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A Minecraft plugin that enables you to use a totem to save you from the void.
You can even set a custom item and recipe for the totem! If you are resurrected by the totem you will be teleported onto a nearby block within a customizable search distance.



The default config.yml looks like this:

# VoidTotem version 2.0.1
# Github:
# Spigot:

# Whether to check for updates on enabling.
checkForUpdates: true

# If the health of the player is be below or equal to this, the totem will try to resurrect the player.
# It's expressed in half hearts, that means if it's 0 the player will be resurrected when he would have 0 hearts left,
# if it's 10 the player will be resurrected when he would have 5 hearts left and if it's 20 the player will be resurrected on first void damage.
healthTrigger: 0.0

  # Specifies the distance to search for suitable blocks. It's measured in blocks in every direction from the player.
  distance: 100

  # Customize the platform that will be created when the player is saved from the void but the plugin can't find a suitable block in the range of the search distance.
  # This does not work for mobs, even if "onlySavePlayers" is "false".
    # Whether or not the platform should be created. If disabled and the plugin can't find any suitable blocks, the player won't be saved.
    enabled: true

    # The size of the platform. It's measured in blocks in every direction from the center of the platform.
    # For example: "0" will create a single block platform, "1" will create a 3x3 platform and "2" will create a 5x5 platform.
    size: 2

    # The y coordinate the platform will be created at.
    height: 70

    # The block the platform will be created from.
    block: minecraft:cobblestone

    # Whether or not the platform should be breakable by the player.
    # This should not be enabled when disappearing is disabled.
    # Please note: a platform that was unbreakable will be breakable after a restart/reload of the server.
    breakable: false

    # Customize the options for disappearing.
      # Whether or not the platform should disappear.
      # Please note: if the server restarts/reloads while the platform is still there, it won't disappear after the restart/reload.
      enabled: true

      # Whether or not the platform should only disappear after the player has left the platform.
      waitForPlayer: true

      # The time in seconds before the platform disappears.
      # If "waitForPlayer" is "true", the countdown will be started once the player leaves the platform.
      # If "waitForPlayer" is "false", the countdown will start directly after the creation of the platform.
      delay: 10

      # Whether or not to create a hologram above the platform that shows the remaining time before the platform disappears.
      hologram: true

      # Whether or not to play the block breaking sound.
      sound: true

# If disabled, the totem will save players from the /kill command.
# This is due to the fact that the damage cause in the Spigot API is the same for the void and /kill.
# If enabled the totem will only resurrect people if they are below the downward height limit.
patchKillCommand: true

# If disabled, mobs who can hold the totem will be saved from the void, too.
# That is the same behavior as for normal totem resurrections.
# Please note: the platform (see above) will not be created for mobs.
onlySavePlayers: false

# If enabled the plugin makes sure that the player gets teleported even if that is cancelled by other plugins.
# This might not work 100% of the time.
forceTeleport: false

  # If enabled, the used totem statistic will be increased for the player if saved from the void.
  totemStatistic: true

    # If enabled, the player will receive the totem advancement upon resurrection if they did not have it before.
    enabled: true

    # The advancement to grant the player. The advancement has to exist on the server.
    advancement: minecraft:adventure/totem_of_undying

    # The criteria to set completed. Set to "[]" to complete the whole advancement.
    criteria: []

  # Whether to randomize search for suitable blocks.
  enabled: true

  # How far to spread distance randomization.
  # For example: if it's 10, 10 distances will be shuffled. The distances 0-9 will be shuffled,
  # the distances 10-19 will be shuffled and so on.
  # Set to 0 to disable distance shuffling.
  # Set to 1 to shuffle all distances (that might teleport the player far away).
  distanceStack: 10

  # If disabled and there is a block directly above you, that block will be chosen.
  # In other words: the distance 0 won't be shuffled.
  randomizeZeroDistance: true

  # Whether to restore the food level and saturation after resurrection.
  restoreFoodLevel: false

  # Whether to remove existing potion effects after resurrection.
  # This is normal totem behaviour.
  removeExistingEffects: true

  # Potion effects to apply after resurrection.
    - name: REGENERATION
      duration: 45
      amplifier: 1
      duration: 40
      amplifier: 0
    - name: ABSORPTION
      duration: 5
      amplifier: 1

