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In this project, I will explore more than a hundred years of American baby names to see how tastes have changed over time.

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1. Classic American names

Lots of name tags piled on top of each other.

Photo by Travis Wise on Wikimedia.

How have American baby name tastes changed since 1920? Which names have remained popular for over 100 years, and how do those names compare to more recent top baby names? These are considerations for many new parents, but the skills we'll practice while answering these queries are broadly applicable. After all, understanding trends and popularity is important for many businesses, too!

We'll be working with data provided by the United States Social Security Administration, which lists first names along with the number and sex of babies they were given to in each year. For processing speed purposes, we've limited the dataset to first names which were given to over 5,000 American babies in a given year. Our data spans 101 years, from 1920 through 2020.


column type meaning
year int year
first_name varchar first name
sex varchar sex of babies given first_name
num int number of babies of sex given first_name in that year

Let's get oriented to American baby name tastes by looking at the names that have stood the test of time!

-- Select first names and the total babies with that first_name
-- Group by first_name and filter for those names that appear in all 101 years
-- Order by the total number of babies with that first_name, descending

SELECT first_name, SUM(num) AS sum
FROM baby_names
HAVING COUNT(year) = 101 
8 rows affected.
first_name sum
James 4748138
John 4510721
William 3614424
David 3571498
Joseph 2361382
Thomas 2166802
Charles 2112352
Elizabeth 1436286
last_output = _

def test_output_type():
    assert str(type(last_output)) == "<class ''>", \
    "Please ensure an SQL ResultSet is the output of the code cell." 

results = last_output.DataFrame()

def test_results():
    assert results.shape == (8, 2), \
    "The query should return eight rows and two columns."
    assert results.columns.tolist() == ["first_name", "sum"], \
    'The results should have two columns: "first_name" and "sum".'
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'first_name'] == 'James', \
    "The first_name in the first row should be James."
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'sum'] == 4748138, \
    "There should be 4,748,138 babies ever named James."
2/2 tests passed

2. Timeless or trendy?

Wow, it looks like there are a lot of timeless traditionally male names! Elizabeth is holding her own for the female names, too.

Now, let's broaden our understanding of the dataset by looking at all names. We'll attempt to capture the type of popularity that each name in the dataset enjoyed. Was the name classic and popular across many years or trendy, only popular for a few years? Let's find out.


-- Classify first names as 'Classic', 'Semi-classic', 'Semi-trendy', or 'Trendy'
-- Alias this column as popularity_type
-- Select first_name, the sum of babies who have ever had that name, and popularity_type
-- Order the results alphabetically by first_name

