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Creates a promise that uses the builder-pattern. The chained functions will run asynchronously.

npm i build-a-promise  |  pnpm add build-a-promise

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Minimal example

import builder from 'build-a-promise'

const test = builder(r => (s: number, k: boolean) => {
    console.log('Initial: ', {s,k})
    // * Initial code (cannot be run asynchronously)

    let i = 0
    return {
        __build() {
            return 'test-result' as const
        async __init() {
            // * Initial code (can be async)
        __step() {
        i: (str: string) => {
            console.log(i, str)

async function testFunction() {
    const returnedValue: 'test-result' = await test(2, true).i('test').i('asd').i('herpderp')


    Initial:  {s: 2, k: true}
    0 'test'
    1 'asd'
    2 'herpderp'
    {returnedValue: 'test-result'}


The builder has two callbacks e.g.

const pizza = builder(r => () => {
    // * Initial code

r: If you want to resolve or reject the promise early, they're provided there.

const pizza = builder(({resolve, reject}) => () => {
    // * Initial code

Next callback is the initial parameters provided the to function.

const pizza = builder(r => (pizzaType: string) => {
    // * Initial code
await pizza('mexican')

Last thing you need to know, is that you return an object.

The object requires __build, which will "build" the promise. The returned value of build, will define what type the promise returns.

const pizza = builder(r => (pizzaType: string) => {
    // * Initial code
    const extras = {
        cheese = 0
    return {
        __build() {
            return extras
        extraCheese() {
const finishedPizza = await pizza('mexican').extraCheese().extraCheese()
//    ^? finishedPizza = { cheese: number }

The returned values from functions

ANY function (both chained functions and builder options e.g. __) may provide a returned value.

If a function returns a value - it will be equivilant to resolve(value).

The difference being, returning a value will also provide a type.


  • The returned value of __catch will be equivilant to reject(value)
  • __finally cannot return anything

Note: If __build returns void, the returned type is Promise<undefined | Others> - where Others are the returned types from other functions.

As a Function

You can also return a function, if you provide a third callback:

const pizza = builder(r => (pizzaType: string) => (...args) => {


Builder functions

Order of execution:
__init → (* → __step)* → __build__finally

Name Description
__init?.() The initial function to be called.
Used to initialize values that require asynchronous operatinos.

Like the other declared functions here, it will be called without chaining it.
__catch?.(error) The whole chain is inside a try-catch block.
If an error occurs, and __catch is defined, rather than throwing the error, __catch will be called.

Note: If __catch is not defined, reject(error), will be called before throwing an error.
__step?.() Runs after each step in the chain functions.
Good for things like validating every step.
__build?.() Is called as a last function to be called (before finally). This returns the awaited result of the builder-pattern.

It is optional - as sometimes we just want to run a chain of commands without a final "build".
__finally?.() The last function - and will always run. Consider it as a way to clean-up after the full execution.