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Merge pull request #16 from PnX-SI/update-geotrek-view #15
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Update v_treks_schema #15
  • Loading branch information
IdrissaD authored Apr 13, 2022
2 parents b12c978 + e8fc975 commit 34ebd88
Showing 1 changed file with 34 additions and 25 deletions.
59 changes: 34 additions & 25 deletions geotrek/v_treks_schema.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,17 +6,27 @@ DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_treks_schema;

CREATE VIEW v_treks_schema AS
-- Constantes à adapter à votre contexte
constants AS (
'https://urlduportailgeotrekrando/' AS url_rando,
'https://urlduportailgeotrekadmin/' AS url_admin,
'[email protected]' AS contact,
'CC-BY-SA-ND' AS default_licence
-- Liste des identifiants des relations OpenStreetMap des randonnées si elles existent
osm AS (
--(904197,12076664), -- Exemple d'une randonnée et sa relation dans OSM
) AS liste (trek_id,id_osm)
-- Liste des itinéraires, à adapter à votre contexte si vous souhaitez les filtrer
selected_t AS (
FROM trekking_trek t
WHERE t.published IS TRUE
JOIN core_topology ct ON = t.topo_object_id
WHERE t.published IS true and ct.deleted = false
sources AS (
SELECT string_agg(c_1."name", ',')::text AS noms_source, t_1.trek_id -- création d'une chaîne de caractères de toutes les sources de l'itinéraire
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,7 +61,7 @@ WITH
ELSE 'autre'
'url', COALESCE(
(SELECT url_admin FROM constants LIMIT 1) || '/media/' || NULLIF(c_1.attachment_file, ''),
(SELECT url_admin FROM constants LIMIT 1) || 'media/' || NULLIF(c_1.attachment_file, ''),
NULLIF(c_1.attachment_link, ''),
Expand All @@ -72,37 +82,36 @@ WITH
JOIN selected_t t ON t.topo_object_id = tnet.trek_id
GROUP BY tnet.trek_id
sol AS (
SELECT string_agg(t_1."name", ',') AS liste, e.topo_object_id
FROM land_physicaledge e
JOIN land_physicaltype t_1 ON e.physical_type_id =
JOIN selected_t t ON t.topo_object_id = e.topo_object_id
GROUP BY e.topo_object_id
tp AS (
SELECT practice."name" as practice_name, cirkwi."name" as cirkwi_name,
FROM trekking_practice practice
LEFT JOIN cirkwi_cirkwilocomotion cirkwi ON = practice.cirkwi_id
parent AS (
SELECT string_agg(o.parent_id::text, ',') AS liste, t.topo_object_id
FROM trekking_orderedtrekchild o
JOIN selected_t t ON t.topo_object_id = o.child_id
GROUP BY t.topo_object_id
t.topo_object_id::varchar(250) AS id_local,
sources.noms_source AS producteur,
(SELECT contact FROM constants LIMIT 1) AS contact, -- adresse mail à renseigner dans les constantes
NULL AS uuid, -- pas d'uuid prévu dans Geotrek
-- construction de l'url valable pour Geotrek-rando V2 (voir juste en-dessous pour l'url V3)
top.uuid AS uuid, -- UUID disponibles depuis la version 2.70.0 de Geotrek-admin
-- Construction de l'url valable pour Geotrek-rando V2 (voir juste en-dessous pour l'url V3)
(SELECT url_rando FROM constants LIMIT 1) || lower(unaccent(replace(tp.practice_name, ' ', '-'))) || '/'
|| lower(unaccent(replace(btrim(regexp_replace(t."name", '[^\w -]', '', 'g')), ' ', '-'))) || '/' AS url,
-- construction de l'url valable pour Geotrek-rando V3 :
-- (SELECT url_rando FROM constants LIMIT 1) || 'trek/' || t.topo_object_id || '-' || replace(btrim(regexp_replace(t."name", '[^\w -]', '', 'g')), ' ', '-') AS url,
NULL AS id_osm,
-- Construction de l'url valable pour Geotrek-rando V3 :
-- (SELECT url_rando FROM constants LIMIT 1) || 'trek/' || t.topo_object_id || '-' || replace(btrim(regexp_replace(t."name", '[^\d\w,()]', '', 'g')), ' ', '-') AS url,
t."name" AS nom_itineraire,
tp.practice_name AS pratique, -- uniquement valable si vos noms de pratiques correspondent déjà au schéma, sinon passer par quelque chose comme : CASE WHEN tp.practice_name ILIKE 'Randonnée Trail' THEN 'trail'::text END AS pratique
lower(route.route::text) AS type_itineraire,
lower(route.route::text) AS type_itineraire, -- idem que pour les pratiques, uniquement valable si vos noms de types d'itinéraires correspondent déjà au schéma, sinon passer par un CASE WHEN
c.liste_noms::text AS communes_nom,
c.liste_codes::text AS communes_code,
btrim(t.departure) AS depart,
btrim(t.arrival) AS arrivee,
round(t.duration::numeric,1)::real AS duree,
t.duration::real AS duree,
balisage.b::text AS balisage,
top.length::integer AS longueur,
difficulty.difficulty AS difficulte,
Expand All @@ -119,32 +128,32 @@ SELECT
t.access AS acces_routier,
t.public_transport AS transports,
advised_parking AS parking_info,
ST_AsText(st_snaptogrid(st_transform(parking_location, 4326), 0.000027::double precision)) AS parking_geometrie,
-- Reprojection des géométries en 4326
ST_AsText(st_transform(parking_location, 4326)) AS parking_geometrie,
date(top.date_insert)::text AS date_creation,
date(top.date_update)::text AS date_modification,
medias.liste AS medias,
parent.parent_id::varchar AS itineraire_parent,
sol.liste::text AS type_sol,
parent.liste::text AS itineraire_parent,
NULL::text AS type_sol,
NULL::boolean AS pdipr_inscription,
NULL::text AS pdipr_date_inscription,
-- réduction de la précision des coordonnées à 5 décimales, simplification de la géométrie pour réduire le nombre de points. Poids de la géométrie divisé par 7.5
st_simplifypreservetopology(st_snaptogrid(st_transform(top.geom, 4326), 0.000027::double precision), 0.000027::double precision) AS geom
-- Reprojection des géométries en 4326
st_transform(top.geom, 4326) AS geom
FROM selected_t t
JOIN core_topology top ON t.topo_object_id =
JOIN sources ON t.topo_object_id = sources.trek_id
LEFT JOIN sources ON t.topo_object_id = sources.trek_id
JOIN tp ON = t.practice_id
LEFT JOIN osm ON t.topo_object_id = osm.trek_id
LEFT JOIN trekking_route route ON t.route_id =
LEFT JOIN trekking_difficultylevel difficulty ON = t.difficulty_id
LEFT JOIN handi ON t.topo_object_id = handi.trek_id
LEFT JOIN trekking_orderedtrekchild parent ON t.topo_object_id = parent.child_id
LEFT JOIN parent ON t.topo_object_id = parent.topo_object_id
LEFT JOIN themes ON t.topo_object_id = themes.trek_id
LEFT JOIN medias ON t.topo_object_id = medias.object_id
LEFT JOIN balisage ON t.topo_object_id = balisage.trek_id
LEFT JOIN sol ON t.topo_object_id = sol.topo_object_id
LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( -- construction des listes des noms de commune et des codes INSEE
SELECT string_agg(z."name", ',') AS liste_noms, string_agg(z.code, ',') AS liste_codes,
FROM core_topology c_1
JOIN zoning_city z ON t.topo_object_id = AND st_intersects(c_1.geom, z.geom)
) c ON true;

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