SELECT first_name, SUM(num) AS sum,
        CASE WHEN COUNT(first_name) > 80 THEN 'Classic'
            WHEN COUNT(first_name) > 50 THEN 'Semi-classic'
             WHEN COUNT(first_name) > 20 THEN 'Semi-trendy'
             WHEN COUNT(first_name) > 0 THEN 'Trendy'
        END AS popularity_type
FROM baby_names
 * postgresql:///names
547 rows affected.
first_name sum popularity_type
Aaliyah 15870 Trendy
Aaron 530592 Semi-classic
Abigail 338485 Semi-trendy
Adam 497293 Semi-trendy
Addison 107433 Trendy
Adrian 147741 Semi-trendy
Aidan 68566 Trendy
Aiden 216194 Trendy
Alan 162041 Semi-trendy
Albert 260945 Semi-trendy
Alex 158677 Semi-trendy
Alexa 33522 Trendy
Alexander 579854 Semi-trendy
Alexandra 167122 Semi-trendy
Alexandria 5026 Trendy
Alexis 282149 Semi-trendy
Alfred 16260 Trendy
Alice 296559 Semi-trendy
Alicia 84579 Trendy
Allen 10256 Trendy
Allison 214995 Semi-trendy
Alyssa 269134 Semi-trendy
Amanda 699911 Semi-trendy
Amber 313418 Semi-trendy
Amelia 106381 Trendy
Amy 569542 Semi-trendy
Andrea 321655 Semi-trendy
Andrew 1157548 Semi-classic
Angel 157667 Trendy
Angela 541553 Semi-trendy
Angelina 11337 Trendy
Anita 44692 Trendy
Ann 336091 Semi-trendy
Anna 445496 Semi-classic
Anne 70228 Trendy
Annette 49954 Trendy
Annie 95837 Trendy
Anthony 1344352 Classic
Antonio 10097 Trendy
April 138714 Trendy
Aria 52145 Trendy
Ariana 5497 Trendy
Arianna 5270 Trendy
Ariel 5410 Trendy
Arthur 309705 Semi-trendy
Asher 38156 Trendy
Ashley 798738 Semi-trendy
Ashton 5436 Trendy
Aubrey 72220 Trendy
Audrey 48341 Trendy
Aurora 5184 Trendy
Austin 365295 Semi-trendy
Ava 265126 Trendy
Avery 112293 Trendy
Ayden 34244 Trendy
Bailey 10219 Trendy
Barbara 1343901 Semi-classic
Barry 85434 Trendy
Beatrice 27983 Trendy
Bella 5127 Trendy
Benjamin 627696 Semi-trendy
Bentley 16844 Trendy
Bernice 46347 Trendy
Beth 55228 Trendy
Betty 893396 Semi-trendy
Beverly 310683 Semi-trendy
Billy 270759 Semi-trendy
Blake 48795 Trendy
Bobby 203289 Semi-trendy
Bonnie 193352 Semi-trendy
Bradley 147275 Semi-trendy
Brandi 16199 Trendy
Brandon 729832 Semi-trendy
Brandy 48762 Trendy
Brayden 93754 Trendy
Brenda 513283 Semi-trendy
Brian 1107302 Semi-classic
Briana 5001 Trendy
Brianna 210328 Semi-trendy
Brittany 326255 Trendy
Brittney 37878 Trendy
Brody 21815 Trendy
Brooke 110847 Trendy
Brooklyn 62260 Trendy
Bruce 266549 Semi-trendy
Bryan 314250 Semi-trendy
Caden 5052 Trendy
Caitlin 38501 Trendy
Caleb 259439 Semi-trendy
Cameron 253711 Semi-trendy
Camila 51882 Trendy
Carl 334800 Semi-trendy
Carla 22276 Trendy
Carlos 118325 Trendy
Carol 740607 Semi-trendy
Carole 21186 Trendy
Caroline 5021 Trendy
Carolyn 438382 Semi-trendy
Carrie 77899 Trendy
Carson 25598 Trendy
Carter 141274 Trendy
Cassandra 42677 Trendy
Catherine 345852 Semi-trendy
Cathy 119020 Trendy
Chad 177923 Trendy
Charles 2112352 Classic
Charlotte 141540 Trendy
Chase 97684 Trendy
Chelsea 100857 Trendy
Cheryl 392691 Semi-trendy
Chloe 187720 Semi-trendy
Chris 48878 Trendy
Christian 357457 Semi-trendy
Christina 366859 Semi-trendy
Christine 465653 Semi-trendy
Christopher 2012792 Semi-classic
Christy 10235 Trendy
Cindy 161070 Trendy
Claire 10225 Trendy
Clara 21336 Trendy
Clarence 77134 Trendy
Cody 225952 Semi-trendy
Cole 72461 Trendy
Colin 5122 Trendy
