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Master Guide 6, File No. 01: World Legacy

Translated by the Project Ignis team from the following Chinese translations.

Main source by cinderella355 and co. (seems to be accurate in structure to the original):

Supplementary source used for reference (a reorganized interpretation):

English translation: kevinlul, Larry126. Edited by pyrQ.

Images via Bastion used for illustration to mimic the print Master Guide.

This is only as faithful as the Chinese translations are, so it might not be perfectly accurate, but it should be good enough for you to connect the dots and fill in the blanks. Some sentence structure has been edited to flow better in English as the source material was an absolute disaster in this regard.

Spanning across the ages, the story of the cycles of rebirth on the planet

The youth who live in this harsh world journey across the world, directed by fate, and finally are drawn into the grand conflict over the fate of the world… let's introduce the story surrounding the "Key" left behind by God, knit together by the accumulated hopes and desires of people.

Genesis, as told by the denizens of the Celestial Forest

This part seems to be structured like a poem.

Once upon a time, there was a God who governed the workings of the universe.
God directed His servant dragons,
To protect the universe through destruction and rebirth,
But every time that force of destruction was used, its strength would increase,
Unwittingly, the balance of power between the two collapsed massively.
The force of destruction strengthened to the point that, should it go berserk, even the universe that it was supposed to protect would be devastated.
God concludes that He can no longer direct the workings of universe,
Thus He uses the force of creation to create many hard layers of geological crust as a cage,
Sealing the force of destruction in its centre.
Having no place to spill, the force of destruction ultimately becomes the blazing core of the earth.
The energies of destruction blend and fuse with the force of creation via the earth,
And the energy that at last flows out onto the surface,
Transforms into the tiny existences of repeated birth and death, giving rise to life on the earth.
God transforms His last residual fragment into a "Key",
After entrusting it to the life born on the earth, He disappears.
Many years after, the force of destruction would once again manifest on the surface,
But every time, the tiny lives would work with the dragons to suppress it.
It's not known from when, but the "Key" would be renamed to a sword, and the force of destruction renamed the "Great Darkness",
And alongside the "World Hero", these heroic legends would be passed down to the present.

"Starlight Hero, Raise Your Sword and Gather the Light, You Must Vanquish the Great Darkness"

The World Chalice story unfolding around the fate of the planet / Act I

— The people guided by fate —

Life on the planet

At its apex, the world is ruled by the seven mechanical life-forms called the "Mekk-Knights". The "Krawlers" rampage across the surface and act as their vanguard. People can only defend the threat posed by the "Krawlers" on one hand and struggle for existence on the other.

Krawler Spine

Krawler Spine

Chosen by the World Chalice (Auram)

Chosen by the World Chalice

The denizens of the Celestial Forest

In the vast forest known as the "Celestial Forest", humans live in hiding. In this village that believes in the Star God, they worship a ritual staff passed down through the ages. Humans use the barriers generated by the energies of the staff to protect the village from external threats. As the inheritor of the ritual staff, "Ib" and her older brother "Ningirsu", her childhood friend "Auram", and the little dragon "Imduk" live together in the village.

Ib is known as Eve in Japanese text but English localizations will be used where possible.

Crowned by the World Chalice (Ib)

Crowned by the World Chalice

Beckoned by the World Chalice (Ningirsu)

Beckoned by the World Chalice

World Chalice Guardragon (Imduk)

World Chalice Guardragon

Encountering the "World Chalice", and the "World Hero"

"Auram" and "Ningirsu" focus day and night on battling the "Krawlers" to reduce the burden of maintaining the barrier. One day, "Ib" hears a remarkable sound from deep in the forest. With her worried friends, together they go in the direction of that sound, seemingly being guided. In the depths of the forest, "Ib" slips and falls, discovering what seems to be a giant building-like object ahead. The other two catch up with her and just as they approach the building together, her ritual staff emits a dazzling light, and it seems like the giant building responds in concert and activates. While the travelers are confounded by the building that emitted the same light as the staff, the small fairy "Lee" appears in front of them.

