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This document shows how to build and run a LLaMA model in TensorRT-LLM on both single GPU, single node multi-GPU and multi-node multi-GPU.


The TensorRT-LLM LLaMA implementation can be found in tensorrt_llm/models/llama/ The TensorRT-LLM LLaMA example code is located in examples/llama. There is one main file:

In addition, there are two shared files in the parent folder examples for inference and evaluation:

Support Matrix

  • FP16
  • FP8
  • INT8 & INT4 Weight-Only
  • SmoothQuant
  • Groupwise quantization (AWQ/GPTQ)
  • INT8 KV CACHE (+ AWQ/per-channel weight-only)
  • Tensor Parallel


The TensorRT-LLM LLaMA example code locates at examples/llama. It takes HF weights as input, and builds the corresponding TensorRT engines. The number of TensorRT engines depends on the number of GPUs used to run inference.

Build TensorRT engine(s)

Please install required packages first to make sure the example uses matched tensorrt_llm version:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Need to prepare the HF LLaMA checkpoint by following the guides here

TensorRT-LLM LLaMA builds TensorRT engine(s) from HF checkpoint. If no checkpoint directory is specified, TensorRT-LLM will build engine(s) with dummy weights.

Normally trtllm-build only requires single GPU, but if you've already got all the GPUs needed for inference, you could enable parallel building to make the engine building process faster by adding --workers argument. Please note that currently workers feature only supports single node.

--use_fused_mlp enables GEMM horizontal fusion in gated MLP layer, which reduces input traffic and potentially improves performance. For FP8 PTQ, the downside is slight reduction of accuracy because one of the quantization scaling factors are discarded (accuracy 0.45734 vs 0.45755 for LLaMA-v2 7B using modelopt/examples/hf/instruct_eval/

Here're some examples:

# Build a single-GPU float16 engine from HF weights.
# Try use_gemm_plugin to prevent accuracy issue.

# Build the LLaMA 7B model using a single GPU and FP16.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                              --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_fp16 \
                              --dtype float16

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_fp16 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu \
            --gemm_plugin float16

# Build the LLaMA 7B model using a single GPU and BF16.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                              --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_bf16 \
                              --dtype bfloat16

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_bf16 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/bf16/1-gpu \
            --gpt_attention_plugin bfloat16 \
            --gemm_plugin bfloat16

# Build the LLaMA 7B model using a single GPU and apply INT8 weight-only quantization.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                              --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_fp16_wq \
                              --dtype float16 \
                              --use_weight_only \
                              --weight_only_precision int8

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_fp16_wq \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/weight_only/1-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

# Build LLaMA 7B using 2-way auto parallelism.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_fp16 \
                            --dtype float16

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_fp16 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16/2-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \
            --auto_parallel 2

# Build LLaMA 7B using 2-way tensor parallelism.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_tp2 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 2

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_tp2 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16/2-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

# Build LLaMA 7B using 2-way tensor parallelism and 2-way pipeline parallelism.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_4gpu_tp2_pp2 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 2 \
                            --pp_size 2
trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_4gpu_tp2_pp2 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16/4-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

# Build LLaMA 30B using 2-way tensor parallelism.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/30B/hf/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_tp2 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 2

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_tp2 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/30B/trt_engines/fp16/2-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \

LLaMA v2 Updates

The LLaMA v2 models with 7B and 13B are compatible with the LLaMA v1 implementation. The above commands still work.

For LLaMA v2 70B, there is a restriction on tensor parallelism that the number of KV heads must be divisible by the number of GPUs. For example, since the 70B model has 8 KV heads, you can run it with 2, 4 or 8 GPUs (1 GPU as well for FP8).

