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Repository files navigation

Getting Started

This project provides a web component containing the Raspberry Pi Code Editor for use on other sites. Although originally bootstrapped with Create React App, the application has been ejected so all the build scripts etc. are now in the repo.

Environment variables

The app uses the dotenv package to provide access to environment variables. Copy the example file into .env and use this file for any other environment variables the web component may require:

cp .env.example .env

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3011 to view the web component test page in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.


Automated unit tests can be run via the yarn test command. These unit tests are written using the JavaScript testing framework Jest and make use of the tools provided by the React Testing Library. Automated accessibility testing for components is available via the jest-axe library. This can be achieved using the haveNoViolations matcher provided by jest-axe, although this does not guarantee that the tested components have no accessibility issues.

Integration testing is carried out via cypress and can be run using:

  • yarn exec cypress run to run in the CLI
  • yarn exec cypress open to run in the GUI

Currently, there are cypress tests for various aspects of the web component, such as running python and HTML code and Mission Zero-related functionality. These can be found in the cypress/e2e directory. Screenshots and videos related to any failures in the most recent test run can be found in cypress/screenshots and cypress/videos respectively.


The editor web component can be included in a page using the <editor-wc> HTML element and a script tag pointing to the desired version of the web component (<version-number>/web-component.js).


The editor-wc tag accepts the following attributes, which must be provided as strings or booleans:

  • assets_identifier: Load assets (not code) from this project identifier
  • auth_key: Authenticate the user to allow them to make API requests such as saving their work
  • code: A preset blob of code to show in the editor pane (overrides content of
  • editable_instructions: Boolean whether to show edit panel for instructions
  • embedded: Enable embedded mode which hides some functionality (defaults to false)
  • host_styles: Styles passed into the web component from the host page
  • identifier: Load the project with this identifier from the database
  • instructions: Stringified JSON containing steps to be displayed in the instructions panel in the sidebar
  • load_cache: Load latest version of project code from local storage (defaults to true)
  • load_remix_disabled: Do not load a logged-in user's remixed version of the project specified by identifier even if one exists (defaults to false)
  • output_only: Only display the output panel (defaults to false)
  • output_panels: Array of output panel names to display (defaults to ["text", "visual"])
  • output_split_view: Start with split view in output panel (defaults to false, i.e. tabbed view)
  • project_name_editable: Allow the user to edit the project name in the project bar (defaults to false)
  • react_app_api_endpoint: API endpoint to send project-related requests to
  • read_only: Display the editor in read only mode (defaults to false)
  • sense_hat_always_enabled: Show the Astro Pi Sense HAT emulator on page load (defaults to false)
  • show_save_prompt: Prompt the user to save their work (defaults to false)
  • sidebar_options: Array of strings specifying the panels to be displayed in the sidebar (defaults to an empty array). The options that can be included are "projects", "instructions", "file", "images", "download", "settings" and "info".
  • theme: Force editor into "dark" or "light" mode - browser or system preferences will be used if not specified
  • use_editor_styles: Style web component using themes for the main editor site (defaults to false)
  • with_projectbar: Show the project bar containing project name and save status (defaults to false)
  • with_sidebar: Show the sidebar (defaults to false)

Custom events

The web component communicates with the host page via the following custom events:

  • editor-codeChanged: When the code in the editor is changed
  • editor-navigateToProjectsPage: When the user requests to navigate to the projects index page
  • editor-projectIdentifierChanged: When the project identifier changes - event detail is the new identifier
  • editor-projectOwnerLoaded: When the project owner has been loaded - event detail is the user's name
  • editor-runCompleted: When a code run is completed in the editor - event detail contains data about the code run, such as whether there were any errors, and whether certain functions were used
  • editor-runStarted: When a code run is started in the editor
  • editor-stepChanged: When the instructions step changes - event detail contains the new step position
  • editor-logIn: When the user requests to log in
  • editor-signUp: When the user requests to sign up
  • editor-quizReady: When the quiz is ready
  • editor-themeUpdated: When the theme changes to light/dark mode - event detail contains the new theme

These events allow the host page to respond to requests or changes made in the editor, for example, handling login or displaying data about the owner of a project or the latest code run.

Custom methods

The host page is able to communicate with the web component via custom methods provided by the web component. These currently include:

  • editorCode: getter that returns the code from the first file in the editor
  • runCode: triggers a code run in the editor
  • rerunCode: stops the current code run and starts another code run in the editor
  • stopCode: stops the current code run

This allows the host page to query the current code in the editor and to control code runs from outside the web component, for example.



The web component test page at http://localhost:3011 can be used to develop the web component in isolation if needed. This page is configured to pass query parameters into the web component as attributes (including class, style etc.), allowing the web component to be previewed in different states during development. For example, to preview the web component with the Sense HAT always showing, visit http://localhost:3011/web-component.html?sense_hat_always_enabled=true.