World Legacy Discovery

World Legacy Discovery

World Legacy - "World Chalice"

World Legacy - "World Chalice"

Lee the World Chalice Fairy

Lee the World Chalice Fairy

World Legacy's Heart

World Legacy's Heart

I shoulder the mission to guide humanity, but due to the interference of the "Mekk-Knights", I've been sealed in the "World Chalice". Since then I've been waiting for those who hold the potential to save the world and become "World Heroes" to appear.

"Lee" tells "Ib" and the rest.

Because Japanese and Chinese lack plurals in the same sense as English, it's ambiguous as to whether "World Hero" is singular or plural.

Accepting "World Chalice"'s power and advancing on the other "World Legacies"

You are the "World Heroes". To unite the starlight that has been scattered and save the world from the clutches of the "Great Darkness", please be sure lend me your power.

The youth of the Celestial Forest accept the sincere wishes of fairy "Lee" to protect humanity and decide to set out on their journey. Endowed with the power of the "World Chalice" through "Lee", the "Krawlers" they had so long struggled against are easily defeated. And there are six more "World Legacies" with the same might in this world. If they could unite them all, they would even be able to defeat the "Mekk-Knights" — this news gave the villagers hope.

World Legacy Landmark

World Legacy Landmark

The power of the "World Chalice" granted to the travelers

Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior

Ningirsu the World Chalice Warrior

Auram the World Chalice Blademaster

Auram the World Chalice Blademaster

Ib the World Chalice Priestess

Ib the World Chalice Priestess

Imduk the World Chalice Dragon

Imduk the World Chalice Dragon

The second "World Legacy"

The travelers arrive at the wetlands where the next "World Legacy" rests. Here waiting for them are huge numbers of "Krawlers" and the commanding "X-Krawlers". In front of the hibernating "World Armor", the travelers are divided and at a disadvantage, ultimately relying on a clever strategy from "Lee" to silence a huge swathe of "Krawlers".

World Legacy - "World Armor"

World Legacy - "World Armor"

World Legacy in Shadow

World Legacy in Shadow

This "Krawler" appears and blocks the way.

X-Krawler Qualiark

X-Krawler Qualiark

World Legacy Clash

World Legacy Clash

World Legacy Pawns

World Legacy Pawns

To approach the "World Armor" we must pass through the "Krawlers"…

The seven "Mekk-Knights" finally appear

Heavily wounded, the travelers finally arrive in front of the "World Armor". Suddenly, seven coloured lights appear, and the rulers of the world, the "Mekk-Knights", appear. Disregarding the utterly shocked "Auram" and company, the "Mekk-Knights" release energy entrapping "Ib" that not even the barrier projected from the ritual staff can defend against. Leaving behind the dumbfounded "Auram" and company, they disappear over the horizon.

Mekk-Knight Red Moon

Mekk-Knight Red Moon

The seven "Mekk-Knights":

  • Mekk-Knight Red Moon
  • Mekk-Knight Orange Sunset
  • Mekk-Knight Yellow Star
  • Mekk-Knight Green Horizon
  • Mekk-Knight Blue Sky
  • Mekk-Knight Indigo Eclipse
  • Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall

World Legacy Trap Globe

World Legacy Trap Globe

"Ib", taken captive by the "Mekk-Knights".

The two "World Legacies" en route to saving "Ib"

"Lee" tells everybody that the ritual staff and "Ib" have been taken, so seeking the other "World Legacies" is far too dangerous and they should prioritize saving "Ib". After a lengthy search, everybody arrives at the base of the "Mekk-Knights", a cluster of ruins of the ancient civilization. Standing there is an already-activated "World Shield" and the "World Lance".

World Legacy - "World Shield"

World Legacy - "World Shield"

World Legacy - "World Lance"

World Legacy - "World Lance"

World Legacy Scars

World Legacy Scars

World Legacy Key

World Legacy Key

Facing the "Mekk-Knights" who had imprisoned her and taken away the ritual staff, yet didn't hurt her at all, "Ib" starts doubting whether the "Mekk-Knights" truly are servants of the "Great Darkness". At this moment, "Auram" and company launch a surprise assault on the "Mekk-Knights".

Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme

Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme

World Legacy Whispers

World Legacy Whispers

Faced with the all-out attack from "Auram" and company, the "Mekk-Knights" feel anxious and unite into "Mekk-Knight Spectrum Supreme". In this back-and-forth battle, "Ningirsu" finds the chance to send a signal to "Lee" — suggested by "Lee" to signal the start of her solo operation.

The battle as planned by "Lee"

Seeing the "Lee" who had snuck in alone to her side, "Ib" relaxes, and she voices her doubts to "Lee", who should know about the truth of the "Mekk-Knights":

Maybe we don't have to fight the Mekk-Knights.

Hearing this, "Lee" slowly turns around, and what "Ib" sees is no longer that cute expression when they initially met, but an extremely ominous and twisted smile.

World Legacy's Secret

World Legacy's Secret

Knightmare Corruptor Iblee

Knightmare Corruptor Iblee

Having revealed her true nature, "Lee" completely steals the body and consciousness of "Ib", becoming "Iblee". Although the "Mekk-Knights" noticed "Lee" disappearing, they did not have the liberty to respond in the heat of combat.

The power of "Iblee" and the inheritor of "the power of the ritual staff"

"Ningirsu", seen as the most powerful by the "Mekk-Knights", and "Auram", who exceeds "Ningirsu" with his growing momentum, continue to battle. At this moment, a huge explosion happens in the ruins. The "World Chalice" releases even greater power than when it was activated, and in the next instant, "she" shows herself. Though her appearance is the same, the evil miasma emanating from her body signals that she is no longer "Ib". A creepy smile crawls across her face as she announces that she is "Lee", and this body is now also hers. Quickly, "Iblee" releases shockwaves, forcibly revoking the "World Chalice" powers granted to "Auram" and company, wanting to take their lives. Unexpectedly, the "Mekk-Knights" stand in her way.

World Legacy's Corruption

World Legacy's Corruption

World Legacy Succession

World Legacy Succession

The "Mekk-Knights" cannot defend against the power of "Iblee" and are forced to separate out of the "Spectrum Supreme" form. "Iblee" forcibly removes their cores and attempts to retrieve the ritual staff that is sealed in the core of "Blue Sky". Knowing that the ritual staff is in fact the "World Key" that would decide the fate of the world, the "Mekk-Knights" in desperation try to pass its inheritance rights to "Auram". "Auram" opens his heart to the "Mekk-Knights" and inherits the power of the ritual staff, transforming the "Key" into twin swords.

Mekk-Knight Blue Sky

Mekk-Knight Blue Sky

"Auram", who inherits the "power of the ritual staff".

Mekk-Knight Avram

Mekk-Knight Avram

Crusade against "Iblee"

Though "Auram" inherited the "Key", since it was not directly via the true successor "Ib", but through the intermediary of the "Mekk-Knights", its power was divided into a pair of swords. Knowing that "Ib" who sleeps in her body also wields the right of inheritance, "Iblee" is one step ahead of "Auram", who just obtained the power of the "Key", to rush to the "World Lance". "Auram" gives chase but is intercepted by the monstrous "Knightmares" created by "Iblee" and becomes embroiled in a bitter fight. At this moment, "Ningirsu" and "Imduk" catch up. Although in the preceding battle they had lost the power of the "World Chalice", "Auram" makes a dash for the "World Lance" with their help, but is still short of "Iblee" by just an instant. "Iblee" activates the "World Lance" first and thus everybody is exposed under the violent attacks.

World Legacy's Nightmare

World Legacy's Nightmare

The monstrous "Knightmares" created by "Iblee"

"Iblee" created monsters via the "Mekk-Knight" cores, which each inherited the unique abilities of the "Mekk-Knights". Rushing to the side of "Auram", who was in bitter combat, "Ningirsu" kills "Mermaid" in one desperate blow. To allow "Auram" to give chase to "Iblee", "Ningirsu" distracts the remaining "Knightmares", thus opening up a way forward.