# Build LLaMA 70B using 8-way tensor parallelism.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/hf/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 8

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/trt_engines/fp16/8-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

# Build LLaMA 70B using 4-way tensor parallelism and 2-way pipeline parallelism.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/hf/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp4_pp2 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 4 \
                            --pp_size 2

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp4_pp2 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/trt_engines/fp16/8-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

# Build LLaMA 70B TP=8 using Meta checkpoints directly.
python --meta_ckpt_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 8

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/trt_engines/fp16/8-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \

Same instructions can be applied to fine-tuned versions of the LLaMA v2 models (e.g. 7Bf or llama-2-7b-chat).

LLaMA v3 Updates

The LLaMA v3 models with 8B and 70b are compatible with the LLaMA v2 implementation. The above commands still work.

Note that the rope_theta and vocab_size are larger in LLaMA v3 models and these values are now inferred or pickup up from the params.json when using the meta_ckpt_dir.

# Build LLaMA v3 8B TP=1 using HF checkpoints directly.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/8B/hf/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_tp1 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 1

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_tp1 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/8B/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \

# Build LLaMA v3 8B TP=1 using Meta checkpoints directly.
python --meta_ckpt_dir ./tmp/llama/8B/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_tp1 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 1

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_tp1 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/8B/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \

# Build LLaMA v3 70B using 8-way tensor parallelism.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/hf/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 8

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/trt_engines/fp16/8-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

# Build LLaMA v3 70B using 4-way tensor parallelism and 2-way pipeline parallelism.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/hf/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp4_pp2 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 4 \
                            --pp_size 2

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp4_pp2 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/trt_engines/fp16/8-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

# Build LLaMA v3 70B TP=8 using Meta checkpoints directly.
python --meta_ckpt_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 8

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/trt_engines/fp16/8-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \

Same instructions can be applied to fine-tuned versions of the LLaMA v2 models (e.g. 7Bf or llama-2-7b-chat).

Long context length

To use the model with Long context lengths, it is necessary to add --multi_block_mode in the build command to enable faster decoding in multi-head attention.

A few LLaMA models are fine-tuned for long context length that TRT-LLM can support today. For example employs rotary scaling plus fine-tuning to support up to 32K context length. The following show the steps for running LongAlpaca-70B in TRT-LLM:

# Build 8-GPU engine with long context LLaMA model
python --meta_ckpt_dir ./tmp/LongAlpaca-70B/ \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --tp_size 8 \

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_8gpu_tp8 \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/trt_engines/fp16/8-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \

# Get the long text data from Gutenberg Project

# Replace the line breaks with special character '\n' and append "Summarize this story:" at end of text
awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0} END {printf "\\nSummarize this story:"}' pg64317.txt > pg64317_sanitized.txt

# Run with 8 GPUs
# Notice, `--max_input_length <n>` is a convenience option to limit the input length for the data.
# It should be set to the maximum context length the model supports. Here the limit is set to 32K.
mpirun -n 8 --allow-run-as-root \
    python ../ \
    --max_output_len 128 \
    --max_input_length 32768 \
    --input_file pg64317_sanitized.txt \
    --engine_dir ./tmp/llama/70B/trt_engines/fp16/8-gpu/ \
    --tokenizer_dir ./tmp/LongAlpaca-70B/

Note that if engine is built with contiguous KV cache (i.e., without the flag --paged_kv_cache), you may need to reduce the max batch size (--max_batch_size) to fit the whole model and the KV cache in the GPU memory. The ballpark estimate for runtime memory consumption is given by

Total memory = (Model size + KV cache size + Activation memory) / Parallelism


  • The model size is the number of parameters * the size of data type.
  • The KV cache size is the total number of tokens * the size of KV cache data type * the number of layers * the KV hidden dimension
  • The activation memory is determined by TRT engine, which can be a few GBs regardless of the degree of parallelism used

For LLaMA v2 70B FP16 weights + FP8 KV cache, the model size is 70B parameters * 2 bytes = 140GB. The KV cache size is 32K tokens * 1 bytes * 80 layers * 2048 KV hidden dimension = 5GB per 32K tokens. We have 145GB spread across 8 GPUs. The end result is ~18GB per GPU plus some GBs of flat scratch/activation memory allocated by TRT engine and the TRT-LLM runtime.

