This repo has software that creates a geotiff, and then converts it to a Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG). This branch supsets the the data.
cd build
docker build -t adcirc2cog:latest .
To create a stand alone container for testing use the command shown below:
docker run -ti --name adcirc2cog_latest --volume /directory/path/to/storage:/data -d adcirc2cog /bin/bash
After the container has been created, you can access it using the following command:
docker exec -it adcirc2cog_latest bash
To create tiffs and cogs you must first activate the conda enviroment using the following command:
conda activate adcirc2cog
Now you can run the command to create a tiff:
python --inputDIR /data/4221-2022080406-namforecast/input --outputDIR /data/4221-2022080406-namforecast/cogeo --inputFile
and the command to create the cog file:
python --inputDIR /data/4221-2022080406-namforecast/cogeo --finalDIR /data/4221-2022080406-namforecast/final/cogeo --inputParam maxele63
where 4221-2022080406-namforecast is any ADCIRC run.