Colton 58377 Trendy
Connie 179476 Semi-trendy
Connor 203106 Semi-trendy
Cooper 31011 Trendy
Corey 70531 Trendy
Cory 29454 Trendy
Courtney 202829 Semi-trendy
Craig 190323 Semi-trendy
Crystal 239999 Semi-trendy
Curtis 48098 Trendy
Cynthia 577859 Semi-trendy
Dakota 34334 Trendy
Dale 130919 Trendy
Dana 51558 Trendy
Daniel 1824274 Classic
Danielle 299683 Semi-trendy
Danny 161078 Trendy
Darlene 89561 Trendy
Darren 5935 Trendy
Darryl 10142 Trendy
David 3571498 Classic
Dawn 225877 Semi-trendy
Debbie 138846 Trendy
Deborah 675049 Semi-trendy
Debra 508230 Semi-trendy
Denise 285039 Semi-trendy
Dennis 492221 Semi-trendy
Derek 105026 Trendy
Destiny 100465 Trendy
Devin 70280 Trendy
Diana 172195 Semi-trendy
Diane 453135 Semi-trendy
Diego 46535 Trendy
Dillon 5062 Trendy
Dolores 101453 Trendy
Dominic 67420 Trendy
Donald 1280236 Semi-classic
Donna 762594 Semi-trendy
Doris 336062 Semi-trendy
Dorothy 791084 Semi-trendy
Douglas 426439 Semi-trendy
Dustin 138651 Trendy
Dylan 360776 Semi-trendy
Earl 74214 Trendy
Easton 21820 Trendy
Edith 53687 Trendy
Edna 63698 Trendy
Edward 1013143 Semi-classic
Elaine 100359 Trendy
Eleanor 119863 Trendy
Eli 74938 Trendy
Elias 16965 Trendy
Elijah 277457 Semi-trendy
Elizabeth 1436286 Classic
Ella 154079 Trendy
Ellen 82403 Trendy
Ellie 26266 Trendy
Emily 750420 Semi-trendy
Emma 448087 Semi-trendy
Eric 797880 Semi-classic
Erica 156158 Trendy
Erin 239718 Semi-trendy
Ernest 43959 Trendy
Esther 28040 Trendy
Ethan 408918 Semi-trendy
Ethel 53359 Trendy
Eugene 239512 Semi-trendy
Evan 203165 Semi-trendy
Evelyn 310824 Semi-trendy
Ezekiel 5013 Trendy
Ezra 24632 Trendy
Faith 27204 Trendy
Florence 99171 Trendy
Frances 348520 Semi-trendy
Francis 59097 Trendy
Frank 596887 Semi-classic
Franklin 5364 Trendy
Fred 170837 Semi-trendy
Gabriel 270207 Semi-trendy
Gabriella 51486 Trendy
Gabrielle 51144 Trendy
Gail 118334 Trendy
Garrett 15976 Trendy
Gary 817491 Semi-trendy
Gavin 130460 Trendy
George 1032513 Semi-classic
Gerald 327545 Semi-trendy
Geraldine 52850 Trendy
Gertrude 16229 Trendy
Gianna 7826 Trendy
Gina 46380 Trendy
Gladys 77627 Trendy
Glenn 94437 Trendy
Gloria 331698 Semi-trendy
Grace 254573 Semi-trendy
Grayson 61689 Trendy
Greg 15849 Trendy
Gregory 644286 Semi-trendy
Hailey 111571 Trendy
Haley 106119 Trendy
Hannah 392284 Semi-trendy
Harold 368463 Semi-trendy
Harper 86554 Trendy
Harry 182312 Semi-trendy
Hayden 34724 Trendy
Hazel 66103 Trendy
Heather 468165 Semi-trendy
Helen 569998 Semi-trendy
Henry 429656 Semi-classic
Herbert 52341 Trendy
Holly 54634 Trendy
Howard 157144 Semi-trendy
Hudson 43048 Trendy
Hunter 220439 Semi-trendy
Ian 159100 Semi-trendy
Irene 110116 Trendy
Isaac 209563 Semi-trendy
Isabella 336924 Semi-trendy
Isaiah 200116 Semi-trendy
Jace 23233 Trendy
Jack 552411 Semi-classic
Jackson 219588 Semi-trendy
Jacob 888209 Semi-trendy
Jacqueline 223092 Semi-trendy
Jaden 21777 Trendy
Jaime 13744 Trendy
James 4748138 Classic
Jamie 157417 Trendy
Jane 195627 Semi-trendy
Janet 444842 Semi-trendy
Janice 328335 Semi-trendy
Jared 137848 Semi-trendy
Jasmine 192464 Semi-trendy
Jason 998257 Semi-trendy
Jaxon 66542 Trendy
Jaxson 5061 Trendy
Jay 20682 Trendy
Jayden 213005 Trendy
Jean 363812 Semi-trendy
Jeff 61390 Trendy
Jeffery 131241 Trendy
