isp&icsp js sdk
npm install js-isp
import {ICSP, ISP} from "js-isp";
import {HttpAgent} from "@dfinity/agent";
import {authClient} from "@/utils/getAgent/identity";
(async () => {
* ic agent:
* if plug maybe : await window.ic.plug.agent
const agent = new HttpAgent({
identity: await authClient.getIdentity(),
host: ""
const ispApi = new ISP(agent)
*subAccount:account in isp
* You should recharge ICP to this account to create icsp or topup icsp
const subAccount = await ispApi.get_sub_account()
//create icsp: two ways
* 1、
* create icsp and topup use ICP
* @arguments:
* icspName:the name of icsp
* icp_to_create_amount:the amount to create icsp(Suggestion:>0.2icp)
* icp_to_topup_amount:the amount to topup this icsp(1icp ≈ 4.7T Cycle)
* @return:
* craeteICSPRes1 :Result_1== { 'ok': Principal } | { 'err': Error}
* */
const createICSPRes1 = await ispApi.create_icsp_topup_by_icp({
icspName: "first",
icp_to_create_amount: {e8s: BigInt(0.2 * 1e8)},
icp_to_topup_amount: {e8s: BigInt(0.2 * 1e8)}
* 2、
* create icsp and topup use XTC
* @arguments:
* icspName:the name of icsp
* icp_to_create_amount:the amount to create icsp(Suggestion:>0.2icp)
* xtc_to_topup_amount:the amount to topup this icsp(1 xtc = 1T Cycle)
* @return:
* craeteICSPRes2 : CreateRes = {
icspCanisterId: Result_1;
burnTransactionId: BurnResult;
* !!attention:
* create icsp use the balance of subAccount
* topup up use the balance of xtc ,So you should prepare enough xtc in principal in advance(principal not the subAccount)
* Best Practices:
* Add icp to subAccount to create icsp(maybe 0.2 icp)
* Use to exchange cheap xtc for plug wallet(1 icp ≈ 15.7 xtc)
* then call this function to create icsp.
* */
const createICSPRes2 = await ispApi.create_icsp_topup_by_xtc({
icspName: "first",
icp_to_create_amount: {e8s: BigInt(0.2 * 1e8)},
xtc_to_topup_amount: {e8s: BigInt(2 * 1e12)}
}) as any
const cai = createICSPRes2.icspCanisterId.ok
const icspApi = new ICSP(cai, agent)
* initialize icsp
* @return:
* initRes:LiveBucketExt={
'used_memory': bigint;
'canister_id': Principal;
* canister_id is the first bucket to store file
* if canister_id === icsp_canisterId means init failed
* */
const initRes = await icspApi.init()
// get the icsp_balance
const cycle = await icspApi.get_cycle_balance()
const fileArr: File[] = []
* store file
* @argument :
* fileArr:file array to upload
* is_http_open:Is this file accessible via http
* */
await icspApi.store_file(fileArr, true)
* get file_blob
* @argument the file_key
* @return : file_blob
* */
const blob = await icspApi.get_file("fcShISH0Ootg-IN3M9VKL")
get_user_icsps(): Promise<icsp[]>
export declare type icsp = [string, Principal];
Returns all created icsp
get_sub_account(): Promise<string>;
get_icp_balance(): Promise<bigint>;
transfer_out_icp(accountAdress: string, amount: {
e8s: bigint;
}): Promise<bigint>;
Transfer icp in subAccount to other account
create_icsp_topup_by_xtc(createArgs: createByXTCArg): Promise<CreateRes>;
export declare type createByXTCArg = {
icspName: string;
icp_to_create_amount: {
e8s: bigint;
xtc_to_topup_amount: {
e8s: bigint;
create_icsp_topup_by_icp(createArgs: createByIcpArg): Promise<Result_1>
export declare type createByIcpArg = {
icspName: string;
icp_to_create_amount: {
e8s: bigint;
icp_to_topup_amount: {
e8s: bigint;
get_cycle_balance(): Promise<bigint>
init(): Promise<LiveBucketExt>
export interface LiveBucketExt {
'used_memory': bigint;
'canister_id': Principal;
allFiles(): Promise<allFiles>
export declare type allFiles = {
ArFiles: string[];
ICFiles: string[];
IPFSFiles: string[];
getFileInfo(key: string): Promise<FileBufExt>;
export interface FileBufExt {
'bucket_id': Principal,
'total_index': bigint,
'wrote_page': Array<boolean>,
'file_type': string,
'is_http_open': boolean,
'total_size': bigint,
'received': bigint,
getAllArFileKey(): Promise<string[]>
getAllIcFileKey(): Promise<string[]>
getAllIpfsFileKey(): Promise<string[]>
recordFile(OtherFile: OtherFile): Promise<unknown>
export interface OtherFile {
'file_location': FileLocation;
'file_key': string;
'file_url': string;
'file_type': string;
get_icsp_buckets(): Promise<getBucketsRes>;
export declare type getBucketsRes = [] | [Buckets]
export interface Buckets {
'old_buckets': Array<Principal>;
'live_buckets': Array<LiveBucketExt__1>;
export interface LiveBucketExt__1 {
'used_memory': bigint;
'canister_id': Principal;
store_file(files: File[] | string[], is_http_open: boolean): Promise<string[]>
get_file(fileKey: string): Promise<Blob | string>