- Detect type of flight (Thermal vs Ridge)
- Low save detector
- Add Speed to Fly / MacReady Calc
- Fix KMZ crator (adjust to ground)
- climb_time_threshold: 10 seconds
- climb_ascend_threshold: 0.5 m/s (or you're not really climbing)
- glide_time_threshold: 15 seconds
- sink_time_threshold: 7 seconds
- sink_descend_threshold: 2.5 m/s
- Definition: consecutive readings greater than <climb_time_threshold>
- Efficiency Grade:
- Each single climb is graded
- Graded on percent of time altitude increases continuously in climbing block
- Overall grade is the mean of all climbs grades together
- Definition: not a climb or sink
- Efficiency Grade:
- Calculates L/D on glide
- Overall grade is the mean of L/Ds
- Definition: consecutive readings greater than <sink_time_threshold>
- Sustained more than the <sink_descend_threshold>
- Overall grade provided as a mean of sink rate
- Came from here:
- https://github.com/MScherbela/igc2kml
- Many Thanks!!