Jeffrey 907378 Semi-trendy
Jenna 60548 Trendy
Jennifer 1404743 Semi-trendy
Jeremiah 104792 Trendy
Jeremy 366271 Semi-trendy
Jerry 494469 Semi-trendy
Jesse 183645 Semi-trendy
Jessica 994210 Semi-trendy
Jesus 82359 Trendy
Jill 120405 Trendy
Jim 16588 Trendy
Jimmy 135558 Semi-trendy
Jo 84238 Trendy
Joan 413286 Semi-trendy
Joanne 77323 Trendy
Jocelyn 5292 Trendy
Joe 302127 Semi-trendy
John 4510721 Classic
Johnny 138737 Semi-trendy
Jonathan 772846 Semi-classic
Jordan 426912 Semi-trendy
Jose 434805 Semi-trendy
Joseph 2361382 Classic
Josephine 69222 Trendy
Joshua 1204236 Semi-trendy
Josiah 74001 Trendy
Joyce 436267 Semi-trendy
Juan 189094 Semi-trendy
Juanita 20758 Trendy
Judith 377449 Semi-trendy
Judy 329356 Semi-trendy
Julia 112397 Trendy
Julian 137742 Trendy
Julie 411989 Semi-trendy
June 61668 Trendy
Justin 729931 Semi-trendy
Kaitlyn 121541 Trendy
Karen 892033 Semi-trendy
Katelyn 65023 Trendy
Katherine 413349 Semi-classic
Kathleen 516918 Semi-trendy
Kathryn 204173 Semi-trendy
Kathy 269922 Semi-trendy
Katie 97378 Trendy
Kayla 294192 Semi-trendy
Kaylee 65209 Trendy
Keith 313978 Semi-trendy
Kelly 417352 Semi-trendy
Kelsey 95434 Trendy
Kenneth 1153846 Semi-classic
Kevin 1140092 Semi-classic
Khloe 5406 Trendy
Kim 143648 Trendy
Kimberly 767543 Semi-trendy
Kristen 127223 Trendy
Kristin 81495 Trendy
Kristina 10585 Trendy
Kristy 5331 Trendy
Krystal 5935 Trendy
Kyle 394877 Semi-trendy
Kylie 16309 Trendy
Landon 129558 Trendy
Larry 700521 Semi-trendy
Latoya 5051 Trendy
Laura 587161 Semi-trendy
Lauren 401513 Semi-trendy
Laurie 87568 Trendy
Lawrence 307238 Semi-trendy
Layla 74474 Trendy
Leah 63600 Trendy
Leo 32643 Trendy
Leonard 54127 Trendy
Leslie 73075 Trendy
Levi 91814 Trendy
Liam 213059 Trendy
Lillian 185120 Semi-trendy
Lily 115354 Trendy
Lincoln 43147 Trendy
Linda 1361021 Semi-trendy
Lindsay 69178 Trendy
Lindsey 88669 Trendy
Lisa 920119 Semi-trendy
Logan 316927 Semi-trendy
Lois 220781 Semi-trendy
Lori 289439 Semi-trendy
Lorraine 27338 Trendy
Louis 115731 Trendy
Louise 106456 Trendy
Lucas 191033 Trendy
Lucille 59379 Trendy
Luis 144176 Semi-trendy
Luke 207795 Semi-trendy
Luna 27822 Trendy
Lynn 97059 Trendy
Mackenzie 46972 Trendy
Madeline 26888 Trendy
Madison 378127 Semi-trendy
Makayla 55446 Trendy
Marc 5013 Trendy
Marcia 15571 Trendy
Marcus 53788 Trendy
Margaret 806838 Semi-trendy
Maria 417502 Semi-classic
Mariah 15723 Trendy
Marie 249462 Semi-trendy
Marilyn 286722 Semi-trendy
Marion 50545 Trendy
Marissa 29003 Trendy
Marjorie 114386 Trendy
Mark 1265910 Semi-classic
Marlene 10368 Trendy
Marsha 21303 Trendy
Martha 359762 Semi-trendy
Martin 56023 Trendy
Mary 3215850 Classic
Mason 263609 Semi-trendy
Mateo 45440 Trendy
Matthew 1567204 Semi-classic
Maverick 16863 Trendy
Maya 5047 Trendy
Megan 384668 Semi-trendy
Melanie 43995 Trendy
Melissa 666250 Semi-trendy
Mia 216167 Trendy
Michael 4278824 Classic
Michele 139690 Trendy
Michelle 736097 Semi-trendy
Mike 97902 Trendy
Mila 28047 Trendy
Mildred 195666 Trendy
Miles 5249 Trendy
Miranda 11434 Trendy
Misty 34935 Trendy
Mitchell 5370 Trendy
Monica 111143 Trendy
Morgan 157320 Trendy
Nancy 854761 Semi-trendy
Natalie 266634 Semi-trendy
Nathan 493746 Semi-trendy
Nathaniel 103671 Trendy
Nevaeh 42926 Trendy
