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image Editor is the crucial tool for every photographer and youtuber which enables them to perform their task quickly and effectively. Thus for that purpose only I have created a java ImageEditor with some primary features like converting the image to graySCale,brightening the image,finding the pixels etc. this project also helps coding enthuciast in order to boost their confidence and enhance themselves to become a better version of themselves.


  • Convert to GRAY SCALE : The image will be converted to grayish in color. imageEditorjava

  • Change BRIGHTNESS by percentage : The brightness of image will change according to the percentage as provided by the user. imageEditorjava

  • printing PIXELVALUE of image : Images concists of pixels,this function will show you those pixels. imageEditorjava

  • rotating CLOCKWISE : this feature rotates the image clockwise.


  • rotating ANTICLOCKWISE : this feature rotates the image anticlockwise. imageEditor

  • FLIPHORIZONTAL : this feature flips the image. imageEditor

    • BLURRING THE IMAGE : This feature blurs the image imageEditor

let's START


  • better to use LINUX(works in windows as well)
  • JAVA installed on system
  • an IMAGE


  • javax.imageio.ImageIO;
  • java.awt.*;
  • java.awt.image.*;
  • java.nio.Buffer;
  • java.util.Scanner;

Explanation of all the function and features

-THE GRAY SCALING In the grayscale conversion process, I started by getting the height and width of the image that requires editing,then I employ a nested loop to access each individual pixel within the image.After that I assigned these pixel values to a new BufferedImage, carefully specifying its type as 'BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY.' As a result of this operation, a grayscale image is generated and saved in the current directory,thus representing the desired image.

In the starting, I begin by getting the height and width of the image that requires change. Next, I created a fresh BufferedImage,Within this framework, I implement a nested loop to access and process individual pixel values in the source image.

CHANGING BRIGHTNESS OF IMAGE To start the process, I first get the height and width of the image. next, I created a BufferedImage, where the next adjustments will be applied.

after that, I gave a chnace to the user, to give a desired percentage for increasing the image's brightness. This percentage should be under 1 to 100. as the user provide input,then function is called and operation is performed.

During this , I took the red, green, and blue pixel values of the image by the percentage goven by the user. though,I took care that this valur should be from 0 to 255.

This manipulation of pixel values increases or decreases the image's brightness as per the input. thus, the modified image is stored in the filename "changedbrightness.jpg,".

PRINTING PIXEL(RGB) VALUES In starting, I begin by extracting the dimensions, the height and width, of the image . Subsequently, I create a fresh BufferedImage.

The next step involves check of the image's individual pixel values.

I employ the Color object, which provides a set of built-in methods for retrieving the specific color components. For example, the 'getRed()' method allows me to get the first 8 bits of the 32-bit value, corresponding to the red channel. Similarly, I can get blue, green, and transparency components.

By using these Color object methods,I do the required task and showed the pixel correctly.

ROTATING CLOCKWISE During this iteration, I gave pixel value to the corresponding row and column within the newly created BufferedImage. This careful mapping ensures that the pixel values from the source image seamlessly transfer to their designated locations in the newly constructed BufferedImage. The result of this meticulous operation is a transformed image . This transformed image is saved in the name "rotatedClockwise.jpg," .

ROTATING ANTICLOCKWISE Here I gave pixel value to the corresponding rows and column in the newly created buffered image. Thus ensuring that the pixels from source image is transferred to their designated location . this results in a image which completes our purpose of rotating it anticlockwise which gets stored in "rotatedAntiClockwise.jpg".

FLIPPING THE IMAGE HORIZONTALLY in it,I started by getting the height and width of the image . then,I created BufferedImage.

it involves a nested loop getting the individual pixel values within the source image. Within it, I make adjustments to these pixel values as requirede .

This process results in a horizontally rotated version of the input image. The resulting image is then stored with the filename "flipedHorizontal.jpg" .


taking width and height of image.It creates a new BufferedImage called blurredImage.

The code then enters nested loops to iterate through each pixel in the input image. For each pixel at position (x, y) in the input image, it initializes variables avgRed, avgGreen, and avgBlue to 0, which will be used to accumulate the sum of color values for the pixels.

The code then enters two additional nested loops.

For each offset, it calculates the posX and posY coordinates of the neighboring pixel. then, it retrieves the color of that pixel using inputImage.getRGB(posX, posY). It extracts the red, green, and blue color components from the retrieved pixel. After processing all the neighboring pixels in the neighborhood, it calculates the average color values by dividing avgRed, avgGreen, and avgBlue by numPixels. It combines the average color values to create a new blurred pixel. Finally, it sets this new blurred pixel as the color of the corresponding pixel in the blurredImage using blurredImage.setRGB(x, y, blurredPixel).It all continues and we gets the blurred image.


  • write the code for respective function according to your purpose
  • the functions represented here are:
  • changing image to gray scale
  • changing brightness of image
  • printing pixel values of image
  • rotating image clockwise
  • rotating image Anticlockwise
  • flipping the image horizontally
  • after writing the code,run the code by terminal.
  • your desired image will be created succesfully.


  • public class imageeditor { This line defines the start of the imageeditor class.

-public static BufferedImage convertToGrayScale(BufferedImage inputImage){ This method takes a BufferedImage as input and converts it to grayscale. It returns a new grayscale BufferedImage.

-int height = inputImage.getheight(); int width = inputImage.getwidth(); These lines attempt to get the height and width of the input image.

-BufferedImage outputImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY); a new BufferedImage is created with the width and height and set to grayscale mode (TYPE_BYTE_GRAY).

-for(int i=0;i<height;i++){
for(int j=0;j<width;j++){
    outputImage.setRGB(j, i, inputImage.getRGB(j,i));

} This nested loop runs over each pixel, getting the color value, and sets pixel in the output grayscale image with the same color value.

-public static BufferedImage changeBrightness(BufferedImage inputImage, int increase){ This method takes an input image and an integer increase value to adjust the brightness. It gives a new BufferedImage with the adjusted brightness.

  • int height = inputImage.getHeight(); int width = inputImage.getWidth(); BufferedImage outputImage = new BufferedImage(width,height,BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); Here, it gets the height and width of the input image and creates a new BufferedImage with the same dimensions and in the RGB color mode (TYPE_3BYTE_BGR).

-for(int i=0;i<height;i++){ for(int j=0;j<width;j++){ // ... } } Inside the nested loops, it runs through each pixel of the input image, getting the red, green, and blue color components, and adjusting them based on the increase value to change brightness.

The program contains similar methods for rotating the image clockwise, anticlockwise, and flipping it horizontally. they have similar structure.

-public static void printPixelValues(BufferedImage inputImage){ This line creates a File object pointing to the input image file named "image.jpg."

-try { BufferedImage inputImage =; // ... } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Inside a try-catch block, it attempts to read the input image using and handles any potential IOException that may occur.

The program then calls the various image processing methods, creates new image files for the processed images, and writes the processed images to those files using ImageIO.write().

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