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glum 2.3.0

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@jtilly jtilly released this 06 Jan 09:46
· 191 commits to main since this release

2.3.0 - 2023-01-06

Bug fix:

  • A data frame with dense and sparse columns was transformed to a dense matrix instead of a split matrix by glum.GeneralizedLinearRegressor._set_up_and_check_fit_args. Fixed by calling tabmat.from_pandas on any data frame input.

New features:

  • The following classes and functions have been made public:
    glum._distribution.BinomialDistribution, glum._distribution.ExponentialDispersionModel,
    glum._distribution.GammaDistribution, glum._distribution.GeneralizedHyperbolicSecant,
    glum._distribution.InverseGaussianDistribution, glum._distribution.NormalDistribution,
    glum._distribution.PoissonDistribution, glum._link.IdentityLink, glum._link.Link, glum._link.LogLink,
    glum._link.TweedieLink, glum._glm.get_family and glum._glm.get_link.
  • The distribution and link classes now feature a more lenient equality check instead of the default identity check, so that, e.g., TweedieDistribution(1) == TweedieDistribution(1) returns True.