Nicholas 777269 Semi-trendy
Nicole 533803 Semi-trendy
Noah 389490 Semi-trendy
Nolan 38147 Trendy
Nora 34285 Trendy
Norma 144522 Semi-trendy
Norman 47596 Trendy
Oliver 107511 Trendy
Olivia 429118 Semi-trendy
Owen 151569 Trendy
Paige 48894 Trendy
Paisley 5085 Trendy
Pamela 524481 Semi-trendy
Parker 27453 Trendy
Patricia 1479802 Semi-classic
Patrick 559661 Semi-classic
Paul 1218996 Semi-classic
Paula 196090 Semi-trendy
Pauline 64073 Trendy
Peggy 220586 Semi-trendy
Penelope 43409 Trendy
Penny 10128 Trendy
Peter 388795 Semi-classic
Peyton 5315 Trendy
Philip 100415 Trendy
Phillip 86811 Trendy
Phyllis 251517 Semi-trendy
Rachel 434626 Semi-trendy
Ralph 273663 Semi-trendy
Randall 89055 Trendy
Randy 215094 Trendy
Raymond 541922 Semi-classic
Rebecca 638458 Semi-classic
Regina 10003 Trendy
Renee 61185 Trendy
Rhonda 157706 Trendy
Richard 2414838 Classic
Rick 5462 Trendy
Ricky 119547 Trendy
Riley 73607 Trendy
Rita 125877 Semi-trendy
Robert 4495199 Classic
Robin 210806 Trendy
Rodney 125500 Trendy
Roger 314531 Semi-trendy
Ronald 974343 Semi-classic
Ronnie 45564 Trendy
Rose 248527 Semi-trendy
Roy 227920 Semi-trendy
Ruby 93528 Trendy
Russell 128647 Semi-trendy
Ruth 475908 Semi-trendy
Ryan 926995 Semi-trendy
Sabrina 11589 Trendy
Sally 30713 Trendy
Samantha 514826 Semi-trendy
Samuel 539556 Semi-classic
Sandra 783878 Semi-trendy
Santiago 5036 Trendy
Sara 226696 Semi-trendy
Sarah 777519 Semi-trendy
Savannah 134405 Semi-trendy
Scarlett 54329 Trendy
Scott 704468 Semi-trendy
Sean 372082 Semi-trendy
Sebastian 130244 Trendy
Seth 35423 Trendy
Shane 52869 Trendy
Shannon 231132 Semi-trendy
Sharon 647989 Semi-trendy
Shaun 6107 Trendy
Shawn 215326 Semi-trendy
Sheila 154361 Semi-trendy
Shelby 68474 Trendy
Sherri 10819 Trendy
Sherry 173913 Semi-trendy
Shirley 615887 Semi-trendy
Sierra 38980 Trendy
Skylar 10408 Trendy
Sofia 117208 Trendy
Sophia 318523 Semi-trendy
Stacey 67483 Trendy
Stacy 86835 Trendy
Stanley 95152 Trendy
Stella 10217 Trendy
Stephanie 651976 Semi-trendy
Stephen 753958 Semi-classic
Steve 114750 Trendy
Steven 1216819 Semi-classic
Sue 10450 Trendy
Susan 1025728 Semi-trendy
Suzanne 109387 Trendy
Sydney 117279 Trendy
Tammy 296905 Trendy
Tanya 22407 Trendy
Tara 107987 Trendy
Taylor 323699 Semi-trendy
Teresa 298059 Semi-trendy
Terri 80961 Trendy
Terry 346213 Semi-trendy
Thelma 74017 Trendy
Theodore 29464 Trendy
Theresa 225262 Semi-trendy
Thomas 2166802 Classic
Tiffany 283969 Semi-trendy
Tim 36165 Trendy
Timothy 1001771 Semi-classic
Tina 227252 Semi-trendy
Todd 207137 Trendy
Tom 5061 Trendy
Tony 96417 Trendy
Tonya 58234 Trendy
Tracey 16979 Trendy
Tracy 199320 Trendy
Travis 218731 Semi-trendy
Trevor 76138 Trendy
Trinity 16217 Trendy
Tristan 27212 Trendy
Troy 82294 Trendy
Tyler 548624 Semi-trendy
Valerie 70039 Trendy
Vanessa 119596 Trendy
Vicki 94504 Trendy
Vickie 49252 Trendy
Victoria 347794 Semi-trendy
Vincent 23419 Trendy
Violet 10471 Trendy
Virginia 441418 Semi-trendy
Walter 378194 Semi-trendy
Wanda 125458 Trendy
Warren 13290 Trendy
Wayne 211347 Semi-trendy
Wendy 159446 Trendy
Whitney 43759 Trendy
William 3614424 Classic
Willie 274564 Semi-trendy
Wyatt 128168 Trendy
Xavier 51892 Trendy
Zachary 483955 Semi-trendy
Zoe 78773 Trendy
Zoey 70140 Trendy
last_output = _

