEditOptions.allowRelocatesAuthoring = False
noRelocatesEditor = Usd.NamespaceEditor(stage, noRelocatesEditOptions)
# Rename /mainModelA/modelAChild to /mainModelA/renamedChild
# This editor is configured to not use relocates, so an error will be shown
removeResult = noRelocatesEditor.MovePrimAtPath("/mainModelA/modelAChild", "/mainModelA/renamedChild")
applyResult = noRelocatesEditor.CanApplyEdits()
if applyResult is not True:
# We should get a "The prim to edit requires authoring relocates since
# it composes opinions introduced by ancestral composition arcs;
# relocates authoring must be enabled to perform this edit" error
print ("noRelocatesEditor: Cannot apply edits, reason: " + applyResult.whyNot)

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