Knightmare Mermaid

Knightmare Mermaid

Knightmare Unicorn

Knightmare Unicorn

The consciousness of "Ib" resists "Lee" and the conclusion of the tragedy —

Just when "Iblee" picked up the sword to deliver the final blow to "Auram", who had been felled and injured by the power of the "World Lance", "Imduk" jumped in. In the face of the imminent danger of "Auram", he finally releases a part of his power as a servant of God. Though brief, this suppresses the consciousness of "Lee" at the surface, so the suppressed "Ib" awakens from the deep. Facing the fallen "Auram" and the sword in her hand, she immediately understands the situation and makes her decision. "Ib" points the sword in her hand at herself and stabs…

Note: "Imduk" is not referred to with a masculine pronoun.

World Legacy Awakens

World Legacy Awakens

World Legacy Struggle

World Legacy Struggle

World Legacy's Sorrow

World Legacy's Sorrow

The power of feelings and thoughts is a strength of living beings and also easily becomes a weakness. As long as "Lee" possessed the physical body of "Ib", "Auram" who shared close bonds with "Ib" could never face that form in arms. "Iblee" was so proud, but the growth of "Auram", the resolve of the "Mekk-Knights", the fierce fight by "Ningirsu", and the awakening of "Imduk" — these tiny flaws accumulating led to a fatal anomaly, finally crushing her ambitions. But for "Auram" and the other "Chalice" warriors, this is a nightmarish conclusion.

The flourishing and destruction of the ancient civilization

The age of a prosperous and highly advanced civilization of surface life

This is an age eons before the time of "Auram" and company.

Billions of years after Genesis, humanity reaches its zenith. Though humanity was advanced enough to study and pursue the meaning of life, this brought endless exploitation of resources. The great dragons that defended the planet thus went extinct, their mission left only to legends.

During this age, the "Key" was unearthed.

Humanity is on one hand effervescent about discovering the relic of legend, but on the other hand fears that this discovery is an omen of the battle between the "World Hero" and the "Great Darkness". Thus humanity investigates the "Key".

"Lee" is an authoritative and world-famous scientist in information engineering. She participates in the research team and makes major breakthroughs. But at this point, nobody could notice that behind her hypotheses was a wild ambition — "to wield the power of God in my hands".

The hypothesis that "Lee" had hidden was the other side of the legend of the "World Hero", the truth behind the appearance of the "Great Darkness". The "Key" controls the forces of creation and destruction. It has the power to "express" these. The "World Hero" borrowing its power to defeat the "Great Darkness" is described in many legends. But the reverse should also be true. Indeed, the manifestation of the "Great Darkness" is also caused by the "Key" — true to its name, not only does the "Key" lock the planetary prison, it can also open the door.

The so-called heroic legends are the history of the fight over the "Key" between people who bear God's mission and people who desire reviving the force of destruction.

World Legacy's Memory

World Legacy's Memory

The ultimate "Mekk-Knight" that brings about demise

The "Key" research team become the "Crusadia" organization, a direct subsidiary of the united nations. They recommend developing mechas under "Project Mekk-Knight" to combat this threat to the planet.

Years later, "Morning Star", whose core embeds the "Key", is created as the weapon for the final battle, but in its maiden test, an irreversible incident occurs.

The energy of the planet under the influence of the "Key" reverses its flow. The energy that should have flowed toward the core of the earth reverses and splits open the earth. The force of destruction hence spills forth and the surface world becomes scorched earth. And this is all according to the plans of "Lee", operator of "Morning Star.

But just when the "Great Darkness" was about to revive, the seven "Mekk-Knights", which served as accompanying mechanisms of the "Crusadia", appeared and destroyed "Morning Star", successfully sealing the "Great Darkness" in the earth's core. But as the power of God, part of the authority of the "Great Darkness" and the "Key" transform into various artifacts on the surface that symbolize their powers. The surviving "Crusadia" discover the corpse of "Lee", the culprit, but regretfully, on this apocalyptic surface, there is nowhere left for humans to survive.

The "Crusadia" believe that the "World Hero" who could control the power of the "Key" did not appear in this age because the power of the earth had long since weakened. Thus, they program the surviving "Mekk-Knights" to prioritize "restoring the power of the earth", "birthing new life", and "halting the development of dangerous civilizations". Like this, the individual personalities of the "Crusadia" and the mission to revitalize the earth is saved on the "Mekk-Knights" via brain wave link.

