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Emoji Mart is a Slack-like customizable
emoji picker component for React
Demo β€’ Changelog

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Missive | Team email, team chat, team tasks, one app
Brought to you by the Missive team


npm install --save emoji-mart



import 'emoji-mart/css/emoji-mart.css'
import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

<Picker set='apple' />
<Picker onSelect={this.addEmoji} />
<Picker title='Pick your emoji…' emoji='point_up' />
<Picker style={{ position: 'absolute', bottom: '20px', right: '20px' }} />
<Picker i18n={{ search: 'Recherche', categories: { search: 'RΓ©sultats de recherche', recent: 'RΓ©cents' } }} />
Prop Required Default Description
autoFocus false Auto focus the search input when mounted
color #ae65c5 The top bar anchors select and hover color
emoji department_store The emoji shown when no emojis are hovered, set to an empty string to show nothing
include [] Only load included categories. Accepts I18n categories keys. Order will be respected, except for the recent category which will always be the first.
exclude [] Don't load excluded categories. Accepts I18n categories keys.
custom [] Custom emojis
recent Pass your own frequently used emojis as array of string IDs
enableFrequentEmojiSort false Instantly sort β€œFrequently Used” category
emojiSize 24 The emoji width and height
onClick Params: (emoji, event) => {}. Not called when emoji is selected with enter
onSelect Params: (emoji) => {}
onSkinChange Params: (skin) => {}
perLine 9 Number of emojis per line. While there’s no minimum or maximum, this will affect the picker’s width. This will set Frequently Used length as well (perLine * 4)
i18n {…} An object containing localized strings
native false Renders the native unicode emoji
set apple The emoji set: 'apple', 'google', 'twitter', 'facebook'
theme light The picker theme: 'auto', 'light', 'dark'
sheetSize 64 The emoji sheet size: 16, 20, 32, 64
backgroundImageFn ((set, sheetSize) => …) A Fn that returns that image sheet to use for emojis. Useful for avoiding a request if you have the sheet locally.
emojisToShowFilter ((emoji) => true) A Fn to choose whether an emoji should be displayed or not
showPreview true Display preview section
showSkinTones true Display skin tones picker. Disable both this and showPreview to remove the footer entirely.
emojiTooltip false Show emojis short name when hovering (title)
useButton true When clickable, render emojis with a <button>. Some browsers have issues rendering certain emojis on a button, so you might want to disable this. It is better for accessibility to use buttons.
skin Forces skin color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
defaultSkin 1 Default skin color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
skinEmoji The emoji used to pick a skin tone. Uses an emoji-less skin tone picker by default
style Inline styles applied to the root element. Useful for positioning
title Emoji Martβ„’ The title shown when no emojis are hovered
notFoundEmoji sleuth_or_spy The emoji shown when there are no search results
notFound Not Found
icons {} Custom icons


search: 'Search',
clear: 'Clear', // Accessible label on "clear" button
notfound: 'No Emoji Found',
skintext: 'Choose your default skin tone',
categories: {
  search: 'Search Results',
  recent: 'Frequently Used',
  smileys: 'Smileys & Emotion',
  people: 'People & Body',
  nature: 'Animals & Nature',
  foods: 'Food & Drink',
  activity: 'Activity',
  places: 'Travel & Places',
  objects: 'Objects',
  symbols: 'Symbols',
  flags: 'Flags',
  custom: 'Custom',
categorieslabel: 'Emoji categories', // Accessible title for the list of categories
skintones: {
  1: 'Default Skin Tone',
  2: 'Light Skin Tone',
  3: 'Medium-Light Skin Tone',
  4: 'Medium Skin Tone',
  5: 'Medium-Dark Skin Tone',
  6: 'Dark Skin Tone',

Tip: You usually do not need to translate the categories and skin tones by youself, because this data and their translations should be included in the Unicode CLDR (the "Common Locale Data Repository"). You can look them up and just take them from there.

Sheet sizes

Sheets are served from unpkg, a global CDN that serves files published to npm.

Set Size (sheetSize: 16) Size (sheetSize: 20) Size (sheetSize: 32) Size (sheetSize: 64)
apple 407 KB 561 KB 1.34 MB 3.60 MB
facebook 416 KB 579 KB 1.38 MB 3.68 MB
google 362 KB 489 KB 1.12 MB 2.78 MB
twitter 361 KB 485 KB 1.05 MB 2.39 MB


While all sets are available by default, you may want to include only a single set data to reduce the size of your bundle.