def test_output_type():
    assert str(type(last_output)) == "<class ''>", \
    "Please ensure an SQL ResultSet is the output of the code cell." 

results = last_output.DataFrame()

def test_results():
    assert results.shape == (547, 3), \
    "The query should return 547 rows and three columns."
    assert results.columns.tolist() == ["first_name", "sum", "popularity_type"], \
    'The results should have three columns: "first_name", "sum", and "popularity_type".'
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'first_name'] == 'Aaliyah', \
    "The first_name in the first row should be Aaliyah. Did you sort first names alphabetically?"
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'sum'] == 15870, \
    "There should be 15,870 babies ever named Aaliyah."
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'popularity_type'] == "Trendy", \
    "The name Aaliyah should be classified as 'Trendy'."
2/2 tests passed

3. Top-ranked female names since 1920

Did you find your favorite American celebrity's name on the popularity chart? Was it classic or trendy? How do you think the name Henry did? What about Jaxon?

Since we didn't get many traditionally female names in our classic American names search in the first task, let's limit our search to names which were given to female babies.

We can use this opportunity to practice window functions by assigning a rank to female names based on the number of babies that have ever been given that name. What are the top-ranked female names since 1920?


-- RANK names by the sum of babies who have ever had that name (descending), aliasing as name_rank
-- Select name_rank, first_name, and the sum of babies who have ever had that name
-- Filter the data for results where sex equals 'F'
-- Limit to ten results

        (ORDER BY SUM(num) DESC) AS name_rank,
        first_name, SUM(num) AS sum
FROM baby_names
WHERE sex = 'F'
GROUP BY first_name
 * postgresql:///names
10 rows affected.
name_rank first_name sum
1 Mary 3215850
2 Patricia 1479802
3 Elizabeth 1436286
4 Jennifer 1404743
5 Linda 1361021
6 Barbara 1343901
7 Susan 1025728
8 Jessica 994210
9 Lisa 920119
10 Betty 893396
last_output = _

def test_output_type():
    assert str(type(last_output)) == "<class ''>", \
    "Please ensure an SQL ResultSet is the output of the code cell." 

results = last_output.DataFrame()

def test_results():
    assert results.shape == (10, 3), \
    "The query should return ten rows and three columns."
    assert set(results.columns.tolist()) == set(["first_name", "sum", "name_rank"]), \
    'The results should have three columns: "name_rank", "first_name", and "sum".'
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'first_name'] == 'Mary', \
    "The first_name in the first row should be Mary. Did you order so that names given to the most babies come first?"
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'sum'] == 3215850, \
    "There should be 3,215,850 babies ever named Mary."
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'name_rank'] == 1, \
    "The name Mary should be ranked number one."
2/2 tests passed

4. Picking a baby name

Perhaps a friend has heard of our work analyzing baby names and would like help choosing a name for her baby, a girl. She doesn't like any of the top-ranked names we found in the previous task.

She's set on a traditionally female name ending in the letter 'a' since she's heard that vowels in baby names are trendy. She's also looking for a name that has been popular in the years since 2015.

Let's see what we can do to find some options for this friend!

-- Select only the first_name column
-- Filter for results where sex is 'F', year is greater than 2015, and first_name ends in 'a'
-- Group by first_name and order by the total number of babies given that first_name

SELECT first_name
FROM baby_names
WHERE sex = 'F' 
AND year > 2015 
AND first_name LIKE '%a'
 * postgresql:///names
19 rows affected.
last_output = _

def test_output_type():
    assert str(type(last_output)) == "<class ''>", \
    "Please ensure an SQL ResultSet is the output of the code cell." 

results = last_output.DataFrame()

def test_results():
    assert results.shape == (19, 1), \
    "The query should return 19 rows and one column."
    assert results.columns.tolist() == ["first_name"], \
    'The results should have one column: "first_name".'
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'first_name'] == 'Olivia', \
    "The first_name in the first row should be Olivia."
2/2 tests passed

5. The Olivia expansion

Based on the results in the previous task, we can see that Olivia is the most popular female name ending in 'A' since 2015. When did the name Olivia become so popular?

Let's explore the rise of the name Olivia with the help of a window function.


-- Select year, first_name, num of Olivias in that year, and cumulative_olivias
-- Sum the cumulative babies who have been named Olivia up to that year; alias as cumulative_olivias
-- Filter so that only data for the name Olivia is returned.
-- Order by year from the earliest year to most recent

SELECT year, first_name, num,
    SUM(num) OVER(ORDER BY year) AS cumulative_olivias
FROM baby_names
WHERE first_name = 'Olivia'
 * postgresql:///names
30 rows affected.
year first_name num cumulative_olivias
1991 Olivia 5601 5601
1992 Olivia 5809 11410
1993 Olivia 6340 17750
1994 Olivia 6434 24184
1995 Olivia 7624 31808
1996 Olivia 8124 39932
1997 Olivia 9477 49409
1998 Olivia 10610 60019
1999 Olivia 11255 71274
2000 Olivia 12852 84126
2001 Olivia 13977 98103
2002 Olivia 14630 112733
2003 Olivia 16152 128885
2004 Olivia 16106 144991
2005 Olivia 15694 160685
2006 Olivia 15501 176186
2007 Olivia 16584 192770
2008 Olivia 17084 209854
2009 Olivia 17438 227292
2010 Olivia 17029 244321
2011 Olivia 17327 261648
2012 Olivia 17320 278968
2013 Olivia 18439 297407
2014 Olivia 19823 317230
2015 Olivia 19710 336940
2016 Olivia 19380 356320
2017 Olivia 18744 375064
2018 Olivia 18011 393075
2019 Olivia 18508 411583
2020 Olivia 17535 429118
last_output = _

def test_output_type():
    assert str(type(last_output)) == "<class ''>", \
    "Please ensure an SQL ResultSet is the output of the code cell." 

results = last_output.DataFrame()

def test_results():
    assert results.shape == (30, 4), \
    "The query should return thirty rows and four columns."
    assert set(results.columns.tolist()) == set(["year", "first_name", "num", "cumulative_olivias"]), \
    'The results should have four columns: "year", "first_name", "num", and "cumulative_olivias".'
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'first_name'] == 'Olivia', \
    "The first_name in the first row should be Olivia. Did you filter so that results only include data for the name Olivia?"
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'num'] == 5601, \
    "In 1991, there should have been 5,601 female babies named Olivia."
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'year'] == 1991, \
    "1991 should be the first year that Olivia appears in the results. Did you sort by year in ascending order?"
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[1, 'cumulative_olivias'] == 11410, \
    "In 1992, the cumulative_olivias column should read 11,410."
2/2 tests passed