Note that the KV hidden dimension is derived by the number of KV heads times hidden dimension of each head. LLaMA v2 70B has hidden dimension of 8192, and uses grouped-query attention where 8 key heads and 8 value heads are associated with 64 query heads. Each head has hidden dimension of 8192/64 = 128. So the hidden dimension for KV in total is 128 * 8 * 2 = 2048.

The total number of tokens is determined by beam width, batch size, and maximum sequence length.

INT8 KV cache

INT8 KV cache could be enabled to reduce memory footprint. It will bring more performance gains when batch size gets larger.

For INT8 KV cache, features a --int8_kv_cache option. Setting --int8_kv_cache will calibrate the model, and then export the scaling factors needed for INT8 KV cache inference.


python --model_dir ./llama-models/llama-7b-hf   \
                             --output_dir ./llama-models/llama-7b-hf/int8_kv_cache/ \
                             --dtype float16  \
                             --int8_kv_cache add new options for the support of INT8 KV cache.

INT8 KV cache + per-channel weight-only quantization

INT8 KV cache could be combined with per-channel weight-only quantization, as follows:

Examples of INT8 weight-only quantization + INT8 KV cache

# Build model with both INT8 weight-only and INT8 KV cache enabled
python --model_dir ./llama-models/llama-7b-hf   \
                             --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_int8_kv_wq \
                             --dtype float16  \
                             --int8_kv_cache \
                             --use_weight_only \
                             --weight_only_precision int8

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_int8_kv_wq \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/int8_kv_cache_weight_only/1-gpu \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \
            --multi_block_mode \

Test with ../

python ../ --test_trt_llm \
                       --hf_model_dir ./llama-models/llama-7b-hf \
                       --data_type fp16 \
                       --engine_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/int8_kv_cache_weight_only/1-gpu \

INT8 KV cache + AWQ

In addition, you can enable INT8 KV cache together with AWQ (per-group INT4 weight-only quantization)like the following command.

python ../quantization/ --model_dir /tmp/llama-7b-hf \
                                   --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_awq_int8_kv_cache \
                                   --dtype float16 \
                                   --qformat int4_awq \
                                   --awq_block_size 128 \
                                   --kv_cache_dtype int8 \
                                   --calib_size 32

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_awq_int8_kv_cache \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/int8_kv_cache_int4_AWQ/1-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \

Test with ../

python ../ --test_trt_llm \
                       --hf_model_dir /tmp/llama-7b-hf \
                       --data_type fp16 \
                       --engine_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/int8_kv_cache_int4_AWQ/1-gpu \


The smoothquant supports both LLaMA v1 and LLaMA v2. Unlike the FP16 build where the HF weights are processed and loaded into the TensorRT-LLM directly, the SmoothQuant needs to load INT8 weights which should be pre-processed before building an engine.


python3 --model_dir /llama-models/llama-7b-hf  --output_dir /tmp/tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_sq --dtype float16 --smoothquant 0.5
trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir /tmp/tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_sq \
             --output_dir ./engine_outputs \
             --gemm_plugin float16 add new options for the support of INT8 inference of SmoothQuant models.

--smoothquant is the starting point of INT8 inference. By default, it will run the model in the per-tensor mode.

Then, you can add any combination of --per-token and --per-channel to get the corresponding behaviors.

Examples of build invocations:

# Build model for SmoothQuant in the _per_token_ + _per_channel_ mode
python3 --model_dir /llama-models/llama-7b-hf \
                            --output_dir /tmp/tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_sq \
                            --dtype float16 \
                            --smoothquant 0.5 \
                            --per_token \

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir /tmp/tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_sq \
             --output_dir ./engine_outputs \
             --gemm_plugin float16

FP8 Post-Training Quantization

The examples below uses the NVIDIA Modelopt (AlgorithMic Model Optimization) toolkit for the model quantization process.