Set Size (on disk)
all 611 KB
apple 548 KB
facebook 468 KB
google 518 KB
twitter 517 KB

To use these data files (or any other custom data), use the NimblePicker component:

import data from 'emoji-mart/data/google.json'
import { NimblePicker } from 'emoji-mart'

<NimblePicker set='google' data={data} />

Examples of emoji object:

  id: 'smiley',
  name: 'Smiling Face with Open Mouth',
  colons: ':smiley:',
  text: ':)',
  emoticons: [
  skin: null,
  native: 'πŸ˜ƒ'

  id: 'santa',
  name: 'Father Christmas',
  colons: ':santa::skin-tone-3:',
  text: '',
  emoticons: [],
  skin: 3,
  native: 'πŸŽ…πŸΌ'

  id: 'octocat',
  name: 'Octocat',
  colons: ':octocat:',
  text: '',
  emoticons: [],
  custom: true,
  imageUrl: ''


import { Emoji } from 'emoji-mart'

<Emoji emoji={{ id: 'santa', skin: 3 }} size={16} />
<Emoji emoji=':santa::skin-tone-3:' size={16} />
<Emoji emoji='santa' set='apple' size={16} />
Prop Required Default Description
emoji βœ“ Either a string or an emoji object
size βœ“ The emoji width and height.
native false Renders the native unicode emoji
onClick Params: (emoji, event) => {}
onLeave Params: (emoji, event) => {}
onOver Params: (emoji, event) => {}
fallback Params: (emoji, props) => {}
set apple The emoji set: 'apple', 'google', 'twitter'
sheetSize 64 The emoji sheet size: 16, 20, 32, 64
backgroundImageFn ((set, sheetSize) => `[email protected]/sheet_${set}_${sheetSize}.png`) A Fn that returns that image sheet to use for emojis. Useful for avoiding a request if you have the sheet locally.
skin 1 Skin color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
tooltip false Show emoji short name when hovering (title)
html false Returns an HTML string to use with dangerouslySetInnerHTML

Unsupported emojis fallback

Certain sets don’t support all emojis. By default the Emoji component will not render anything so that the emojis’ don’t take space in the picker when not available. When using the standalone Emoji component, you can however render anything you want by providing the fallback props.

To have the component render :shrug: you would need to:

  fallback={(emoji, props) => {
    return emoji ? `:${emoji.short_names[0]}:` : props.emoji

Using with dangerouslySetInnerHTML

The Emoji component being a functional component, you can call it as you would call any function instead of using JSX. Make sure you pass html: true for it to return an HTML string.

<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
  __html: Emoji({
    html: true
    set: 'apple'
    emoji: '+1'
    size: 24

Using with contentEditable

Following the dangerouslySetInnerHTML example above, make sure the wrapping span sets contenteditable="false".

<div contentEditable={true}>
  Looks good to me

  <span contentEditable={false} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
    __html: Emoji({
      html: true
      set: 'apple'
      emoji: '+1'
      size: 24

Custom emojis

You can provide custom emojis which will show up in their own category. You can either use a single image as imageUrl or use a spritesheet as shown in the second object.

import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

const customEmojis = [
    name: 'Octocat',
    short_names: ['octocat'],
    text: '',
    emoticons: [],
    keywords: ['github'],
    imageUrl: '',
    customCategory: 'GitHub'
    name: 'Test Flag',
    short_names: ['test'],
    text: '',
    emoticons: [],
    keywords: ['test', 'flag'],
    spriteUrl: '[email protected]/img/twitter/sheets-256/64.png',
    sheet_x: 1,
    sheet_y: 1,
    size: 64,
    sheetColumns: 52,
    sheetRows: 52,

<Picker custom={customEmojis} />

The customCategory string is optional. If you include it, then the custom emoji will be shown in whatever categories you define. If you don't include it, then there will just be one category called "Custom."

