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Header-only C++ containers and algorithms from the SG14 Low Latency study group

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A library of containers and algorithms pioneered by the ISO C++ Committee's "Low-Latency and Embedded" study group (SG14). For more information on SG14, see the mailing list.

What's included

Each subheading of the form "(C++YY > C++XX)" means that some approximation of this facility is present in C++YY, but the sg14:: version is intended to compile as far back as C++XX. A subheading "(future > C++XX)" means that this facility isn't available in any version of standard C++, yet.

Efficient removal algorithms (future > C++14)

#include <sg14/algorithm_ext.h>

FwdIt sg14::unstable_remove(FwdIt first, FwdIt last, const T& value);
FwdIt sg14::unstable_remove_if(FwdIt first, FwdIt last, Pred pred);

sg14::unstable_remove_if is like std::remove_if, but doesn't preserve the relative order of the non-removed elements. It doesn't "shuffle elements leftward"; it simply "replaces each removed element with *--last." These algorithms were proposed in P0041.

Why not sg14::unstable_erase(ctr, x)?

When lst is a std::list, std::erase(lst, x) is more efficient than lst.erase(sg14::unstable_remove(lst.begin(), lst.end(), x), lst.end()). Therefore P0041 also proposed new overload sets std::unstable_erase and std::unstable_erase_if.

We don't provide sg14::unstable_erase{,_if} mainly because there's no good way to do it without either including every container's header (<vector>, <deque>, <list>, <forward_list>, <set>,...), which is expensive; or else forward-declaring every container, which is implementation-defined and error-prone.

There is also the minor question of whether, when dq is a deque, unstable_erase_if(dq, pred) should be implemented as

    dq.erase(dq.begin(), std::find_if_not(dq.begin(), dq.end(), pred));
    dq.erase(sg14::unstable_remove_if(dq.begin(), dq.end(), pred), dq.end());


    dq.erase(std::find_if_not(dq.rbegin(), dq.rend(), pred).base(), dq.end());
    dq.erase(dq.begin(), sg14::unstable_remove_if(dq.rbegin(), dq.rend(), pred).base());

The answer depends not only on the internal state of the deque (known only to the STL implementation) but also on the expected workload (known only to the user-programmer): If we plan to push_back soon, then it makes sense to swap items toward the front of the deque, but if we plan to push_front, then it makes more sense to swap toward the back.

Uninitialized memory algorithms (C++17 > C++14)

FwdIt sg14::uninitialized_move(It first, Sent last, FwdIt d_first);
FwdIt sg14::uninitialized_value_construct(FwdIt first, Sent last);
FwdIt sg14::uninitialized_default_construct(FwdIt first, Sent last);
void sg14::destroy(FwdIt, FwdIt);

These algorithms were proposed in P0040 and adopted into C++17. The sg14 versions are slightly more general (they take iterator-sentinel pairs) and portable back to C++11, but in C++17 you should use the std versions, please.

Flat associative container adaptors (C++23 > C++14)

#include <sg14/flat_set.h>
#include <sg14/flat_map.h>

template<class K, class Comp = less<K>, class Cont = vector<K>>
class sg14::flat_set;

template<class K, class V, class Comp = less<K>, class KCont = vector<K>, class VCont = vector<V>>
class sg14::flat_map;

sg14::flat_set<int> is a drop-in replacement for std::set<int>, but under the hood it uses a vector to store its data in sorted order, instead of being a node-based tree data structure. These container adaptors were proposed in P1222 (flat_set) and P0429 (flat_map), and adopted into C++23. The sg14 versions are portable back to C++14.

C++23 also provides flat_multimap and flat_multiset, which we don't provide.

Boost also provides all four adaptors; see boost::container::flat_set.

In-place vector (C++26 > C++17)

#include <sg14/inplace_vector.h>

template<class T, size_t N>
class sg14::inplace_vector;

sg14::inplace_vector<int, 10> is a drop-in replacement for std::vector<int>, but under the hood it stores its elements directly in-line, like a std::array, instead of using the heap. This container is proposed in P0843 and has been adopted into the C++26 draft. The sg14 version is portable back to C++17.

Boost provides this container under the name boost::container::static_vector.

Why not std::erase{,_if}(inplace_vector, x)?

We shouldn't inject our own overloads into namespace std. We could provide sg14::erase instead, but then you'd have to know whether you had a std::vector or a sg14::inplace_vector in order to use it; or else use an ADL call, which isn't how std::erase is designed to be used. The erase-remove idiom works fine for inplace_vector.

Allocator-aware in-place vector (future > C++20)

#include <sg14/aa_inplace_vector.h>

template<class T, size_t N, class Alloc = std::allocator<T>>
class sg14::inplace_vector;

sg14::inplace_vector<int, 10, std::allocator<int>> is a drop-in replacement for the C++17 allocator-unaware sg14::inplace_vector<int, 10>, but having allocator-awareness allows you to do three things you can't do without it:

  • sg14::pmr::inplace_vector<std::pmr::string, 10> can directly emplace_back("abc") with the correct allocator, just like std::pmr::vector<std::pmr::string>. Without allocator-awareness, you would have to write emplace_back("abc", &mr) and keep track of your allocator separately alongside the data structure.

