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Build and publish docker image

A Docker Container for RebornOS ARM64

The docker image is uploaded at

The,, and scripts are self explanatory. They build an image and run the container using the local Dockerfile.

Using the image from Docker Hub

Note: To run on x86_64 you need to have qemu-user-static installed on your system. You can install it using sudo pacman -S qemu-user-static on Arch Linux.

Note: The container is already configured to additionally start a shell in the /home/rebornos-shared directory (within the container)

To run this container while mounting a custom local directory ~/rebornos-shared (on your host computer) for use as /home/rebornos-shared (within the container), it is convenient to make an executable script that has the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

docker pull rebornos/rebornos:latest-arm64
mkdir -p ~/rebornos-shared

xhost +local:root \
    && docker run \
        --net=host \
        --ipc=host \
        --pid=host \
        --privileged=true \
        --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
        --volume ~/rebornos-shared:/home/rebornos-shared \
        --env DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} \
        --interactive \
        --tty \
        --rm \

xhost -local:root

Otherwise just run the above commands in the same order, without the #! line

DistroBox Image Creation

When creating an image through distrobox-create, add an extra argument:

--pre-init-hooks "sh /usr/bin/"