Not Found

You can provide a custom Not Found object which will allow the appearance of the not found search results to change. In this case, we change the default 'sleuth_or_spy' emoji to Octocat when our search finds no results.

import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

const notFound = () => <img src='' />

<Picker notFound={notFound} />

Custom icons

You can provide custom icons which will override the default icons.

import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart'

const customIcons = {
  categories: {
    recent: () => <img src='' />,
    foods: () => <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><path d="M0 0l6.084 24H8L1.916 0zM21 5h-4l-1-4H4l3 12h3l1 4h13L21 5zM6.563 3h7.875l2 8H8.563l-2-8zm8.832 10l-2.856 1.904L12.063 13h3.332zM19 13l-1.5-6h1.938l2 8H16l3-2z"/></svg>,
    people: () => <svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path d="M3 2l10 6-10 6z"></path></svg>

<Picker icons={customIcons} />

Headless search

The Picker doesn’t have to be mounted for you to take advantage of the advanced search results.

import { emojiIndex } from 'emoji-mart''christmas').map((o) => o.native)
// => [πŸŽ„, πŸŽ…πŸΌ, πŸ””, 🎁, ⛄️, ❄️]

With custom data

import data from 'emoji-mart/datasets/apple'
import { NimbleEmojiIndex } from 'emoji-mart'

let emojiIndex = new NimbleEmojiIndex(data)'christmas')

Get emoji data from Native

You can get emoji data from native emoji unicode using the getEmojiDataFromNative util function.

import { getEmojiDataFromNative, Emoji } from 'emoji-mart'
import data from 'emoji-mart/data/all.json'

const emojiData = getEmojiDataFromNative('πŸŠπŸ½β€β™€οΈ', 'apple', data)

  skin={ || 1}

Example of emojiData object:

emojiData: {
  "id": "woman-swimming",
  "name": "Woman Swimming",
  "colons": ":woman-swimming::skin-tone-4:",
  "emoticons": [],
  "unified": "1f3ca-1f3fd-200d-2640-fe0f",
  "skin": 4,
  "native": "πŸŠπŸ½β€β™€οΈ"


By default EmojiMart will store user chosen skin and frequently used emojis in localStorage. That can however be overwritten should you want to store these in your own storage.

import { store } from 'emoji-mart'

  getter: (key) => {
    // Get from your own storage (sync)

  setter: (key, value) => {
    // Persist in your own storage (can be async)

Possible keys are:

Key Value Description
skin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
frequently { 'astonished': 11, '+1': 22 } An object where the key is the emoji name and the value is the usage count
last 'astonished' (Optional) Used by frequently to be sure the latest clicked emoji will always appear in the β€œRecent” category


Powerful search

Short name, name and keywords

Not only does Emoji Mart return more results than most emoji picker, they’re more accurate and sorted by relevance.



The only emoji picker that returns emojis when searching for emoticons.


Results intersection

For better results, Emoji Mart split search into words and only returns results matching both terms.


Fully customizable

Anchors color, title and default emoji


Emojis sizes and length


Default skin color

As the developer, you have control over which skin color is used by default.


It can however be overwritten as per user preference.


Multiple sets supported

Apple / Google / Twitter / Facebook


Not opinionated

Emoji Mart doesn’t automatically insert anything into a text input, nor does it show or hide itself. It simply returns an emoji object. It’s up to the developer to mount/unmount (it’s fast!) and position the picker. You can use the returned object as props for the EmojiMart.Emoji component. You could also use emoji.colons to insert text into a textarea or emoji.native to use the emoji.

Usage outside React

Emoji Mart can be used with React alternatives such as Preact, Inferno, and react-lite.

Furthermore, you can use it as a custom element using remount, meaning that you can use it within any JavaScript framework (or vanilla JS).

For an end-to-end example of how to do this, see emoji-mart-outside-react.

Optimizing for production

Modern/ES builds

Emoji Mart comes in three flavors:

  • dist is the standard build with the highest level of compatibility.
  • dist-es is the same, but uses ES modules for better tree-shaking.
  • dist-modern removes features not needed in modern evergreen browsers (i.e. latest Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari).

The default builds are dist and dist-es. (In Webpack, one or the other will be chosen based on your resolve main fields.) If you want to use dist-modern, you must explicitly import it:

import { Picker } from 'emoji-mart/dist-modern/index.js'

Using something like Babel, you can transpile the modern build to suit your own needs.

Removing prop-types

To remove prop-types in production, use babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types:

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types

Then add to your .babelrc:

"plugins": [
      "removeImport": true,
      "additionalLibraries": [

You'll also need to ensure that Babel is transpiling emoji-mart, e.g. by not excluding node_modules in babel-loader.


yarn build

In two separate tabs:

yarn start
yarn storybook

The storybook is hosted at localhost:6006, and the code will be built on-the-fly.

🎩 Hat tips!

Powered by iamcal/emoji-data and inspired by iamcal/js-emoji.
πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Β Cal Henderson.

Missive | Team email, team chat, team tasks, one app
Missive mixes team email and threaded group chat for productive teams.
A single app for all your internal and external communication and a full work management solution.


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