Built 3 small basic python projects for practicing python concepts like conditional loops, if-else-elif, working with json files, using API.
It is a normal CLI based functionality which is using CRUD functions where we can add tasks, update tasks, read the whole list and also can delete a single task or can clear the entire row, also ticking the task as done or not is also available.
- Basic CRUD understanding and applications
- Strengthen if-else use cases.
- Coding
Again a CLI based software where we can directly save our contacts into a json file where you can easily see and fetch details of any user saved previously.
- Using python for json
- file management
- Storing elements into json format
It is a software where I have used an API, which helps to keep the currency exchange rates as updated as possible and also reduced work as if coding itself it will take alot of time to cover that much currencies available on the circular globe. It uses requests library to get and post things, used streamlit to deploying the functionalities as use case.
- Using API, how to get API key
- How API works
- Streamlit basics and how to use it to deploy basic website as a software
- how to get and post queries
Will add more projects atleast 7 more.