We strongly recommend you to try Le dernier voyage game with bonuses.
This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever. It will enable you to explore ray-casting. Your goal will be to make a dynamic view inside a maze, in which you’ll have to find your way
Create a 3D game using ray-casting and your creativity to generate a compelling visual experience.
Setup and Usage
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/QuentinThierry/Cub3D.git;
cd Cub3D
cd Cub3D;
cd Cub3D_bonus;
./cub3D maps/valid.cub
./le_dernier_voyage maps/le_dernier_voyage.cub
- Run the program with a map file as the first argument. The map file must have a
extension. - A game window will open.
- Use
or the top-right cross to exit the game. - Use the options menu to configure key bindings.
- Controls:
- a/w/s/d to move.
- left/right arrows or mouse to rotate the view.
- p to pause the game.
- Space to open doors.
- Left-click to interact with objects and locked doors.
- Walk over items on the floor to pick them up.
- Left-shift to sprint
- =/- to zoom in/out on the minimap
- The game has been designed in full
. - A particular attention has been given to
with clever C stack/heap utilization. - Involved
behind the walls, floor/ceiling, objects and blurs have be recreated for the project. - All the sprites have been
based on raw images. Audio dialogs
were recorded by ourselves.- The map is
fully customizable
and anyone can create one (see this section)
Unroll map rules
- NO <.xpm file's name> define the wall's north texture
- SO <.xpm file's name> define the wall's south texture
- EA <.xpm file's name> define the wall's east texture
- WE <.xpm file's name> define the wall's west texture
- C <color R,G,B> define the ceiling's color
- F <color R,G,B> define the floor's color
R, G, B needs to be between 0 and 255.
- 1 is a wall
- 0 is an empty cell
- To define the player :
- N the player is facing north
- S the player is facing south
- E the player is facing east
- W the player is facing west
- The spaces are a valid part of the map.
- There is only one player by map.
- The map must be closed/surrounded by walls.
- The map's name ends by ".cub"
Example :
NO ./path_to_the_north_texture.xpm
SO ./path_to_the_south_texture.xpm
WE ./path_to_the_west_texture.xpm
EA ./path_to_the_east_texture.xpm
F 220,100,0
C 225,30,0
11110111 1110101 101111010001
11111111 1111111 111111111111
- NO <.xpm file's name> define the wall's north texture
- SO <.xpm file's name> define the wall's south texture
- EA <.xpm file's name> define the wall's east texture
- WE <.xpm file's name> define the wall's west texture
- C <.xpm file's name> define the ceiling
- F <.xpm file's name> define the floor
Between the legend and the map you need to write "MAP" on a new line.
- 1 is a wall
- 0 is an empty cell
- To define the player :
- N the player is facing north
- S the player is facing south
- E the player is facing east
- W the player is facing west
- The spaces are a valid part of the map.
- There is only one player by map.
- The map must be closed/surrounded by walls.
- The map's name ends by ".cub"
- Wall type: <letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name for the 4 orientations>
- Wall type: N_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name for the north texture>
- Wall type: S_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name for the south texture>
- Wall type: E_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name for the east texture>
- Wall type: W_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name for the west texture>
- Ceiling: C_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name for the ceiling>
- Floor: F_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name for the floor>
✅ You can add floor or ceiling texture to the door.
- Door : D_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name>
- Lock door : D_<letter of the wanted object>_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name door before the interaction> <.xpm file's name door after the interaction>
- Exit door for the game's end : T_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name>
⚠️ There is only one exit on the map
✅ You can add floor or ceiling texture to the object.
- Object with collision : OW_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name>
- Object interactive with collision : OI_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name object on the floor> <.xpm file's name object in the hand> <.xpm file's name object before the interaction> <.xpm file's name object after the interaction>
- Object without collision : OE_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name>
- Object interactive without collision : OI_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name object on the floor> <.xpm file's name object in the hand>
- Receptacle : R_<letter of the wanted object>_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.xpm file's name receptacle before the interaction> <.xpm file's name receptacle after the interaction>
- Narrator on a cell or door : H_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.wav or .mp3 file's name> <.txt file's name for subitle>
- Narrator on a receptacle : HR_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.wav or .mp3 file's name for empty receptacle> <.txt file's name for subitle for empty receptacle> <.wav or .mp3 file's name when the receptacle is completed> <.txt file's name for subitle when the receptacle is completed>
- Music on a cell or door : M_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.wav or .mp3 file's name>
- Music on an object : MO_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.wav or .mp3 file's name>
- Music on a receptacle : MR_<letter in ascii to insert in the map> <.wav or .mp3 file's name for empty receptacle> <.wav or .mp3 file's name when the receptacle is completed>
- Instead of giving a file .xpm you can give a directory, where there is an other directory inside, which contains all the animation frame and a file config.cfg.
- The frames need to be sorted by alphabetical order.
- The config file contains the time between each frames and on a new line the time between each animation in milisecond.
- Instead of giving a file .xpm you can give a directory, where there is all the random textures or animations you want.
- For the animation inside this directory, you give a directory, which contains all the animation frame and a file config.cfg.
Example :
NO ./path_to_the_north_texture.xpm
SO ./path_to_the_south_texture.xpm
WE ./path_to_the_west_texture.xpm
EA ./path_to_the_east_texture.xpm
F ./path_to_the_floor_texture.xpm
C ./path_to_the_ceiling_animation_directory/
T_a ./path_to_the_end_door_texture.xpm
MR_a ./path_to_the_empty_receptacle_music.wav ./path_to_the_full_receptacle_music.mp3
D_i ./path_to_the_door_texture.xpm
D_c_b ./path_to_the_lock_door_texture.xpm ./path_to_the_open_door_texture.xpm
OI_c ./path_to_the_ojbect_on_the_floor_texture.xpm ./path_to_the_object_in_the_hand_texture.xpm
MO_c ./path_to_the_object_music.wav
F_c ./path_to_the_floor_texture.xpm
C_c ./path_to_the_ceiling_texture.xpm
M_d ./path_to_the_cell_music.wav
OI_e ./path_to_the_ojbect_on_the_floor_texture.xpm ./path_to_the_object_in_the_hand_texture.xpm
MO_e ./path_to_the_object_music.wav
R_e_f ./path_to_the_empty_receptacle_texture.xpm ./path_to_the_full_recepacle_texture.xpm
MR_f ./path_to_the_empty_receptacle_music.wav ./path_to_the_full_receptacle_music.mp3
OI_g ./path_to_the_ojbect_on_the_floor_texture.xpm ./path_to_the_object_in_the_hand_texture.xpm ./path_to_the_object_before_interaction_texture.xpm ./path_to_the_object_after_interaction_texture.xpm
H_g ./path_to_the_object_narrator.wav ./path_to_the_subtitle_narrator.txt
R_g_h ./path_to_the_empty_receptacle_texture.xpm ./path_to_the_full_recepacle_texture.xpm
HR_h ./path_to_the_empty_receptacle_narrator.wav ./path_to_the_subtitle_narrator.txt ./path_to_the_full_receptacle_narrator.mp3 ./path_to_the_subtitle_narrator.txt
OW_j ./path_to_the_colliding_object_texture.xpm
OE_k ./path_to_the_non_colliding_object_texture.xpm
l ./path_to_the_texture.xpm
N_l ./path_to_the_north_texture.xpm
F_m ./path_to_the_floor_texture.xpm
C_m ./path_to_the_ceiling_texture.xpm