E-commerce website for a web programming class
- Vishwajeet Kakde
- Rafael Nunez
- Karan Shah
- Zhiqi Xiong
- Rafael/Zhiqi - Users domain (register/login users, authenticate and maintain user sessions using passport)
- Vishwajeet - Products domain (set up the home page showing products grid, initialize products inventory, redirect interested user to product info page showing product details and reviews)
- Karan - Orders domain (handle product cart, delivery detailsd, and order checkout for user)
#Code running instructions
- Fire up mongo server using "mongod" on a cmd
- On a different cmd, navigate using "cd" to your workspace. Clone the repository - https://github.com/RANE1021/CS546FinalProject
- Once cloned, install all necessary package using "npm install"
- Start the express server using "npm start"
- Open a browser (preferably Chrome/Firefox), and navigate to "localhost:3000"