- My Name: Eric Cheng
- City and Country: Tainan, Taiwan
- Contact Info: [email protected]
- Github Repo
- Lastest Updated Date: 2021/10/30
- Purpose:
- Data/
- Gen_Audio/ # This folder is used to store the generated recordings.
- Src/
- static/
- css/
- main.css # Somehow beautify the user interfacec.
- img/
- tts.jpg # This picture will be showed once index page is loaded.
- css/
- templates/
- base.html # Base template of webpage.
- index.html # Homepage of my project.
- app.py # Core src code, mostly follow the framework of Flask
- Insert Data To Db.ipynb # Use this notebook to (1) get posts , (2) split them into words and sentences, and (3) insert texts into DB.
- static/
- .gitignore
- Database: Microsoft SQL
- For each row of data, it contains (1) text/sentence, (2) path of audio file, (3) duration.
- (1) text/sentence
- Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk
- After crawl the posts from the above mentioned link, split them into words and sentences and insert into DB.
- (2) path of audio file
- The path will be decided after we finished recording the word/sentence.
- After the recording generates, the corresponding path will be inserted into DB.
- (3) duration
- "Duration" means duration of a certain recordings. It's usually no more than 15 sec.
- This attribute will be decided once the recoding is generated.
- Framework: Flask
- Use flask_sqlalchemy to TALK to DB.
- After setting up the environment, use
flask run
to trigger this project.
- Step 1: Make sure you've installed anaconde.
- Step 2:
conda create -n "CADAT" python=3.8
- Step 3:
conda activate CADAT
- Step 4:
pip install jupyter notebook
- Step 5:
pip install beautifulsoup4
- Step 6:
pip install requests
- Step 7:
pip install numpy
- Step 8:
pip install pandas
- Step 9:
pip install pyodbc
- Step 10:
pip install flask-sqlalchemy
- Step 11:
pip install flask
- Step 12:
pip install pydub
- Step 13:
pip install librosa
- Step 14:
pip install ffmpeg
- Step 15: Download ffmpeg.exe for your OS, and then append this .exe file your into your path.
- (Optional) Step 16:
ffmpeg -version
- (Optional) Step 17:
git clone https://github.com/Ratherman/Collect-Audio-Data-and-Text.git
- (Optional) Step 18:
cd Collect-Audio-Data-and-Text/Src/
- (Optional) Step 19:
flask run
- Watch this YouTube Video for basic Flask implementation.
- Read this StackoverFlow Forum for connecting Flask to MSSQL.
- Step 1: Import packages
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
- Step 2: Configure app and Create db instance
app = Flask(__name__)
params = urllib.parse.quote_plus('DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=HARRISONS-THINK;DATABASE=LendApp;Trusted_Connection=yes;')
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = "mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s" % params
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
- Step 3: Setup the table (Demo)
class audio_data(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
content = db.Column(db.String(500), nullable=False)
audio_path = db.Column(db.String(500), nullable=False)
duration = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Content %r>" % self.content
- Step 4: Create Database
- Go to command line (anaconda prompt) and do the following:
from app import db
- If needed, you're encouraged to follow this Tutorial.
- Step 1: Go to this website and download the express version, i.e., SQL Server 2019 Express.
- Step 2: Open the .exe file.
- Step 3: Choose the Basic option.
- Step 4: Click Accept and Choose the installed location.
- Step 5: Create a database named DB, which will be the one we used in this project.
- (Optional) Step 5: Click Install SSMS and a webpage would be popped up.
- (Optional) Step 6: Click the hypytertext "下載 SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.10".
- (Optional) Step 7: Open the .exe file.