These notebooks and files are designed mainly for my students at:
[#1589F0](Farhang Gostar Institue of Computer)
[#1589F0](My own Website) - Online Course [Currently Unavailable]
Installation of Python 3.x and other prerequisites such as "Jupyter Notebook" are completly explained in the first video/lecture of the course.
Here is also a link to a video that I made installing both Python and Jupyter Notebook. (The Video is in Farsi (Persian) )
001 - Hello, World.
002 - Simple Operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Divition, ...).
003 - Dividing by zero.
004 - Floats.
005 - Exponentiation (Power).
006 - Remainder & Quotient.
007 - Strings.
008 - Simple Output.
009 - Simple Input.
010 - Concatenation.
011 - String Operations.
012 - Type Conversion.
013 - Variables and Naming Rules.
014 - In-Place Operators.
015 - Boolian & Comparison.
016 - Conditional Statements (if statement).
017 - Conditional Statements (if ... else ... Statements).
018 - Boolian Logic.
019 - Operator Precedence (Parentheses, Exponentiation, Multilication, Devision, Addition, and Subtraction).
020 - Loops (While Loop).
021 - Break Statement.
022 - Continue Statement.
023 - Lists.
024 - More into Lists (Searching, Replacing, Sorting, ...).
025 - More into Lists (List Operations).
026 - More into Lists (List Functions).
027 - Range.
028 - Loops (For Loop).
029 - Functions.
030 - Comments.
031 - More into Functions.
032 - Modules (Random Module).
033 - More into Modules.
034 - Exceptions.
035 - Exception Handling (Try and Except).
036 - More into Exception Handling (Multiply Except Exception).
037 - More into Exception Handling (Finally).
038 - More into Exception Handling (Other Useful Exceptions).
039 - More into Exception Handling (Raising Exceptions).
040 - Assertions.
041 - Files (Opening and closing).
042 - More into Files (Reading).
043 - More into Files (Reading).
044 - More into Files (Writing).
045 - More into Files (Resource Management).
046 - None.
047 - Dictionaries.
048 - More into Dictionaries (Functions).
049 - Tuples.
050 - List Slices.
051 - More into List Slices.
052 - List Comprehensions.
053 - String Formatting.
054 - String Functions.
055 - Numeric Functions.
056 - Lambdas.
057 - Map & Filter.
058 - More into Map & Filter.
059 - Generators.
060 - More into Generators.
061 - Decorators.
062 - More into Decorators.
063 - Recursion.
064 - Classes.
Genetic Algorithm
N-Queen Problem
Travelling Salesman Problem
Heart Bar (Converting a picture into a graph)
MNIST Data Prepraition
PSO Algorithm...
- Snake
- Ramin Saljoughinejad - Email