The Docker file can be used to dockerize your limited files Panther trial edition. Also included are samples of a Panther Docker image that can be pulled directly using the docker pull command from Docker Hub.
- Panther Web 5.53
- Base OS: Ubuntu
Prerequisites: (Required)
- Install Docker Engine from
Provided in Container
- Panther 5.53
- OpenJDK 8
- Linux Server(Ubuntu 20.04)
- (keeps Catalina and Panther App running)
Prerequisites: (Optional)
Enable port 8080 from your host machine to access the Panther Web application from other clients.
Download the Panther Docker image:
docker push prolificspanther/docker-panther-trial
Contents of the container:
- OpenJDK 8
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Panther Web 5.53.07
- Tomcat (Configured)
- Panther Servlet
- PantherDemo.ini file for Panther Web (Configured)
How to use this docker-panther-trial
You should have a valid Panther license on the host machine. Please contact [email protected] for a temporary license. Your Docker Container must be able to access that license file. Instructions provided below
Panther in character mode
Step-1: docker pull prolificspanther/docker-panther-trial
Step-2: docker run --name=panther -v <path of license folder on host machine>:/Apps/ProlificsContainer/prlstdwb553.07/licenses -p8080:8080 -d prolificspanther/docker-panther-trial
Step-3: docker exec -ti panther bash
Step-4: Set the license file using command export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/Apps/ProlificsContainer/prlstdwb553.07/licenses/license.dat
Step-5: Open the Panther Editor using the command > prodev
Step-6: To Run a sample Panther client application use command > prorun mgmt (Name of Panther screen)
Panther in motif mode
Perquisites: To run panther in motif mode. We have to make sure to install ( and start the X Server on your windows machine. Also, connect the Linux machine by enabling SSH>X11(Enable X11 forward and enter host machine IP:0.0) using putty.
Step-1: This step will same as character mode
Step-2: docker run --name=panther -ti --net=host -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix -v <path of license folder on host machine>://Apps/ProlificsContainer/prlstdwb553.07/licenses -d prolificspanther/docker-panther-trial
Step-3: Enter command>xauth list It will display MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE list as shown in example below. Just copy any one of them. Example: ip-your ip/unix:10 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 83cce042f30c980a97e6799713e9e3f2
Step-4: docker exec -ti panther bash
Step-5: Set the license file using command export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/Apps/ProlificsContainer/prlstdwb553.07/licenses/license.dat
Step-6: Enter command> xauth add < paste MIT- MAGIC-COOKIE that we copied before> We can verify using xauth list. It will show the same cookie that we just added.
Step-7: Open the Panther Editor in motif using the command>prodev_motif
Step 8: To Run a sample Panther client application in motif use command > prorun_motif mgmt (Name of Panther screen)
Panther on Docker Desktop for Windows:
Perquisites: To run Panther on Windows using Docker Desktop. It will require to install Docker Desktop with WSL(it will install with Docker Desktop) on Windows 10.
Please follow the link to setup Docker Desktop
Step-1: Open command prompt or Windows PowerShell terminal to pull a docker-panther-trial image using command:
docker pull prolificspanther/docker-panther-trial
Step-2: Open Docker Desktop application using shortcut icon on Windows Desktop and it should show the docker-panther-trial image in image section.
Step-3: To create and run a container click on "Run" button on selecting docker-panther-trial image in image section. It will open a configuration dialogue box.
Step-4: Name a Container in name section, Local host port to run pantherweb on host machine,
Step-5: In volume section of dialogue box, we can share a host directory with a container by sharing path of local directory in host path field. Share location of license file on host machine and share location(/Apps/ProlificsContainer/PantherTest/License) to get the directory inside a container in Container path field.
Step-6: Click on Run button configuration dialogue box. It will create and start your container. It should show your container with status running in container section.
Step-7: Select running container and click on CLI option. It will open a CLI terminal terminal to run Panther in character mode.
Step-8: Set the license file using command export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/Apps/ProlificsContainer/prlstdwb553.07/licenses/license.dat
Step-9: To run prodev enter command> prodev on CLI terminal and to run prorun with sample app by enter the command>prorun mgmt(Name of panther screen).
Step-:10- To run sample pantherweb application on host browser. Click on "Open in browser". it will redirect to windows default browser. Add URL /PantherDemo/PantherDemo/login.
To access the image from OpenShift:
Step-1: Create a Project
Step-2: Click on Deploy an image
Step-3: Enter image name "prolificspanther/docker-panther-trial", specify the name of component.
Step-4: Click "Create".
Step-5: In Pods section, select your Pod it will open a new Pod window.
Step-6: Enter into the Pod by click on its name and switch to "Terminal" tab.
Step-7: Run the command( to test prodev): > "prodev"
Step-8: Run the command (to test sample Panther client app):>prorun mgmt (Name of Panther screen).
For Panther Cloud License, contact [email protected]
View license information for the software contained in this image.
As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).
As for any pre-built image usage, it is the image user's responsibility to ensure that any use of this image complies with any relevant licenses for all software contained within.
If you face any issues with this image, report them here
You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.
Before you begin to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.
Read our Documentation here