  • sg14::inplace_vector<char, 10, SmallSizeAllocator> can use a type smaller than size_t to store the size of the vector, which means a smaller memory footprint.

  • sg14::inplace_vector can hold Boost.Interprocess types. In this case, inplace_vector::iterator will be boost::offset_ptr<T> instead of T*.

In-place type-erased types (future > C++14)

#include <sg14/inplace_function.h>

template<class Signature, size_t Cap, size_t Align>
class sg14::inplace_function;

The standard std::function<int()> has a "small buffer optimization" so that small callables (such as lambdas that capture only a few things) can be stored inside the memory footprint of the function object instead of on the heap.

sg14::inplace_function<int()> is a drop-in replacement for std::function<int()>, except that it is compile-time-constrained to hold only callables that can fit into its small buffer. Types that are too large, or too aligned, are simply not convertible to sg14::inplace_function<int()> — you'll get a compile-time error instead.

The size and alignment of the small buffer are configurable via template parameters.

The C++11 std::function has a const-correctness issue:

    auto lam = [i=0]() mutable { return ++i; };
    const std::function<int()> f = lam;
    assert(f() == 1);
    assert(f() == 2);

C++23's std::move_only_function and the proposed std::function_ref fix this const-correctness issue by making operator() take on the cvref-qualifiers of the Signature type; and sg14::inplace_function follows that same design. For example:

    auto lam = [i=0]() mutable { return ++i; };
    const sg14::inplace_function<int()> f1 = lam;
    f1(); // does not compile: operator() is a non-const member function

    sg14::function<int()> f2 = lam;
    f2(); // OK: operator() mutates f2, as expected

    const sg14::function<int() const> f3 = lam; // does not compile: lam is not const-callable
    f3(); // would be OK: operator() is a const member function

In practice, most of your uses of std::function<T(U)> should be replaced not with sg14::inplace_function<T(U)> but rather with sg14::inplace_function<T(U) const>.

Circular ring_span (future > C++14)

#include <sg14/ring_span.h>

template<class T, class Popper = default_popper<T>>
class sg14::ring_span;

sg14::ring_span is a "view plus metadata" type — not a pure container adaptor like std::queue, but not a pure view type like C++20 std::span. It sits on top of a fixed-size contiguous range (such as a C array), treats the range as a circular buffer, and exposes a deque-like API.

sg14::ring_span is not a concurrent queue; it is only as thread-safe as std::vector, which is to say, it is not thread-safe at all.

Copying a sg14::ring_span gives you a second ring_span object, with its own head and tail pointers, but referencing the same underlying range. You probably don't want to do this; pass ring_span by reference or by move, if you pass them around at all.

The Popper policy parameter controls whether r.pop_front() should return a copy of the popped element; a move of the popped element; void (thus simulating std::queue::pop()); or something more complicated. The default behavior is to move-from the popped element.

This adaptor was proposed in P0059. Martin Moene has another implementation at martinmoene/ring-span-lite.

slot_map (future > C++14)

#include <sg14/slot_map.h>

template<class T, class Key = pair<unsigned, unsigned>, template<class...> class Cont = vector>
class sg14::slot_map;

The objects in a slot_map<T> are stored in a random-access sequence container of type Cont<T>, and use that container's iterators, just like sg14::flat_set does. slot_map::erase uses the equivalent of sg14::unstable_remove on that container, so it takes O(1) time and invalidates pointers and iterators. But slot_map::insert returns a value of type key_type, not iterator, and keys (unlike iterators) remain stable over insertion and erasure. Use slot_map::find to convert a key_type back into a dereferenceable iterator:

    sg14::slot_map<int> sm = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    sg14::slot_map<int>::key_type key = sm.insert(6);
    assert(sm.find(key) == sm.begin() + 5);
    sm.erase(sm.begin() + 2); // invalidates pointers and iterators, 6 moves to the middle
    assert(sm.find(key) == sm.begin() + 2);
    assert( == 6); // keys are not invalidated
    sm.erase(sm.begin() + 2);
    assert(sm.find(key) == sm.end());

This container adaptor was proposed in P0661.

hive (future > C++17)

#include <sg14/hive.h>

template<class T, class Allocator = allocator<T>>
class sg14::hive;

A hive<T> is superficially similar to a std::deque<T>: it stores its elements in piecewise contiguous blocks. But where a deque manages an array of fixed-size blocks that never contain "holes" (except for spare capacity at either end), a hive manages a linked list of variable-sized blocks that can contain "holes." Inserting into a hive will go back and fill holes before it allocates new blocks. This means that hive, like sg14::slot_map, is not a sequence container (you cannot choose where to insert elements) but also not an associative container (you cannot quickly find the element with a specific value). Its value proposition is that pointers remain stable over insertion and erasure.

sg14::hive is directly derived from Matt Bentley's plf::hive, formerly known as plf::colony. hive was proposed in P0447.

How to build

git clone [email protected]:Quuxplusone/SG14.git
cd SG14
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && make && bin/utest

To test a particular C++ standard version, set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD at build time:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 && make && bin/utest

Each individual header file is deliberately standalone; you can copy just the one .h file into your project and it should work fine with no other dependencies (except the C++ standard library).


  • C++ 98.7%
  • CMake 1.3%