This library (with example) is designed to be integrated in projects using LM75A sensors to get temperature with most Arduino boards.
You'll be able to use between 1 and 8 LM75A sensor on a single board (or up to 16 if your board handles multiple I2C).
Download latest release
On your Arduino IDE, click "Sketch" menu and then "Include Library > Add .ZIP Libraries"
You can now use the library for your project or launch an example ("File > Examples")
LM75A sensor | Arduino |
VCC | 3.3V |
SDA | A4 (SDA) |
SCL | A5 (SCL) |
A0 | GND (or VCC to increase I2C address of 1) |
A1 | GND (or VCC to increase I2C address of 2) |
A2 | GND (or VCC to increase I2C address of 4) |
OS | None |
(Note: SDA and SCL of your board may change depending on your Arduino board)
Three examples are provided with this library:
This project is under MIT license. This means you can use it as you want (just don't delete the library header).
If you want to add more examples or improve the library, just create a pull request with proper commit message and right wrapping.
- Thank you andrzejboro for your help on a bug for negative temperature.
- Thank you damianjwilliams for your idea and help on multi I2C handling.
- Thank you BirdAPI for your idea to add a raw contructor using directly the I2C address.