AGL Code Test
- Clone repository to local
- Open AGLCodeTest.sln in Visual Studio 2017
- Hit F5
- Enjoy
NLog is configured to write to C:\temp, so this folder will need to be accessible to the logged in account
- Project descriptions
1.1 CatListMVCUI
ASP.NET CORE 2.1 MVC web application which provides the front end to fulfil the requirements of the task.
1.2 PetOwnerModels
POCO classes
1.3 PetOwnerService
.Net Core 2.1 library project which provides classes and interfaces to read from the provided endpoint and perform the transformation required by the task.
1.4 PetOwnerServiceTests Unit tests for the PetOwnerService classes.
1.4.1 EqualityComparers
Used by the unit tests to determine equality between the Dictionary<string,List<string>> instances used as DTO. Only used by the unit tests.
2.1 CatListMVCUI
2.1.1 appsettings.json Standard appsettings file with a CatListMVCConfig section CatListMCVConfig section ApiEndpoint The URL which will be requested for Pet Owner data. Works for the provided file url, should also work for an api which returns json
Logging is provided by NLog.
Configuration is contained in .\NLogConfig.xml
Currently only file logging is configured with target files:
C:\temp\nlog-allyyyy-mm-dd.log - stores all logs
C:\temp\nlog-AGLCodeTest-yyyy-mm-dd.log - ignores Microsoft logs, will only contain logs created by the AGLCodeTest application.