First make sure Modelopt toolkit is installed (see examples/quantization/

# Quantize HF LLaMA 70B into FP8 and export trtllm checkpoint
python ../quantization/ --model_dir ./tmp/llama/70B \
                                   --dtype float16 \
                                   --qformat fp8 \
                                   --kv_cache_dtype fp8 \
                                   --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_fp8 \
                                   --calib_size 512 \
                                   --tp_size 2

# Build trtllm engines from the trtllm checkpoint
# Enable fp8 context fmha to get further acceleration by setting `--use_fp8_context_fmha enable`
trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_fp8 \
             --output_dir ./engine_outputs \
             --gemm_plugin float16 \
             --strongly_typed \
             --workers 2

Note: A LLaMA 70B model with BF16 is about 140GB, a LLaMA 70B model with FP8 is about 70GB. The peak GPU memory consumption when doing FP8 quantizaton is more than 210GB (there is also some activation memory occupation when doing calibration). So you need a node with at least 4 H100(A100) to run the quantization command. After quantization, 2 GPUs are okay to for building and run.

Groupwise quantization (AWQ/GPTQ)

One can enable AWQ/GPTQ INT4 weight only quantization with these options when building engine with trtllm-build:

  • --use_weight_only enables weight only GEMMs in the network.
  • --per_group enable groupwise weight only quantization, for GPT-J example, we support AWQ with the group size default as 128.
  • --weight_only_precision should specify the weight only quantization format. Supported formats are int4_awq or int4_gptq.
  • --modelopt_quant_ckpt_path passes the quantized checkpoint to build the engine.

AWQ/GPTQ examples below involves 2 steps:

  1. Weight quantization
  2. Build TRT-LLM engine
  1. Weight quantization:

    NVIDIA Modelopt toolkit is used for AWQ weight quantization. Please see examples/quantization/ for Modelopt installation instructions.

    # Quantize HF LLaMA 7B checkpoint into INT4 AWQ format
    python ../quantization/ --model_dir ./tmp/llama-7b-hf \
                                       --dtype float16 \
                                       --qformat int4_awq \
                                       --awq_block_size 128 \
                                       --output_dir ./quantized_int4-awq \
                                       --calib_size 32
  2. Build TRT-LLM engine:

    trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./quantized_int4-awq \
                 --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/int4_AWQ/1-gpu/ \
                 --gemm_plugin float16

To run the GPTQ LLaMa example, the following steps are required:

  1. Weight quantization:

    Quantized weights for GPTQ are generated using GPTQ-for-LLaMa as follow:

    git clone
    cd GPTQ-for-LLaMa
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    # Quantize weights into INT4 and save as safetensors
    # Quantized weight with parameter "--act-order" is not supported in TRT-LLM
    python ./tmp/llama/7B/ c4 --wbits 4 --true-sequential --groupsize 128 --save_safetensors ./llama-7b-4bit-gs128.safetensors

    Let us build the TRT-LLM engine with the saved ./llama-7b-4bit-gs128.safetensors.

  2. Build TRT-LLM engine:

    # Build the LLaMA 7B model using 2-way tensor parallelism and apply INT4 GPTQ quantization.
    # Compressed checkpoint safetensors are generated separately from GPTQ.
    python --model_dir /tmp/llama-7b-hf \
                                 --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_gptq \
                                 --dtype float16 \
                                 --modelopt_quant_ckpt_path ./llama-7b-4bit-gs128.safetensors  \
                                 --use_weight_only \
                                 --weight_only_precision int4_gptq \
                                 --per_group \
                                 --tp_size 2
    trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_gptq \
                --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/int4_GPTQ/2-gpu/ \
                --gemm_plugin float16


To run a TensorRT-LLM LLaMA model using the engines generated by trtllm-build

# With fp16 inference
python3 ../ --max_output_len=50 \
                  --tokenizer_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \

# With bf16 inference
python3 ../ --max_output_len=50 \
                  --tokenizer_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \

Summarization using the LLaMA model

# Run summarization using the LLaMA 7B model in FP16.
python ../ --test_trt_llm \
                       --hf_model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                       --data_type fp16 \
                       --engine_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/

# Run summarization using the LLaMA 7B model quantized to INT8.
python ../ --test_trt_llm \
                       --hf_model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                       --data_type fp16 \
                       --engine_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/weight_only/1-gpu/

# Run summarization using the LLaMA 7B model in FP16 using two GPUs.
mpirun -n 2 --allow-run-as-root \
    python ../ --test_trt_llm \
                           --hf_model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                           --data_type fp16 \
                           --engine_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16/2-gpu/

# Run summarization using the LLaMA 30B model in FP16 using two GPUs.
mpirun -n 2 --allow-run-as-root \
    python ../ --test_trt_llm \
                           --hf_model_dir ./tmp/llama/30B/ \
                           --data_type fp16 \
                           --engine_dir ./tmp/llama/30B/trt_engines/fp16/2-gpu/

Mistral v0.1

Mistral v0.1 is compatible with LLaMA interface and can be built and run using the same instructions. Setting --max_input_len, corresponding to the max_position_embeddings in the original Mistral config explicitly regulates context size. The --max_attention_window_size parameter is set to the sliding_window value in the config and regulates both sliding window attention in the context phase and rolling buffer cache in the generation phase.

# Build Mistral 7B with max input length 32256
python --model_dir ./mistral-7b-v0.1 \
                             --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_mistral \
                             --dtype float16
trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu_gptq \
            --output_dir ./tmp/mistral/7B/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \
            --max_input_len 32256

# Run Mistral 7B fp16 inference with sliding window/cache size 4096
python3 --max_output_len=50 \
               --tokenizer_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
               --engine_dir=./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/ \

Note that if you are comparing TRT-LLM with Huggingface, you should install transformers with version >= 4.34.1 in order to have Mistral model supported. And upgrade flash-attn package by pip install --upgrade flash-attn or you may see wrong results generated by the huggingface implementation.

Running CodeLlama

Those examples can be used to build and run the CodeLlama models. All 7b, 13b, and 34b sizes and variants are supported.

There are a couple of differences in CodeLlama in comparison to LLaMA v1/v2 models: rotary_base (theta=1000000.0f) and vocabulary size (32016 (1)).

(1): Only applicable to 7b and 13b model sizes. 34b model variants use 32000.


Use the following command to build CodeLlama-7b-Instruct:

python --model_dir /tmp/CodeLlama-7b-Instruct-hf  \
                             --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_codellama \
                             --dtype float16

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_codellama \
            --output_dir ./tmp/codellama/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

Use the following command to build CodeLlama-34b-Instruct for 4 GPUs (TP=4):

python --model_dir /tmp/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf  \
                             --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_4gpu_codellama \
                             --dtype float16 \
                             --tp_size 4

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_4gpu_codellama \
            --output_dir ./tmp/codellama/trt_engines/fp16/4-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16

NOTE: CodeLlama uses the max_position_embeddings of 16K. To build the engine for running similarly long input/output, you need to specify that during build.

Use --max_input_len and --max_output_len (which defaults to 2048 and 512, respectively) according to your use case, e.g.:

python --model_dir /tmp/CodeLlama-34b-Instruct-hf  \
                             --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_4gpu_codellama \
                             --dtype float16 \
                             --tp_size 8 \

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_4gpu_codellama \
            --output_dir ./tmp/codellama/trt_engines/fp16/4-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \
            --max_input_len 15360 \
            --max_output_len 1024 \
            --max_batch_size 4


Use the following command to run the 7b engine from above:

python ../ --max_output_len=40 --tokenizer_dir . --engine_dir codellama_7b --input_text "In Bash, how do I list all text files?"

