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GUI for Visualization of DICOM datasets using Carna


1. Dependencies



2. Build instructions

The default build process requires CMake = 3.0.2.

This section explains three ways of building DICOMViewer:

  1. Creating Visual Studio project files and building it from the IDE
  2. Building DICOMViewer directly through CMake from command line
  3. If you are a colleague from MediTEC, you can use the batch script.

Regardless which build method you pick, first thing you need to do is to fetch the latest stable version. If you are using git from command line, you can simply run following command from within the directory where you want to download the sources:

git clone

After a few seconds there should be a new folder named DICOMViewer at your current working directory.

2.1. Creating Visual Studio project files

First create the directory where the Visual Studio files should go to:

cd DICOMViewer

mkdir build
mkdir build\VisualStudio2010

cd build\VisualStudio2010

Then initialize the Visual Studio environment:

call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat"

And finnaly invoke CMake like this:

cmake -G"Visual Studio 10" ..\..

At this point the Visual Studio project files are ready. You can proceed by opening the solution file DICOMViewer.sln that was created in DICOMViewer\build\VisualStudio2010.

2.2. Building directly

The first step is to create the directories where the results of the building process will be stored. You can use any names you like for the directories, it's only important to distinguish between "debug" and "release" files:

cd DICOMViewer

mkdir build
mkdir build\debug
mkdir build\release

Then initialize the building enviroment. Use the command below if you are going to use Visual Studio for compilation:

call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat"

Now it's time to run the build process:

cd build\debug
cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" ..\..

cd ..\nmake_release
cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..\..

2.3. The MediTEC-way

Make sure you have the environmental variable %MEDITEC_LIBS% set and it is poiting to an existing directory, than

  • run create_msvc10_project.bat to create the Visual Studio project files, or
  • run win32_msvc10_build.bat to build the whole package.


GUI for Visualization of DICOM datasets using CARNA







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