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CR2 Usage Bot

Code base (initial commit) somehow ended up with me through someone else.
Use to make CPR SPA slack channel workspace a bit less serious by posting cat noises;)

Setup Environment

Use the slack-webhook-python package.

Using conda Environment

Set up the environment using conda - you possibly have to install (Mini-) Anaconda.

# pwd is this repo
conda env create --file environment.yml

Install SlackBot, Bot and Webhooks

Go to, then:

  1. Create a SlackApp and optionally set an App icon
  2. Activate the Feature Webhooks

See documentation


Save a list of E-Mails in text file, per default, called mails.txt. It can be empty. All mails are on one line separated by spaces (as you would type it on the command line).

the Slack hook can be saved in a private file in you home directory (for security) and again just save a one-liner. File is per default called ~/.hook:

Same idea for setting one group (and potentially later more than one). Define group.txt with your information.

Check for details.


The python script to send the message can be executed for testing:

python --hook_url URL --message_file path/to/message

Test with example

conda activate slack_app
hook=$(cat hook) # hook should contain weburl
python --hook_url $hook --message_file logs/usage_2022_02_10.txt

Delayed job submission

qsub -a 02151010 -M [email protected] -A cpr_00000 -W grouplist=cpr_00000 

should start the job on February 15th at 10.10am. So one could also specify the year as defined in the options of -a flag of qsub:

-a date_time
          Available for qsub and qalter only.   

          Defines or redefines the time and date at which  a  job
          is   eligible  for  execution.  Date_time  conforms  to
          [[CC]]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS], for  the  details,  please  see
          Date_time in:  sge_types(1).

          If this option is used with qsub or if a  corresponding
          value is specified in qmon then a parameter named a and
          the value in the format CCYYMMDDhhmm.SS will be  passed
          to  the defined JSV instances (see -jsv option below or
          find more information concerning JSV in jsv(1))


Not supported by Computerome2. Users are not allowed to schedule cron jobs

The job script can be scheduled for regular submission to the cluster using the jobscript.

Adapt header for defaults and set PRIVATE_HOOK_FILE path to url file (with restricted access)

Add a cron job to crontab -u henweb -e your crontab. The PATH has to be adapted or you have to provide the fullpath to the jobscript.

# every Monday 10 after 10am
10 10 * * 1 qsub -M [email protected] -A cpr_00000 -W grouplist=cpr_00000


Send cr2 usage on computerome to a Slack channel.






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