Use the following command to run the 34b engine with long input/output from above:

mpirun -n 8 --allow-run-as-root \
    python ../ --max_output_len=160 --tokenizer_dir ./CodeLlama-34b-Instruct \
    --engine_dir codellama_34b --input_text "In python, write a function for binary searching an element in an integer array."

Run LLaMa with LoRA

  • download the base model and lora model from HF
git-lfs clone
git-lfs clone
  • Build engine, setting --lora_plugin and --lora_dir. If lora has separate lm_head and embedding, they will replace lm_head and embedding of base model.
python --model_dir Llama-2-13b-hf \
                         --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu \
                         --dtype float16 \
                         --tp_size 2

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_2gpu \
            --output_dir /tmp/new_lora_13b/trt_engines/fp16/2-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \
            --lora_plugin float16 \
            --max_batch_size 1 \
            --max_input_len 512 \
            --max_output_len 50 \
            --lora_dir chinese-llama-2-lora-13b
  • Run inference. Need to setup the lora_dir. Remember to use lora tokenizer because lora model has larger vocab size.
mpirun -n 2 python ../ --engine_dir "/tmp/new_lora_13b/trt_engines/fp16/2-gpu/" \
              --max_output_len 50 \
              --tokenizer_dir "chinese-llama-2-lora-13b/" \
              --input_text "今天天气很好,我到公园的时候," \
              --lora_task_uids 0 \
              --no_add_special_tokens \

 Input: "今天天气很好,我到公园的时候,"
Output: "发现公园里到处都是人,有的在跑步,有的在打羽毛球,还有的在跳绳,我和妈妈一起在公园里散步,我和妈妈在公园里散步的时候,看见了一位老爷爷在打羽毛球"

Users who want to skip LoRA module may pass uid -1 with --lora_task_uids -1. In that case, the model will not run the LoRA module and the results will be different. Since the LoRA tokenizer, embedding and LM head are still used, the results will also be different with vanilla LLaMA and significantly degrade compared with --lora_task_uids 0.

mpirun -n 2 python ../ --engine_dir "/tmp/new_lora_13b/trt_engines/fp16/2-gpu/" \
              --max_output_len 50 \
              --tokenizer_dir "chinese-llama-2-lora-13b/" \
              --input_text "今天天气很好,我到公园的时候," \
              --lora_task_uids -1 \
              --no_add_special_tokens \

 Input: "今天天气很好,我到公园的时候,"
Output: "看见好多人们都看书,看书书看书书,看书书看书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书书"

Run LLaMa with several lora checkpoints

In this section, we show how to run a model with multiple LoRA modules at the same time. Note that if one of the LoRA module has a fine-tuned embedding table or logit GEMM, users should guarantee that all the instances of the model can use the same fine-tuned embedding table or logit GEMM. Here, we use two LoRA checkpoints as examples. These two LoRA checkponits add LoRA modules to q_proj and v_proj. Because we only support adding lora modules on q, k and v at the same time, we need to add --lora_target_modules "attn_q" "attn_k" "attn_v". In this case, we assign null pointers for the k LoRA module in TensorRT-LLM and skip the computation at runtime.

As the rank of the LoRA modules of both checkpoints is 8, we can set --max_lora_rank 8 to reduce the memory requirement for the LoRA plugin.

In this example, we use a LoRA checkpoint fine-tuned on the Chinese dataset luotuo-lora-7b-0.1 and a LoRA checkpoint fine-tuned on the Japanese dataset Japanese-Alpaca-LoRA-7b-v0. For the lora_manager to load several checkpoints, we pass several directories of LoRA checkpoints at the same time: --lora_dir "luotuo-lora-7b-0.1/" "Japanese-Alpaca-LoRA-7b-v0/". Then, lora_manager will assign lora_task_uids to these checkpoints. lora_task_uids -1 is a predefined value, which corresponds to the base model. If we pass lora_task_uids 0 1, this means we want to use the first LoRA checkpoint on first sentence and use the second LoRA checkpoint on the second sentence.

