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joelclermont edited this page Sep 27, 2014 · 4 revisions

I spend most of my time in the PHP and .NET communities, but I'm a language nerd and am shifting toward functional programming as fast as I can. I organize the Milwaukee PHP and Milwaukee FP user groups and enjoy getting to as many diverse conferences as possible in a year. My latest area of interest is the brain and neuroscience, especially as it relates to learning technology.

Proposed Talks

Title IPFS - The Permanent Web
Level Five-In-Five

Link rot is a problem we've all encountered on the web. You read a blog post someone wrote last year, which links to a paper. That link is now dead. There are also issues with versioning. Technical content should be updated, but how do we know when this content was last changed? What did the previous version(s) look like? The Wayback Machine is a noble initiative from the Internet Archive, but it can't solve this problem completely or efficiently.

Enter IPFS, the Interplanetary File System. This project is a protocol, a file system and a mechanism for distributing and browsing content. Leveraging existing technologies like BitTorrent, Git and Kademlia it aims to solve the problems mentioned above, along with several others.

I'll give a whirlwind tour of the project, its goals and its current state, with hopes of inspiring you to check it out and contribute your ideas.

Slides IFPS - The Permanent Web
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