Before messing up with the code get yourself ready with all the tooling needed, otherwise you will end up crying and pulling your hair out.
- Python ^3.10
- Poetry (I wrote something about this in Medium - Python virtual environments, Poetry) or whatever tool to manage virtual environments
- pymongo
Tip: If you need to manage different python versions, I would recommend you to use pyenv
Choose the python version desired and install it, for example:
pyenv install 3.10.7
To install project dependencies execute the following commands:
poetry install
Or, if you don't use Poetry
pip install -r requirements.txt
- target: help - Display callable targets
- target: logs - Show live logs
- target: shell - open a shell in the specified service container
- target: test - Run all available test (exclude load tests)
- target: deps - create the requirements.txt from the pyproject.toml
- target: build - Build the lambda function image.
- target: run - Run the lamba function and mongoDB containers
- target: down - Stop and Remove the lamba function and mongoDB containers
- target: invoke - Invoke the lambda function locally.
- target: mongo-init - Check that your Mongo database is working by inserting a test document.
The Lambda function deployed locally work almost the same as a lambda function running in AWS. By running it locally, we can test its behavior together with other components, in this case, a NoSQL database.
This challenge ask for saving the processed data into DynamoDB which is NoSQL AWS database, but in order to be able to test the processing process (a very very simple one) and the data saving process, we are going to use a MongoDB instance(or DocumentDB in AWS), which is also a NoSQL database, to save the data.
This time, were are not going to deploy the lambda function. We are going to deploy it locally and test it. For this, first, we you need to build the Docker image.
docker build -t galeo-lambda .
To start the project, first, check the the .env_example
file an copy its content. Then create an .env
file, paste the content and fill the variables.
Once you have a prover .env
file, you can start the project jus by running:
make run
if you dont have 'make' then source you .env
and run
docker compose up -d
This action will create bouth the lambda function container and mongodb. If you want to know that your MongoDB container is properly configured and functional you can run:
make mongo_init or python scripts/
This basically, insert an initial value in the database "galeo" within the colletion "temperature".
{ _id: ObjectId("6499baa7e98d6080a2ecfbe1"), temperature: '0' }
To invoke you lambda function (AWS - Deploy Python Lambda functions with container images) we are gonig to use curl
but you can use postman or insomnia to perform the invocation, it's just a simple POST request.
For this you can use:
make invoke
Under the hood this command executes:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST "http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations" --data @events/event.json
In case you want to run it manually.
As you can see, we are, actually, using an 'event' that contains the following data
"body": {"data": [{"temperature": "27"}, {"temperature": "31"}, {"temperature": "36"}]},
You should see somethid like the following:
{"isBase64Encoded": false, "statusCode": 200, "body": "Data has been successfully processed and saved.", "headers": {"content-type": "application/json"}}
To be sure that the lambda function invokation works, just check that the data was inserted in the database. For this, open an interactive terminal for the MongoDB container:
make shell mongodb
docker exec -it mongodb bash
After that, login into the database by running:
mongosh --username user --authenticationDatabase admin
As password use password
Then follow the next steps:
use galeo
You should see something like this:
{ _id: ObjectId("649aa07bdb63b64cb375dd44"), temperature: '27' },
{ _id: ObjectId("649aa07bdb63b64cb375dd45"), temperature: '31' },
{ _id: ObjectId("649aa07bdb63b64cb375dd46"), temperature: '36' }
AS you can see the data inside the Event used to invoke the Lamda function was inserted sucessfully.