A TypeScript/JavaScript SDK for interacting with the Tapestry Social API. Build social features into your app with ease.
- 🔑 Profile Management: Create, update, and manage user profiles with support for wallet addresses and phone numbers
- đź‘Ą Social Graph: Handle follows/unfollows and social relationships
- đź’¬ Content & Comments: Manage user-generated content and interactions
- ❤️ Likes: Handle social engagement through likes
- 🔍 Search: Search for profiles and content
- 📱 Notifications: Send notifications to users (wallet notifications supported)
- đź“Š Activity Feed: Get user activity feeds including follows, content, likes, comments, and new followers
- đź’± Swap Activity: Track swap transactions from followed wallets or specific tokens
- 🔓 Direct API Access: Access the underlying API client for advanced use cases
- 🎯 Identity Resolution: Find associated profiles across namespaces using phone numbers or wallet addresses
- 🛠️ Debug Mode: Optional debug logging for API calls
npm install socialfi
# or
yarn add socialfi
# or
pnpm add socialfi
import TapestryClient from 'socialfi';
// Initialize the client with your API key
const client = new TapestryClient({
apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
// Optional: override the base URL
baseURL: 'https://api.usetapestry.dev/api/v1',
// Optional: enable debug mode for API call logging
debug: false,
// Example: Create a profile
async function createProfile() {
try {
const profile = await client.createProfile({
username: 'johndoe',
walletAddress: 'YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS', // Optional
phoneNumber: '+1234567890', // Optional
bio: 'Hello, World!',
image: 'https://example.com/avatar.jpg',
properties: [
// Optional custom properties
{ key: 'twitter', value: '@johndoe' },
console.log('Profile created:', profile);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating profile:', error);
// Example: Follow a user
async function followUser() {
try {
await client.followUser('YOUR_PROFILE_ID', 'TARGET_PROFILE_ID');
console.log('Successfully followed user');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error following user:', error);
// Example: Get user's followers
async function getFollowers(profileId: string) {
try {
const followers = await client.getProfile(profileId);
console.log('Profile details:', followers);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error getting followers:', error);
// Advanced: Direct API access
async function advancedUsage() {
// Access any API endpoint directly, even if not wrapped by the SDK
const result = await client.api.profiles.profilesList({
page: '1',
pageSize: '20',
sortBy: 'created_at',
sortDirection: 'DESC',
The TapestryClient
constructor accepts the following configuration options:
interface TapestryConfig {
apiKey: string; // Required: Your Tapestry API key
baseURL?: string; // Optional: Override the default API URL
debug?: boolean; // Optional: Enable debug logging
// Create a profile
const profile = await client.createProfile({
username: 'username',
walletAddress: 'address', // Optional
phoneNumber: '+1234567890', // Optional
bio: 'bio',
image: 'image_url',
properties: [
// Optional custom properties
{ key: 'custom_field', value: 'value' },
// Update a profile
const updatedProfile = await client.updateProfile('profile_id', {
username: 'new_username',
bio: 'new_bio',
properties: [{ key: 'updated_field', value: 'new_value' }],
// Get profile details
const profileDetails = await client.getProfile('profile_id');
// Find profiles by identity
const identityProfiles = await client.api.identities.identitiesDetail({
id: 'wallet_address_or_phone',
// Follow a user
await client.followUser('follower_id', 'target_id');
// Unfollow a user
await client.unfollowUser('follower_id', 'target_id');
// Check if following
const isFollowing = await client.isFollowing('user_id', 'target_id');
// Get social counts for a wallet
const socialCounts = await client.api.wallets.socialCountsDetail({
address: 'wallet_address',
// Create content
const content = await client.createContent({
id: 'content_id',
profileId: 'author_id',
properties: [
{ key: 'content_type', value: 'post' },
{ key: 'text', value: 'Hello world!' },
// Add a comment
const comment = await client.createComment({
contentId: 'content_id',
profileId: 'author_id',
text: 'Great post!',
properties: [{ key: 'visibility', value: 'public' }],
// Like content
await client.likeContent('content_id', 'user_id');
// Unlike content
await client.unlikeContent('content_id', 'user_id');
// Get content details
const contentDetails = await client.getContent('content_id');
// Search for profiles
const searchResults = await client.searchProfiles('search query');
// Get activity feed
const activityFeed = await client.getActivityFeed('username');
// Get swap activity
const swapActivity = await client.api.activity.swapList({
profileId: 'user_id',
tokenAddress: 'token_address', // Optional
// Send a wallet notification
await client.api.notifications.notificationsCreate(
recipient: 'wallet_address',
title: 'New Message',
body: 'You have a new message!',
data: {
type: 'message',
messageId: '123',
For advanced use cases or accessing API endpoints not yet wrapped by the SDK, you can use the underlying API client directly:
// Access the underlying API client
const { api } = client;
// Use any API endpoint directly
const profiles = await api.profiles.profilesList({
page: '1',
pageSize: '20',
sortBy: 'created_at',
sortDirection: 'DESC',
// Batch operations
const batchResults = await api.contents.batchReadCreate({}, ['content_id_1', 'content_id_2']);
// Complex queries with custom properties
const searchResults = await api.search.profilesList({
query: 'search term',
includeExternalProfiles: 'true',
page: '1',
pageSize: '50',
The SDK uses Axios for HTTP requests. All API calls can throw errors that should be handled appropriately:
try {
const result = await client.getProfile('profile_id');
} catch (error) {
if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) {
// Handle API errors
console.error('API Error:', error.response?.data);
// Check specific error codes
if (error.response?.status === 404) {
console.error('Profile not found');
} else {
// Handle other errors
console.error('Unknown error:', error);
This SDK is written in TypeScript and provides comprehensive type definitions for all API responses and parameters. Import types directly:
import TapestryClient, {
// Profile types
// Content types
// Comment types
// Social types
// Activity types
// Search types
// Common types
} from 'socialfi';
API Key Security: Never expose your API key in client-side code. Use environment variables and server-side authentication.
Error Handling: Always implement proper error handling for API calls.
Rate Limiting: Be mindful of API rate limits and implement appropriate retry logic.
Custom Properties: Use custom properties to extend functionality while maintaining compatibility.
Debug Mode: Enable debug mode during development to log API calls for troubleshooting.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes:
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add amazing feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/amazing-feature
) - Open a Pull Request
- Documentation: Tapestry Documentation
- Issues: GitHub Issues
- Email: [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.