There are several mechanisms that can be utilised to style part or all of the web component. Due to the nature of the web component, styles can either be applied from within the web component itself or from the page containing the web component.

Styling internally

The WebComponentLoader applies internal styles (from within the editor-ui repo) and external styles (related to external libraries) to the web component. This is necessary because the HTML that makes up the web component is mounted inside a shadow DOM, so only styles specificly applied within the shadow DOM will be utilised. This means that any stylesheets added to the project must be explicitly imported in InternalStyles.scss, and stylesheets from external libraries such as those providing ready-made React components may need to be imported in ExternalStyles to work.

To account for the fact that different host pages may have varying base font sizes and spacing variables, a --scale-factor is being used to scale the font and spacing variables in the web component. This allows the web component to make use of existing font and spacing variables from the host page, alongside the em unit. However, use of the rem unit should be avoided because it cannot be overwritten in the shadow DOM. Wherever possible, existing calculations using the --scale-factor or em should be used instead, but beware of nested relative styling, which may scale variables more than once.

Styling externally

Styles from the parent application can be passed to the web component in a few different ways:

  • The web component utilises a shadow DOM, this creates a shadow root element in the DOM which is separate from the main DOM. It does however copy and create a new DOM tree from the main DOM with all styles applied to the root in the main DOM available in the shadow root.

  • A class can be applied to the custom element wc-editor which allows the parent application to style the web component container. This can be done by using the class attribute on the custom element. NB This attribute is class NOT className.

  • Other styles from the parent application will not be inherited by the web component. However, the web component can be styled by the parent application by using the ::part pseudo-element selector. This allows the parent application to style the web component by targeting the web component's shadow DOM. For example, the following CSS will style the web component's #root element (due to the part attribute definition in web-component.js):

::part(editor-root) {
  // allows variables to be passed into the shadow dom
  @include sauce-theme-primary-vars();
  @include sauce-theme-secondary-vars();
  // allows you to set custom variables inside the shadow dom
  --editor-primary-theme: var(--theme-primary);
  --editor-secondary-theme: var(--theme-secondary);
  // background: var(--theme-secondary); // variables can then be applied inside the shadow dom
  // enables the parent application to control the size of the web components root element
  display: block;
  flex: 1 1 auto;
  max-block-size: 100dvh;

Instructions Styling

Classes from the stringified HTML passed to the web component in the instructions attribute are being used to style the project steps in the instructions panel.

Task Block

Styles for the task block can be applied as follows:

<h2 class="c-project-heading--task">Task heading</h2>
<div class="c-project-task">{task content here}</div>

There are three types of callout: tip, debugging and generic. The green tip callout is generated as follows:

<div class="c-project-callout c-project-callout--tip">
  <h3>{Tip title}</h3>
  {tip content here}

The red debugging callout is generated as follows:

<div class="c-project-callout c-project-callout--debug">
  <h3>{Debugging title}</h3>
  {debugging content here}

The blue generic callout is the default if no modifier is specifed:

<div class="c-project-callout">{callout content here}</div>

This class renders a bordered div with monospaced text that resembles Python output. Other font styles and images are not yet supported.

<div class="c-project-output">{output content}</div>

Code snippets

Python code snippets are styled and syntax-highlighted using the language-python class:

<code class="language-python">print('hello world')</code>


Deployment is managed through Github actions. The UI is deployed to staging and production environments through an S3 bucket, managed via Cloudflare. This requires the following environment variables to be set


Other variables that pertain to the app, rather than its deployment, are set to default values in the build-and-deploy workflow file. These are also in .env.example.

The staging bucket is called editor-dist-staging, and the latest deployment of main can be previewed at The staging bundle for use on the staging version of other sites is available at

The production bucket, edtior-dist, contains the versioned releases of the web component that are used on other sites. Each release can be previewed at<version-number>/web-component.html, and the bundle is available at<version-number>/web-component.js.

Review apps

The build for each PR is deployed to the same S3 bucket as staging, and can be previewed at<PR-number>_merge/web-component.html. The PR should get updated with the URL to the relevant directory of the host bucket, but /web-component.html may need to be appended to reach the preview.

Release Process

A new release of editor-ui is created via following process:

  1. Create a branch on Github for the release.
  2. Update with new version number and date in the list of changes under Unreleased.
  3. At the bottom of, add a link for the new version and update the Unreleased link to point to the latest version…HEAD.
  4. Update the version number in package.json to the new version number.
  5. Push these changes to the release branch on Github.
  6. Create a PR on Github for the release branch and put the CHANGELOG diff for the new release in the description.
  7. Get someone to approve the PR and then merge.
  8. Within the releases tab, create a new tag with the version number of the new release with the target set to main.
  9. Give the release the same name as the tag and paste the CHANGELOG diff in the description.
  10. Set the release to be the latest release and publish 🚀