Releases: Reading-eScience-Centre/edal-java
EDAL 1.5.3 Snapshot release
Snapshot release to test bugfixes
EDAL v1.5.2
Bumped some lib versions for security
Removed BG maps which live on
EDAL v1.5.1
Some CoverageJSON improvements
Minor bugfixes
EDAL v1.5.0
Better CoverageJSON handling
Full Java 11 support
Upgrade Apache SIS to v1.0
Upgrade NetCDF-Java to v5.3.3
Numerous bugfixes
EDAL v1.4.2
Bugfixes + Java updates
EDAL 1.4.1
Improved data writing / reading efficiency
Better handling for transformed grids
Added styles for different arrow conventions
Better legends from GetLegendGraphic
Better cache handling
Minor bugfixes
EDAL 1.4.0
If you are installing this release in place of a previous recent release, the H2 EPSG cache must be cleared (just remove the directory, usually either at /tmp/.h2 or .ncWMS2/.h2), otherwise errors will occur.
Reverted to GeoTK for reprojection
Added data masking on NetCDF write
Make GetLegendGraphic conform to spec (LAYER, rather than LAYERS)
Profile / timeseries plot improvments
Exposed dataset metadata from catalgoue
Staggered grid improvements
EDAL 1.3.1
Bugfix release - fixes issue with Godiva3 when additional map layers are not defined
EDAL v1.3.0
Updated OpenLayers & GWT wrapper versions
Added parameter backward-compatibility with protocol used in MyOcean project
Abstracted out continuous domain datasets
Better handling of DateTime extents (equivalent ISO chronologies get converted)
Improved automatic z axis for collections of profile features
Minor in-situ plot improvements
More consistency between timeseries / profile plots
Minor bugfixes + improvements
EDAL 1.2.13
Minor bugfix release