To verify the correctness, we pass the same Chinese input 美国的首都在哪里? \n答案: three times as well as the same Japanese input アメリカ合衆国の首都はどこですか? \n答え: three times (both inputs mean Where is the capital of America? \nAnswer). We run on base model, luotuo-lora-7b-0.1 and Japanese-Alpaca-LoRA-7b-v0/.

git-lfs clone
git-lfs clone

python --model_dir ${BASE_LLAMA_MODEL} \
                            --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu \
                            --dtype float16
trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu \
            --output_dir /tmp/llama_7b_with_lora_qkv/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \
            --lora_plugin float16 \
            --max_batch_size 8 \
            --max_input_len 512 \
            --max_output_len 50 \
            --lora_dir  "luotuo-lora-7b-0.1/" "Japanese-Alpaca-LoRA-7b-v0/" \
            --max_lora_rank 8 \
            --lora_target_modules attn_q attn_k attn_v

python ../ --engine_dir "/tmp/llama_7b_with_lora_qkv/trt_engines/fp16/1-gpu/" \
              --max_output_len 10 \
              --tokenizer_dir ${BASE_LLAMA_MODEL} \
              --input_text "美国的首都在哪里? \n答案:" "美国的首都在哪里? \n答案:" "美国的首都在哪里? \n答案:" "アメリカ合衆国の首都はどこですか? \n答え:" "アメリカ合衆国の首都はどこですか? \n答え:" "アメリカ合衆国の首都はどこですか? \n答え:" \
              --lora_task_uids -1 0 1 -1 0 1 \
              --use_py_session --top_p 0.5 --top_k 0

The results would be like

Input [Text 0]: "<s> 美国的首都在哪里? \n答案:"
Output [Text 0 Beam 0]: "Washington, D.C.
What is the"

Input [Text 1]: "<s> 美国的首都在哪里? \n答案:"
Output [Text 1 Beam 0]: "华盛顿。

Input [Text 2]: "<s> 美国的首都在哪里? \n答案:"
Output [Text 2 Beam 0]: "Washington D.C.�����"

Input [Text 3]: "<s> アメリカ合衆国の首都はどこですか? \n答え:"
Output [Text 3 Beam 0]: "Washington, D.C.
Which of"

Input [Text 4]: "<s> アメリカ合衆国の首都はどこですか? \n答え:"
Output [Text 4 Beam 0]: "华盛顿。

Input [Text 5]: "<s> アメリカ合衆国の首都はどこですか? \n答え:"
Output [Text 5 Beam 0]: "ワシントン D.C."

We can observe that luotuo-lora-7b-0.1 produces correct answers on the first sentence and the fifth sentence (in Chinese), Japanese-Alpaca-LoRA-7b-v0 produces correct answers on the sixth sentence (in Japanese).

Run LLaMa with StreamingLLM

  • Build engine. Set --streamingllm enable to enable StreamingLLM.
# Build the LLaMA 7B model with StreamingLLM feature using a single GPU and FP16.
python --model_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                         --output_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_streamlingllm \
                         --dtype float16

trtllm-build --checkpoint_dir ./tllm_checkpoint_1gpu_streamlingllm \
            --output_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16_StreamingLLM/1-gpu/ \
            --gemm_plugin float16 \
            --streamingllm enable
  • Run inference. Use --sink_token_length to set the number of sink tokens, and use --max_attention_window_size to set the sliding_window value.
# Run LLaMA 7B fp16 inference with sliding window/cache size 2048 and sink token length 4.
python3 ../ --max_output_len=50 \
                  --tokenizer_dir ./tmp/llama/7B/ \
                  --engine_dir=./tmp/llama/7B/trt_engines/fp16_StreamingLLM/1-gpu/ \
                  --max_attention_window_size=2048 \

Note that the sink tokens is included in the sliding attention tokens, and there are at most max_attention_window_size tokens are stored in the KV cache.