6. Many males with the same name

Wow, Olivia has had a meteoric rise! Let's take a look at traditionally male names now. We saw in the first task that there are nine traditionally male names given to at least 5,000 babies every single year in our 101-year dataset! Those names are classics, but showing up in the dataset every year doesn't necessarily mean that the timeless names were the most popular. Let's explore popular male names a little further.

In the next two tasks, we will build up to listing every year along with the most popular male name in that year. This presents a common problem: how do we find the greatest X in a group? Or, in the context of this problem, how do we find the male name given to the highest number of babies in a year?

In SQL, one approach is to use a subquery. We can first write a query that selects the year and the maximum num of babies given any single male name in that year. For example, in 1989, the male name given to the highest number of babies was given to 65,339 babies. We'll write this query in this task. In the next task, we can use the code from this task as a subquery to look up the first_name that was given to 65,339 babies in 1989… as well as the top male first name for all other years!


-- Select year and maximum number of babies given any one male name in that year, aliased as max_num
-- Filter the data to include only results where sex equals 'M'

SELECT year, MAX(num) AS max_num
FROM baby_names
WHERE sex = 'M' 
 * postgresql:///names
101 rows affected.
year max_num
1970 85291
2000 34483
1947 94764
1962 85041
1975 68451
1980 68704
1931 60518
1981 68776
2013 18266
1972 71401
1956 90665
2007 24292
1948 88589
1984 67745
1957 92718
1961 86917
2002 30579
1925 60897
1992 54397
2008 22603
1958 90564
1971 77599
1985 64924
1926 61130
1988 64150
1929 59804
1963 83778
1928 60703
2003 29643
1930 62149
1951 87261
1940 62476
1982 68244
1920 56914
1999 35367
1952 87063
2020 19659
1946 87439
1968 81995
1996 38365
2005 25837
1923 57469
2009 21184
1924 60801
1954 88576
2004 27886
1938 62269
1942 77174
1966 79990
1998 36616
1974 67580
1949 86865
1990 65302
1995 41399
1973 67842
1927 61671
1941 66743
1977 67609
2001 32554
1997 37549
2014 19319
1965 81021
1935 56522
1944 76954
1994 44472
2016 19154
1960 85933
1987 63654
1978 67157
2018 19924
2006 24850
1921 58215
1993 49554
1964 82642
1943 80274
1937 61842
1986 64224
1953 86247
1959 85224
1976 66947
1989 65399
2012 19088
2011 20378
2019 20555
1955 88372
1939 59653
1979 67742
1991 60793
2017 18824
1969 85201
2015 19650
2010 22139
1932 59265
1967 82440
1922 57280
1933 54223
1934 55834
1936 58499
1945 74460
1950 86229
1983 68010
import numpy as np
last_output = _

def test_output_type():
    assert str(type(last_output)) == "<class ''>", \
    "Please ensure an SQL ResultSet is the output of the code cell." 

results = last_output.DataFrame()

def test_results():
    assert results.shape == (101, 2), \
    "The query should return 101 rows and two columns."
    assert set(results.columns.tolist()) == set(["year", "max_num"]), \
    'The results should have two columns: "year" and "max_num".'
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[list(np.where(last_output.DataFrame() == 1964)[0])[0], 'max_num'] == 82642, \
    "In 1964, the name given to the most babies was given 82,642 times."
2/2 tests passed

7. Top male names over the years

In the previous task, we found the maximum number of babies given any one male name in each year. Incredibly, the most popular name each year varied from being given to less than 20,000 babies to being given to more than 90,000!

In this task, we find out what that top male name is for each year in our dataset.


-- Select year, first_name given to the largest number of male babies, and num of babies given that name
-- Join baby_names to the code in the last task as a subquery
-- Order results by year descending
WITH t1 AS (
    SELECT year, MAX(num) AS num
    FROM baby_names
    WHERE sex = 'M' 
    GROUP BY 1