The "Crusadia" entrusted their hope to the future, but they failed to notice that "Lee", who was supposed to be dead, had also discarded her physical form and moved her soul to the "World Chalice", which possesses the authority of "will".

Mekk-Knight of the Morning Star

Mekk-Knight of the Morning Star

The World Chalice story unfolding around the fate of the planet / Act II

— The power of God and the future of the world —

The "Crusadia" are formed again

Many years pass since that tragedy. Back then, "Ningirsu" knocked out the injured "Auram" and carried "Ib" away with the sword.

Even though "Auram" was dealt a double blow both physically and emotionally, he still sensed the hidden danger posed by the departure of "Ningirsu". To stop the threat posed by "Ningirsu", "Auram" decides to search for other life remaining on the planet. Using the abilities inherited from the "Mekk-Knights", "Auram" successfully fixes a "Krawler" and exchanges information.

From the records stored in the "Krawler", "Auram" discovers various tribes. By synthesizing the legends and literature of the tribes, he unlocks the mystery of the world. He figures out that the power sleeping in the planet was the objective of "Lee" and also what "Ningirsu" seeks now.

The leaders of the tribes volunteer to help stop "Ningirsu" and form an alliance. Thus they succeed the "Crusadia" of the ancient civilization as described in literature, activate the "World Crown", and begin their crusade.

Crusadia Draco (Imduk)

Crusadia Draco

Crusadia Maximus (Auram)

Crusadia Maximus

Attempting to "exchange information" with the "Krawlers".

World Legacy's Mind Meld

World Legacy's Mind Meld

Crusadia Krawler

Crusadia Krawler

The denizens of the world whom "Auram" meet

Found through the records stored in the "Krawler" are the "Magic Realm of Fire Tribe", the "Court of the Beast King Tribe", and the secret protectors of the "World Crown" of the "Lake of the Sacred Tree Tribe".

Crusadia Reclusia

Crusadia Reclusia

Crusadia Leonis

Crusadia Leonis

Crusadia Arboria

Crusadia Arboria

Crusadia Revival

Crusadia Revival

"Ningirsu" who left with the corpse of "Ib" and the sword of "Auram"

Since the tragedy, "Ningirsu" keeps moving forward on only one wish. To him, a world without "Ib" is a world without right and wrong. As long as he could get her smile back, good and evil are irrelevant.

"Ningirsu" retrieves the "Mekk-Knight" cores from the six "Knightmares" that he destroyed in battle, and therefrom learns the truth of the world. Using lost technology, he constructs a body that can act as a soul container for "Ib".

For the world, my sister lost her life. Then this time, for my sister, I will create a world.

With this belief, Ningirsu starts building the gate of God, "Babel".

Orcustrated Return

Orcustrated Return

Orcustrated Babel

Orcustrated Babel

The start of the "World Battle"

"Ningirsu" constructs an automaton after endless experiments. The automaton supplemented its sensory abilities from the corpse of "Ib" and finally succeeds in "expressing" some functions of the twin swords. "Ningirsu" tries to synchronize the automaton with the "World Lance", "World Shield", and "World Armor", in order to forcibly activate the "World Wand".

The final "World Battle" between "Auram" and company rushing to the battlefield and "Ningirsu" is about to begin…

World Legacy - "World Crown"

World Legacy - "World Crown"

The "Crusadia" forces who have gained the power of the "World Crown"

Receiving the support of various tribes, "Auram" leads the allied forces of the "Crusadia". They are endowed with great power from the "World Crown" that was hidden by the "Sacred Tree Tribe" and transform into forms corresponding to that of the "Crusadia" titles of old, launching their attack on "Ningirsu".

Crusadia Power

Crusadia Power

Crusadia Equimax

Crusadia Equimax

Crusadia Regulex

Crusadia Regulex

Crusadia Magius

Crusadia Magius

Crusadia Spatha

Crusadia Spatha

The "Orcust" form up and fight the "Crusadia" head on

"Babel" towers into the sky beyond the clouds and "Auram" shudders in awe, but he also notices an evil miasma attached to it and continues pressing toward the tower's base. Countless mechanical weapons, the "Orcust", block his path. Though they were all byproducts of creating the container for "Ib", after the numerous experiments by "Ningirsu", they are military-scale in number.

