A mostly-coherent set of projects all in the category of free and open-source language learning software.
They may be written in any programming language and framework - whichever one makes sense for the project at hand.
Created and maintained by yelircaasi.
Tools for aligning pairs of texts in different languages (or different translations in the same language).
Tools for creating attractive output formats from aligned parallel texts.
Application for pronunciation training. Powered by neural networks, speech signal processing techniques, and speech-to-text alignment algorithms.
High-quality, end-to-end TTS for Classical Latin and Attic Ancient Greek.
Julia package for investigating cognates and borrowings, with a focus on their use in language learning.
- minimal working version of parallel-text-finisher, with nice basic CLI interface
- Gale-Church algorithm coded and build in adapted version of original C code
- port Gale-Church to Cython, or alternatively make bindings to the C code
- minimal working version of parallel-text-aligner with nice basic CLI interface
- investigate Wiktionary API to determine how much needs to be done via HTML vs API
- find best Julia packages needed by WiktionaryTool.jl
- get minimal version of WiktionaryTool.jl working
- look into native compilation and distribution options for Julia (i.e. binary for people who don't want to install Julia)
- plan subsequent tasks