  # Whether to display teleport particles after resurrection.
  teleportParticles: true

  # Whether to play a teleport sound and delay totem effects for a short amount of time.
  teleportSound: false

  # Whether to display the totem effects (animation, particles and sound).
  totemEffects: true

  # If disabled, the totem does not has to be hold in the hand to work.
  # It then can by anywhere in the inventory.
  # If enabled, the totem has to be in the mainhand or the offhand, just like a normal totem.
  hasToBeInHand: true

  # Whether to use a custom item (and recipe) for the totem item.
  # If you made a mistake with the custom item you will be notified in the console and the item won't work.
  # Please note: if you've changed something for the recipe and reloaded the config you may have to rejoin for the changes to take effect.
  # Please also note: if you change the resulting item, earlier crafted totems will still work.
  customItem: false

  # Whether to add a recipe for the custom totem item.
  # Only used when "customItem" is enabled.
  # If disabled the custom totem item can only be obtained using the command.
  enableRecipe: true

  # If enabled, and "customRecipe" is enabled, you won't be able to use the custom totems for normal totem resurrections.
  # This also applies for totems that were given to players using the command
  #  included in the plugin - even if the command was executed before "customRecipe" was enabled.
  # Please note: even if "onlySavePlayers" is enabled, the custom totem still won't work for mobs.
  noNormalResurrection: false

  # The item to use as a totem item and the result of the recipe.
    item: totem_of_undying
    count: 1

    # The display name of the item.
    # You can use "&" and a color code to colorize the chat or use the adventure text syntax. A few examples:
    #  - &e&lText = yellow and bold
    #  - <yellow><bold>Text = yellow and bold
    #  - <#ff0000>Text = red hex color
    #  - <rainbow>Text</rainbow> = rainbow colors
    #  - <gradient:yellow:gold>Text</gradient> = gradient from yellow to gold
    #  - <gradient:#ff0000:#ff6f00:#ffff00>Text</gradient> = gradient from red over orange to yellow (with hex colors)
    # The adventure syntax is described here:
    # Please note that hex colors, rainbows and gradients are NOT supported in 1.15 and lower.
    # You should only use them in 1.16 and above. They will look very weird in 1.15 and lower.
    # If given in the NBT string, the display name in the NBT string will override this.
    # Set to "null" to disable.
    name: '&6Void &eTotem'

    # The lore of the item as an array. Each array item is a line in the lore.
    # You can use the same format as for "name".
    # If given in the NBT string, the lore in the NBT string will override this.
    # Set to "[]" to disable.
      - '&7Save yourself from the void!'

    # The NBT string to apply to the item.
    # Set to "{}" to disable.
    # If you want to include ' in your nbt string, you can escape them using ''
    # Please note that the default value only works for 1.21+
    # If you don't know how NBT works, see this tutorial:
    #  or use a /give generator and copy everything from { to }. Give command generator examples:
    #  - (click on the "/give" button)
    #  -
    nbt: '{"enchantment_glint_override": 1b}'

    # Whether the recipe should be a shaped recipe.
    shaped: true

    # The ingredients in case "shaped" is disabled.
    # You have to provide at least 1 and at most 9 ingredients.
      - totem_of_undying
      - ender_pearl
      - chorus_fruit

    # The ingredients in case "shaped" is enabled.
    # The shape may differ from the original 3x3. For example it can be 2x3, 3x2 or 2x2.
    # You have to provide at least 1 and at most 3 rows and at least 1 and at most 3 ingredients per row.
      - chorus_fruit | diamond | chorus_fruit
      - ender_pearl | totem_of_undying | ender_pearl
      - chorus_fruit | diamond | chorus_fruit

If you need any help regarding the config, don't hesitate to ask, I tried to explain it as clearly as possible.


You can change all messages in the messages.yml file!


The plugin has one basic command: /voidtotem
The alias is /vt
Sub commands are:

  • /voidtotem reload - Reloads the config.
  • /voidtotem giveitem [Player] - Gives you or another player a void totem item. When using via the console the player has to be specified.
    If customRecipe was disabled on command execution, the item that was given to the player will also work when customRecipe is enabled.


  • voidtotem.reload - Permission for /voidtotem reload
  • voidtotem.giveitem - Permission for /voidtotem giveitem
  • voidtotem.giveitem.others - Permission for /voidtotem giveitem <Player>

Additional information

This plugin collects anonymous server stats with bStats, an open-source statistics service for Minecraft software. If you don't want this, you can deactivate it in plugins/bStats/config.yml.


Credits go to laGameTV for the idea of the plugin.