- The project will be deployed using a kubeadm cluster.
- The MongoDB Database will use Amazon EBS as the persistent storage to store data.
A Pod is the smallest execution unit in Kubernetes, and an abstraction over containers. A container is a lightweight software that contains all the necessary tools, libraries and code to run an application.
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- /bin/bash
to get a bash shell in the container. -
kubectl logs <pod_name>
to show information logged by a pod. -
A Deployment is a resource to describe how a ReplicaSet and Pod should behave.
kubectl create deploy <deployment_name> --image=<image_name>
to create a basic deployment with minimal configurations.kubectl edit deploy <deployment_name>
to edit the configuration file of a deployment.kubectl delete deploy <deployment_name>
to delete a deployment.
A ReplicaSet aims to maintain a stable set of Pods running at any given time. The number of Pods maintained is determined in the configuration file of a deployment.
A Service exposes an application running on a set of Pods as a network service.
A ConfigMap is used to store non-sensitive data in key-value pairs, and can be consumed as environment variables, command-line arguments, or as configuration files.
A Secret is similar to a ConfigMap, but more towards storing sensitive data, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and ssh keys.
echo -n '<password>' | base64
to generate a base64 encoded string to be used as password in Secret, though a better hashing algorithm should be used.
1 - Create a Secret, which is used to store sensitive information. The Secret will contain the username and password for MongoDB.
kubectl apply -f mongodb-secret.yaml
to create the Secret called mongodb-pass.kubectl delete -f mongodb-secret.yaml
to delete the Secret.
2 - Create a StorageClass
kubectl apply -f mongodb-sc.yaml
to create the StorageClass called mongodb-sc.
3 - Create a PersistentVolumeClaim
kubectl apply -f mongodb-pvc.yaml
to create the PersistentVolumeClaim called mongodb-pvc.
4 - Create a Deployment, When deploying MongoDB on Kubernetes, the StorageClass automatically creates a new storage using Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) in AWS by provisioning a Persistent Volume (PV).
kubectl apply -f mongodb-deploy.yaml
to create Deploument called mongodb-deploy.
5 - Create Service
kubectl apply -f mongodb-svc.yaml
to create the Service called mongodb-svc.
6 - Create a ConfigMap, which is used to store non-confidential information in key-value pairs. The ConfigMap will contain the mongo database url.
kubectl apply -f mongodb-cm.yaml
to create the Configmap called mongodb-cm.
7 - Create another Deployment . The Deployment will contain a Mongodb-Express Pod, which is a web-based interface to manage MongoDB databases. It will use the username and password from Secret, and the database url from ConfigMap to access the MongoDB internal Service defined in 4.
kubectl apply -f mongo-express-deploy.yaml
to create the Deployment called mongo-express-deploy
8 - create another service
kubectl apply -f mongo-express-svc.yaml
to create the Service called mongo-express-svc