Wise man once said: No software can give you the feeling of the switches, just the sound.
tripleS is a keyboard switches sound simulator for Linux and MacOS written in Python.
=> to play soundspython-xlib
=> required bypyxhook
=> to listen to keyboard events
usage: tripleS.py [-h] [-v VOLUME] -s SOUNDS
Keyboard switches sound simulator.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v VOLUME, --volume VOLUME
Volume of switch sound (float)
-s SOUNDS, --sounds SOUNDS
Path to directory cotaining switches sounds. Have a look at https://github.com/PlankCipher/tripleS#sounds for more info
python tripleS.py -s sounds/modelm/
python tripleS.py -s sounds/hhkb2_pro_topre -v 1.7
Currently, the supported file types are wav
and mp3
. The directory containing keyboard switches sounds you want to play can and must be specified via the -s
The directory must contain the following so that the program accepts using it:
- A file called
for the enter key sound. - A file called
for the space key sound. - At least one file for the sound of the rest of the keys. The file can be called anything as long as it ends with
. The more files you have for this, the more variety of sounds you get.
Contributions are highly appreciated, specially with sound files.
The credit for Model M
and Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional 2
sounds goes to millerjs.