The "Crusadia" are at a disadvantage in combat against the ultimate "Orcust" fighting force, "Orcustrion". At the climax of the fight, "Auram" notices an "expression" in sync with his half of the power of the "Key" from inside "Babel".

Orcust Brass Bombard

Orcust Brass Bombard

Orcust Cymbal Skeleton

Orcust Cymbal Skeleton

Orcust Harp Horror

Orcust Harp Horror



Orcustrated Einsatz

Orcustrated Einsatz

"Babel" releases the same power as "Auram".

The power wielded by the "World Wand"

"Babel" shines with light and extends.

The true goal of "Ningirsu" is not to connect "Babel" to the sky, but to strike down the "World Wand" in the sky, destroy the earth's core, and thus awaken the "World Ark" sleeping underground. By using the authority of the "World Ark" over life and death to revive the soul of "Ib", then by releasing the power of the "Great Darkness" sealed in the earth's core, he could have "Ib" reborn as the new "Creator God".

"Auram" rushes to the automaton responsible for starting the process, but is stopped by a ruthless onslaught from "Ningirsu" and the "Orcusts".

— The "World Wand" falls from the sky, and the earth sounds a cry.

There's a reference above to how the "Orcust" are musical and the earth "sounds" a cry, like an orchestra.

Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator (Ningirsu)

Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator

World Legacy - "World Wand"

World Legacy - "World Wand"

Orcustrated Attack

Orcustrated Attack

Orcustrated Core

Orcustrated Core

The "Guardragon" who are born due to the "World Ark"

The huge shockwave from the "World Wand" striking the earth splits apart the surface, and the "Crusadia" are pulled in by the aftershocks.

At this moment, to protect his valuable friends, "Imduk" once again "expresses" his power, sacrificing his life to create a great barrier. After the shockwave passes, the "Crusadia" survive but "Imduk" exhausts his own power.

— As well, the "World Ark" is already activated.

The "World Ark", with the authority over life and death, accepts the death of "Imduk" and causes itself to be reborn in the form of "Andrake". The remnants of his energy flow through the fractured core of the earth, covering all the "World Legacies", awakening the "Guardragons".

Guardragon Shield

Guardragon Shield

World Legacy Guardragon

World Legacy Guardragon

World Legacy - "World Ark"

World Legacy - "World Ark"

Guardragon Corewakening

Guardragon Corewakening

The "World Legacies" are reborn as "Guardragons"

The "World Legacies" are a materialization of God's authority. After absorbing "Imduk", to release the power of God they had nurtured with themselves, they molt into dragons.

World Legacy Guardragon
World Chalice Justicia
World Crown Garmides
World Wand Promineses
World Ark Andrake
World Shield Elpy
World Armor Pisty
World Lance Agarpain

Guardragon Andrake (Imduk the World Chalice Dragon)

Guardragon Andrake

Guardragon Cataclysm

Guardragon Cataclysm

The soul of "Lee" finally revives

"Ningirsu" clutches the corpse of "Ib" and approaches the automaton. As long as he controls the power of the "Key" transplanted into the automaton, he would even be able to control all the "Guardragons". By uniting all the powers within him, he would finally be able to use the authority over life and death to revive the soul of "Ib". Of course, at this moment, it is not the expected smile of "Ib", but a wicked grin that appears on the automaton's face.

At the instant when the soul of "Ib" was called back, "Lee", who had always been assimilated into the automaton, stole away the controls. With the power of the "Key" that was transplanted into the automaton, she annihilates the soul of "Ib".

Orcustrated Release

Orcustrated Release

Orcust Knightmare

Orcust Knightmare

Knightmare Incarnation Idlee

Knightmare Incarnation Idlee

In the age of mechanized civilization estranged from the earth that "Lee" was born into, the inheritor of the "Key", necessary for reviving God, would not appear again. Since not even "Morning Star" was a sufficient container to hold this power, then just erase mechanized civilization from the face of the earth — this is the conclusion that "Lee" arrived at. Thus, even the directive of the "Crusadia" to restore life to the earth was all within her plans.

