Django built in paginator require to make a new request to the server each time we browse pages.On the other hand, create a paginator using JS is a tedious task, that can be very repetitive.
Whit this application the author intends to simplify the effort needed for create a good looking and easy to use paginator.
Just add paginator to your installed apps.
The syntax of the tag is as follow:
{% load paginator %}
{% paginate <sequence> <objects per page> <L|T> %}
# Here you can write the code for render a single item.
# Each item is accessible in this context through the variable
# paginator_item.
{% endpaginate%}
sequence: A sequence of objects to paginate.
objects per page: How many objects will be shown per page.
L|T: Show objects in Linear or Tabular format.
{% paginate people 10 T%}
Name: {{ }} <br/>
Age: {{ paginator_imte.age }}
{% end paginate%}