# Deployed Backend URL will go here later
- Created backend REST APIs full project of review and rating system for the events.
- User Login and SignUp functionality with full validation, bcrypt passsword in backend, JWT token for secure user authentication.
- Organizer Login and SignUp functionality with full validation, bcrypt passsword in backend, JWT token for secure user authentication.
- Implementing middlewares for both user authorization and organizer authorization for secure APIs accessibility.
- Organizer can create/schedule events, display all the events, update/reschedule events and delete event also.
- User after SignUp/loggedIn, can view all reviews of a event, submit review, like review, report review, give rating for different criteria like registrationExperience, eventExperience, breakFastExperience and overall ratings.
- If report of a review is greater than or equal to 5 then that review will be flagged.
- Organizer can respond to a particular review.
- Implementing pagination features for browsing through rating/reviews, ensuring efficient handling of large datasets.
Backend: Node.js, Express.js.
Database: MongoDB.
Backend APIs Testing Tool: Postman.
Step:1- Clone the project
git clone
Step:2- Go to the project directory
cd Event-Review-Rating-System
Step:3- Install all the dependencies in Backend folder.
- Installl dependencies for backend
cd Backend/
npm install
Step:4- Create .env file in your Backend folder which will contain all your development environment private keys(variables) and their values
Step:5- Start the Backend server / app
- Start the app.js
//open new terminal
cd Backend/
npm run dev
Step:6- Now Review and Rating System App is running in your local system.