After eons, the inheritors who would be able to activate the "World Legacies" finally appear and her plan is set into action. Though she was once stopped by an annoying dragon and interfered with by the inheritors, her coveting of God's power had long transcended the fetters of common sense. Born from absorbing the corpse of "Ib" and the authority of five "Guardragons", "Idlee" has finally obtained the power to make the power of God her own.

The horrific power of "Idlee" and a thread of hope

To awaken and assimilate the power of God sealed in the earth's core, "Idlee" gives birth to the central nervous system "Deus X-Krawler", desiring to inject the power of God into her body and descend as a new perfect God. Consumed by the authority of death, "Mardark" also defends "Idlee". It seems like nobody can stop the developing situation.

At this moment, "Justicia" flies in from the "Celestial Forest", releasing energy. "Justicia" fuses with the body of "Ib" that was pulled out from "Idlee" and is reborn as "Ib the World Chalice Justiciar".

World Legacy Monstrosity

World Legacy Monstrosity

World Legacy Guardragon Mardark

World Legacy Guardragon Mardark

Deus X-Krawler

Deus X-Krawler

Guardragon Reincarnation

Guardragon Reincarnation

Ib the World Chalice Justiciar

Ib the World Chalice Justiciar

The pure-hearted "container"

"Idlee" through "Ib" controlled all power including the "Key". At the moment of fusion, the soul of "Ib" should have been annihilated… but at that moment, what "Lee" actually annihilated was the unknown soul of that automaton.

Though it was an automaton fabricated to act as a container, by the effects of transplantation, at some point it had gained its own consciousness. The name "Galatea", she learned from secretly studying data of the ancient civilization. A female name of one who became human by being loved. This is the name that the automaton destined to become "Ib" secretly called herself, the name she could never tell others.

When the fusion of "Lee" and "Ib" was imminent, "Galatea" sacrificed herself to protect "Ib" and was annihilated. The soul of "Ib" was transferred to the "World Chalice" and reborn as "Guardragon Justicia".

Galatea, the Orcust Automaton

Galatea, the Orcust Automaton

The "container for the power of God" appears from underground

Having lost the power of the "Key", "Idlee" could no longer suppress the great power within her and continues to lose control, her form collapsing.

On the other side, the reborn "Ib" meets up with "Auram", and they collectively recall the soul of "Imduk" from "Mardark". "Imduk" greatly increases the newfound authority over life and evolves into "Almarduke". Before everybody had the chance to enjoy their reunion, "Deus X-Krawler" had obtained power from the earth's core and destroys the earth. The underside of the container for God's power — "Theurlogical Demiurgy", appears.

World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy

World Gears of Theurlogical Demiurgy

Facing the embodiment of the force of destruction, the "Great Darkness", in "Theurlogical Demiurgy", "Auram" suggests the final strategy that "Blue Sky" had once tried but stopped halfway — inherit the "World Key". On this basis, as long as the powers of the "World Legacies" are gathered in his body, he would be able to defeat the "Great Darkness".

World Chalice Guardragon Almarduke

World Chalice Guardragon Almarduke

Crusadia Testament

Crusadia Testament

Answering the dying will of "Galatea", the "machine god's lance" is born

"Idlee" notices the attempt of "Auram" at uniting the powers and launches her final assault to prevent this, but is stopped by "Ningirsu". Echoing the dying will of "Galatea", he smelts the remains of "Babel" and the "Orcusts" into one. "Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star" is born.

Orcust Crescendo

Orcust Crescendo

Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star

Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star

The birth of the "World Hero" as chronicled in Genesis

The brutal assault of the "Crusadia" led by "Auram", the totally unexpected rebirth of "Ib", and the counterattack by "Ningirsu"… these are all heavy blows to the body of "Idlee", finally destroyed by the attack of "Dingirsu". Yet, even at the very, very end, "Lee" continues to covet the throne of God. Having long since lost her sanity, having gone berserk, she forcibly squishes her soul into the "Theurlogical Demiurgy" that is still synchronizing with "Deus X-Krawler". Of course, having lost the "Key", she could never control or direct that great power. After sensing her evil intent, "Theurlogical Demiurgy" goes haywire.

