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Use this field plug-in to easily embed YouTube videos into your form.

For this field plug-in, enter the link to the YouTube video for the link parameter (see Parameters below), and that YouTube video will be embedded into the field. It can be watched directly from there, with no need to open another application. Since the field does not take a value, make sure it is not required.

Note 1: The YouTube video will not be cached, so it can only be watched while the collection device is online.

Note 2: This plug-in does not work with unlisted videos.

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Default SurveyCTO feature support

Feature / Property Support
Supported field type(s) text
Default values Yes
Custom constraint message No
Custom required message No
Read only No
media:image Yes
media:audio Yes
media:video No
number appearance No
numbers_decimal appearance No
numbers_phone appearance No
show_formatted appearance No

How to use

To use this field plug-in as-is, just download the file from this repo, and attach it to your form.

To create your own field plug-in using this as a template, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repo

  2. Make changes to the files in the source directory.

    • Note: be sure to update the manifest.json file as well.
  3. Zip the updated contents of the source directory.

  4. Rename the .zip file to (replace yourpluginname with the name you want to use for your field plug-in).

  5. You may then attach your new file to your form as normal.


There is one parameter, link, which is the link to the YouTube video. You can simply copy this from the URL bar of your web browser. For example, if you wanted to embed part 1 of the video series on offline map layers, you would use this appearance for your text field:


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