Running the following:
npm install
bower install
gulp serve
... should give you a dev server.
Note that access to Phaser
and PIXI
are no longer provided
by calls to require()
. Instead, pluck these objects from the global browser
scope like:
const Phaser = global.Phaser;
const PIXI = global.PIXI;
or, using object destructuring (which, in my opinion, is slightly neater):
const { Phaser, PIXI } = global;
All other modules, either those installed via npm
or from our own
directory, should be accessed via require()
With time difference we may need to work for a while with no input from others Add features that need to be done, and mark your name if you are working on it.
- Enemy classes (Kenny)
- Bullet Manager (Kenny)
- Bullet collision
- Player movement/control
- Level loading/scrolling (Owen)
- Something to define levels - bg layers and enemy distribution (Owen)
- Slot machine functionality for mixing and matching weapon bits, arrays of available weapon classes, available graphics, and third array could contain dicts of the other options that all Weapons share. Extra fast or high rate of fire, or large bullets, or bullets that grow over time.
- Art - lots of ridiculous weapon sprites
- If there is time - a couple weapons that shift gravity over time to create sine wave patterns or bullets that circle while moving in a direction.