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Jared Ketterer edited this page Jan 31, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the QtPyHammer wiki!

This is where the bulk of human readable (non-programmers especially) documentation is recorded
Ideally the documentation should make it easy for anyone wanting to contribute to understand how QtPyHammer works, the structure of the code & program, as well as where in the codebase specific features are implemented and how these features can & do interact with the rest of the code.

At time of writing, this documentation is extremely limited as the core of the program is being repeatedly iterted upon to ensure a strong, modular foundation to build the most important features of the level editor upon, while still being relatively maintainable to keep future improvements from being held back by a restrictive core.

Later in the pre-alpha cycle this documentation should expand substantially, acting as a guide to both users and developers.

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