Possessing the power of God, the world could be created and destroyed at the snap of a finger. Even the aftershocks of the energy spilling from this creation are sufficient to accelerate the destruction of the world. "Theurlogical Demiurgy" now becomes the embodiment of the authority of destruction. Trying to seal God with powers at the level of the earth's core is a fool's errand. The end of the world seemed inevitable.

At this moment, "Auram" finally completes the inheritance of the "Key", unites the powers of the "World Legacies", and awakens as the "World Hero" — "Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax".

World Legacy Collapse

World Legacy Collapse

Sensing the evil intent of "Idlee", it goes haywire.

Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax

Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax

The "World Hero" who saved the world is born again.

Fusing with the "container for the power of God"

"Avramax" charges into the core of "Theurlogical Demiurgy" and encounters some remnants of the consciousness of "Lee", from which he learns the truth behind the Creator God.

The so-called "World Gears" are the original form of all divinity. By synchronizing with the will inside it, one can execute the great power of God — simply put, this is the program to become God.

Formerly, the will inhabiting "World Gears" controlled the workings of the universe, but when the out-of-control force of destruction and its container were sealed together in the earth's core, that will faded away. Now, because of the force of destruction, crisis arrives again. To allow it to run amok, well, it would not only be this planet, but the entire universe would be destroyed.

"Avramax" considers what he can do as the truly awakened inheritor of the "Key", and finally decides to fully release the power of the "Key". He means not to destroy divinity, but to assimilate into the container.

— "A-vida" is thus born.

World Legacy Cliffhanger

World Legacy Cliffhanger

World Legacy Bestowal

World Legacy Bestowal

Avida, Rebuilder of Worlds

Avida, Rebuilder of Worlds

The "World Hero" who chooses to become God to end it all.


The new God "A-vida" who is born here after a long conflict, at the end of everything obtains the power of God transcending human intelligence. He makes a wish, hoping for the world he had lived as a human and getting back the lives lost in this "World Battle", including "Ningirsu", "Ib", and the "Crusadia" whom he fought with side-by-side.

Perhaps for God, this is too human, too lonely and pure. Perhaps this act is a worse crime more deserving of punishment than destroying the planet. Even so, God still makes this choice. God uses the destroyed planet as a container, and for the lives that had thrived on that planet, starts the rebirth program.

Thus, the world is enveloped by light —

World Reassembly

World Reassembly

By the choice of "A-vida", the planet's rebirth program activates.

That day, consciousness fell into a deep sleep alongside dazzling light
Eyes opening, a sight of peaceful tranquility and night sky
She starts a journey, in the world lit by the comforting light of many stars
The sword in her hand, occasionally flashes faintly with beautiful light
Nobody knows, what would be found where the light guides
But even so, the girl walks
Entrusting her hope to that faint light, on the world that he left to her

Lib the World Key Blademaster

Lib the World Key Blademaster

The curtain closes on the planetary war. "Auram" who transformed into "A-vida" disappears, but leaves in the realm of huamnity the "Key", transformed into a sword.

Never let the tragedy of battle over the power of God happen again…

"Ib" tightly clasps the sword and starts a new journey on this planet that was saved by her important person.

World Legacy - "World Key"

World Legacy - "World Key"

Under the rebirth program of "A-vida", the "Key" that could decide the fate of the planet absorbed the powers of the "World Legacies", transforming into a sword called the "World Key". "Ib", its wielder, seeks a location to seal this sword to avoid the repetition of the tragedy.

Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight

Girsu, the Orcust Mekk-Knight

Having once fallen, "Ningirsu" is reborn as the planet-protecting "Mekk-Knight". As the embodiment of the dying wish of "Auram", he swears to silently protect and help "Ib" as a shadow.

Close by his side is the figure of fairy "Galatea".

The World Legacy

The World Legacy

Under the influence of the power of "A-vida", the scars caused by the destruction by the "Great Darkness" seem like lies, having disappeared without a trace. In this sky shine numerous stars, and if one listens carefully, one can hear the breath of life.

Thus, having been entrusted with the "World Key", "Ib" with the determination in her heart takes her steps —

on the path guided by "The World Legacy".


Master Guide 6: World Legacy storyline






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