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f-schmitt-zih edited this page Apr 4, 2014 · 2 revisions

You are here: Home > Developer Documentation > File Endings

This page provides an overview over the file types that are used in PIConGPU and libPMacc.

File ending File Usage Description
cpp source code C++ source code
cu source code C++ source code (CUDA)
hpp source code C++ header
tpp source code C++ source code (templates)
def source code C++ header (definitions only)
kernel source code CUDA kernels
py source code Python source code
cfg configuration run-time configuration
loader configuration compile-time configuration
param configuration compile-time configuration
unitless configuration compile-time configuration
tpl cofniguration TBG batch system template
md documentation Markdown-syntax documentation
txt build system CMake build configuration
awk awk script awk script
filter VampirTrace filter VampirTrace runtime filter
gnuplot Gnuplot script Gnuplot script
sh Shell script (Bash) Shell script
bp ADIOS file ADIOS simulation output
h5 HDF5 file HDF5/libSplash simulation output
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