This is a Hotel Room Reservation Portal made using MERN stack . This portal can be used to book rooms in different hotels available in different cities
{Nodejs, Express JS, Reactjs, Mongodb}
{Json webtoken(JWT), context API, bcrypt, cookie-parser, nodemon, moongose, cors, axios, react-router-dom}
{Isomnia, MongoDB compass}
Step1) To Book a hotel , first search for the hotel by giving some basic details like Preferred Destination , checkin and checkout dates, Number of peoples and Minimum and maximum price range.
for the time being I'm searching for hotels in mumbai
Step 3: Selecting a Hotel , The list of hotels fetched from the database and displayed as per our given inputs. Select a hotel of our Choice.
Step 4: Reserving a Room , After selection of the Hotel click on the hotel , a reservation page open with few description of the hotel and the option to book it. Click on Reserve or Book Now! . And select the Room of your Choice.