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Lend Engine

The Lend Engine is a platform for lending libraries to handle their items, members, memberships, payments and general management. It is available (hosted) via, including a free version. There are no plans to extend Lend Engine to be available to host on your own servers, though the code is available as-is (without support) should you wish to try.

Feature suggestions and pull requests are welcome (with the caveat that we need extra unit tests for existing code too, so please help with that alongside any additional contributions).


  • PHP 7.2.x
  • MySql 5.7.x
  • An AWS S3 account for file uploads
  • A Postmark account for outgoing emails

Getting started

  1. Download the repo from and then run composer install to add dependencies.
  2. Run tenant_setup.sql - this adds a development account into the tenant list. Set your email.
  3. Add your environment variables
  4. If your dev server is running at localhost:8001, add that as the stub for the account.
  5. CREATE DATABASE unit_test CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  6. UPDATE _core.account SET status = 'DEPLOYING' where stub = 'unit_test';
  7. Set account.owner_name and account.owner_email to yours.
  8. Lastly, visit the deployment URL to create a new account http://unit_test.localhost:8000/deploy

So that all tenants share the same item types, for network-level reporting, we use a shared table: _core.item_type. Run


to insert the latest set. These are taken from a Google product taxonomy.


Emails are sent using RabbitMQ. You'll need to configure the settings, and then run a worker (or two) using bin/console rabbitmq:consumer mail_queue

Functional testing

Create an empty database called unit_test. DB setup is in ContactController which runs first. Fixtures are loaded for contact and item.

Run phpunit

Server deployment

Lend Engine will run on most LAMP environments. In production, we use Heroku. AWS for DB (mySQL 5.7), S3 for hosting images and uploaded files, and PostMark for emails. Credentials are stored in ENV variables.

Tenant management

Lend Engine is multi-tenanted. The routing to the relevant tenant is determined by the URL. CustomConnectionFactory.php looks for a matching account; where the account stub or the account domain matches the URL host.

Tenants are added to the _core.account table.

Asset management

We use Assetic to bundle JS and CSS files. Each time a JS/CSS file is changed, you'll need to re-bundle using :

php bin/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug

Node is needed to run assetic, so you might need to install that first if you don't already have it. You may also need to npm install uglify-js -g

The resource files bundles into the combined asset are in


Environment variables required

LE_SERVER_NAME=dev/staging/prod etc

Required to upload images to an Amazon AWS bucket


ENV variables required if you are testing with Stripe

It's likely that Stripe connection will only work using Lend Engine Stripe client credentials, as users are linked to the Lend Engine billing Stripe account as 'connected accounts'.