SELECT t1.year, first_name, t1.num
FROM baby_names b
ON b.year = t1.year 
AND b.num = t1.num
 * postgresql:///names
101 rows affected.
year first_name num
2020 Liam 19659
2019 Liam 20555
2018 Liam 19924
2017 Liam 18824
2016 Noah 19154
2015 Noah 19650
2014 Noah 19319
2013 Noah 18266
2012 Jacob 19088
2011 Jacob 20378
2010 Jacob 22139
2009 Jacob 21184
2008 Jacob 22603
2007 Jacob 24292
2006 Jacob 24850
2005 Jacob 25837
2004 Jacob 27886
2003 Jacob 29643
2002 Jacob 30579
2001 Jacob 32554
2000 Jacob 34483
1999 Jacob 35367
1998 Michael 36616
1997 Michael 37549
1996 Michael 38365
1995 Michael 41399
1994 Michael 44472
1993 Michael 49554
1992 Michael 54397
1991 Michael 60793
1990 Michael 65302
1989 Michael 65399
1988 Michael 64150
1987 Michael 63654
1986 Michael 64224
1985 Michael 64924
1984 Michael 67745
1983 Michael 68010
1982 Michael 68244
1981 Michael 68776
1980 Michael 68704
1979 Michael 67742
1978 Michael 67157
1977 Michael 67609
1976 Michael 66947
1975 Michael 68451
1974 Michael 67580
1973 Michael 67842
1972 Michael 71401
1971 Michael 77599
1970 Michael 85291
1969 Michael 85201
1968 Michael 81995
1967 Michael 82440
1966 Michael 79990
1965 Michael 81021
1964 Michael 82642
1963 Michael 83778
1962 Michael 85041
1961 Michael 86917
1960 David 85933
1959 Michael 85224
1958 Michael 90564
1957 Michael 92718
1956 Michael 90665
1955 Michael 88372
1954 Michael 88576
1953 Robert 86247
1952 James 87063
1951 James 87261
1950 James 86229
1949 James 86865
1948 James 88589
1947 James 94764
1946 James 87439
1945 James 74460
1944 James 76954
1943 James 80274
1942 James 77174
1941 James 66743
1940 James 62476
1939 Robert 59653
1938 Robert 62269
1937 Robert 61842
1936 Robert 58499
1935 Robert 56522
1934 Robert 55834
1933 Robert 54223
1932 Robert 59265
1931 Robert 60518
1930 Robert 62149
1929 Robert 59804
1928 Robert 60703
1927 Robert 61671
1926 Robert 61130
1925 Robert 60897
1924 Robert 60801
1923 John 57469
1922 John 57280
1921 John 58215
1920 John 56914
last_output = _

def test_output_type():
    assert str(type(last_output)) == "<class ''>", \
    "Please ensure an SQL ResultSet is the output of the code cell." 

results = last_output.DataFrame()

def test_results():
    assert results.shape == (101, 3), \
    "The query should return 101 rows and three columns."
    assert set(results.columns.tolist()) == set(["year", "first_name", "num"]), \
    'The results should have three columns: "year", "first_name", and "num".'
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'year'] == 2020, \
    "The first year should be 2020. Did you sort so that the most recent years appear first?"
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'first_name'] == "Liam", \
    "In 2020, the name given to the most male babies was Liam."
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'num'] == 19659, \
    "In 2020, the name Liam was given to 19,659 babies."
2/2 tests passed

8. The most years at number one

Noah and Liam have ruled the roost in the last few years, but if we scroll down in the results, it looks like Michael and Jacob have also spent a good number of years as the top name! Which name has been number one for the largest number of years? Let's use a common table expression to find out.


-- Select first_name and a count of years it was the top name in the last task; alias as count_top_name
-- Use the code from the previous task as a common table expression
-- Group by first_name and order by count_top_name descending

WITH t1 AS (
    SELECT year, MAX(num) AS num
    FROM baby_names
    WHERE sex = 'M' 
    GROUP BY 1
t2 AS (
    SELECT t1.year, first_name, t1.num
    FROM baby_names b
    INNER JOIN t1 
    ON b.year = t1.year 
    AND b.num = t1.num

SELECT first_name, COUNT(year) AS count_top_name
 * postgresql:///names
8 rows affected.
first_name count_top_name
Michael 44
Robert 17
Jacob 14
James 13
Noah 4
John 4
Liam 4
David 1
last_output = _

def test_output_type():
    assert str(type(last_output)) == "<class ''>", \
    "Please ensure an SQL ResultSet is the output of the code cell." 

results = last_output.DataFrame()

def test_results():
    assert results.shape == (8, 2), \
    "The query should return eight rows and two columns."
    assert set(results.columns.tolist()) == set(["first_name", "count_top_name"]), \
    'The results should have two columns: "first_name" and "count_top_name".'
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'first_name'] == 'Michael', \
    "The name that spent most years at number one should be Michael. Did you order from most to fewest years at the top?"
    assert last_output.DataFrame().loc[0, 'count_top_name'] == 44, \
    "Michael was the number one male name 44 times. It doesn't look like your results reflect this."
2/2 tests passed


In this project, I will explore more than a hundred years of American baby names to see how tastes have changed over time.






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