Phase 2 personal project
git clone
npm install
npm run knex migrate:latest
npm run knex seed:run
npm start
- As a user I would like to be greeted with a home page.
- I want to have a login/sign up button
- I want to have access to general information about the Puna.
- As an administrator I want to add a new child and their information so that I can keep a record of all the children and the parents can access their records.
- This will involve writing to more than one table in separate queries.
- You should create a form to enter the user information, and a route which will be the form's action.
- As a user I want to be able to access information about my own child after logging in so that I can find out more about them.
- This is a one to one or many depending how many children you have relationship: a user or parent has ONE profile page and one or many kids connected to that one page.
- You'll need a profiles table with a user_id column and some other useful information about the user, like some ID number that'll relate them to their child/rens information or data.