SymboliQ is an extension of Sympy's Quantum Mechanics subpackage. It's the only Python package we know of that allows for simulation of quantum circuits via Dirac Notation. See the poster for an in-depth explanation.
The SymboliQ package is available via pip
and can be installed in your current Python environment with the command:
pip install symboliq
from sympy.physics.quantum import TensorProduct
from symboliq.dirac_notation import DiracNotation, cx, h, i, x, ket_0, ket_1
# prints
print(DiracNotation(x * ket_1))
# prints
# (|0><1| + |1><0|)*|0>
bell_state = DiracNotation(
cx * TensorProduct(h, i) * TensorProduct(ket_0, ket_0)
# prints
# sqrt(2)*|0>x|0>/2 + sqrt(2)*|1>x|1>/2
If you have questions, feature requests or you found a bug, please file them on Github.