Broadcast chat between Minecraft servers or even discord server
See here for chatbridge v1. NOT compatible with Chatbridge v1
ChatBridge is mainly for custom use of TIS server, especially the bot/command components:
- CQHttp client
- Discord client
- Kaiheila client
- Online command client
Therefore for these bot and related clients:
- Expect hardcoded constants in codes and lack of document/usage/support
- PRs for features will not be accepted, related issues will probably be ignored
- If you want more features, fork this repository and implement them yourself
But the basic chatbridge components are within the support range, including:
- CLI client
- CLI server
- MCDR plugin
Enter python ChatBridge.pyz
in command line to see possible helps
At launch, if the configure file is missing, chatbridge will automatically generate a default one and exit
Python 3.6+ required
Requirements stored in requirements.txt
, use pip install -r requirements.txt
to install
python ChatBridge.pyz server
"aes_key": "ThisIstheSecret", // the common encrypt key for all clients
"hostname": "localhost", // the hostname of the server. Set it to "" for general binding
"port": 30001, // the port of the server
"clients": [ // a list of client
"name": "MyClientName", // client name
"password": "MyClientPassword" // client password
python ChatBridge.pyz client
"aes_key": "ThisIstheSecret", // the common encrypt key
"name": "MyClientName", // the name of the client
"password": "MyClientPassword", // the password of the client
"server_hostname": "", // the hostname of the server
"server_port": 30001 // the port of the server
MCDReforged plugin client
Required MCDR >=2.2
Just put the .pyz
file into the plugin folder
Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)
"debug": false, // for switching debug logging on
python ChatBridge.pyz discord_bot
Extra requirements (also listed in /chatbridge/impl/discord/requirements.txt
Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)
"bot_token": "", // the token of your discord bot
"channels_for_command": [ // a list of channels, public commands can be used here
"channel_for_chat": 123400000000000000, // the channel for chatting and private commands
"command_prefix": "!!",
"client_to_query_stats": "MyClient1", // it should be a client as an MCDR plugin, with stats_helper plugin installed in the MCDR
"client_to_query_online": "MyClient2" // a client described in the following section "Client to respond online command"
will send command to MyClient1
to query the StatsHelper plugin in the specific client for data
will send command to MyClient2
to use rcon to get glist
command reply in bungeecord server
python ChatBridge.pyz cqhttp_bot
Extra requirements (also listed in /chatbridge/impl/cqhttp/requirements.txt
Needs any CoolQ Http protocol provider to work. e.g. go-cqhttp
Due to lack of channel division in QQ group (not like discord), to prevent message spam player needs to use special command to let the bot recognize the message:
- In MC (othe client) use
!!qq <message>
to send message to QQ - In QQ use
!!mc <message>
to send message
Type !!help
in QQ for more help
Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)
, ws_port
and access_token
are the same as the value in the config file of coolq-http-api
"ws_address": "",
"ws_port": 6700,
"access_token": "",
"react_group_id": 12345, // the target QQ group id
"client_to_query_stats": "MyClient1", // it should be a client as an MCDR plugin, with stats_helper plugin installed in the MCDR
"client_to_query_online": "MyClient2", // a client described in the following section "Client to respond online command"
"server_display_name": "TIS" // The name of the server, used for display in some places
python ChatBridge.pyz kaiheila_bot
Extra requirements (also listed in /chatbridge/impl/kaiheila/requirements.txt
Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)
"client_id": "", // kaiheila client id
"client_secret": "", // kaiheila client secret
"token": "", // kaiheila token
"channels_for_command": [ // a list of channels, public commands can be used here. use string
"channel_for_chat": "123400000000000000", // the channel for chatting and private commands. use string
"command_prefix": "!!",
"client_to_query_stats": "MyClient1", // it should be a client as an MCDR plugin, with stats_helper plugin installed in the MCDR
"client_to_query_online": "MyClient2", // a client described in the following section "Client to respond online command"
"server_display_name": "TIS" // The name of the server, used for display in some places
python ChatBridge.pyz online_command
Extra requirements (also listed in /chatbridge/impl/online/requirements.txt
Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)
"minecraft_list": [
"name": "survival", // the name of the minecraft server (recommend value: the same as its name in bungeecord)
"address": "", // the address of the server rcon
"port": "25575", // the port of the server rcon
"password": "Server Rcon Password" // the password of the server rcon
"bungeecord_list": [
"name": "BungeecordA", // the name of the bungeecord server (unused value)
"address": "", // the address of the bungeecord rcon
"port": "39999", // the port of the bungeecord rcon
"password": "Bungee Rcon Password" // the password of the bungeecord rcon
// The display order of the servers, optional
// Servers not in the list will be thrown to the tail of the result and sorted in alphabetical order
"display_order": [
"survival", // Values are server names
CLI commands
: Display the current online players, mostly for testingstop
: Stop the client