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Airdrop Manager

The all-in-one airdrop manager for Unturned servers.


  • Airdrop Interval: Automatically send airdrops at a configurable interval.
  • Airdrop Spawns: Set up airdrop spawns with custom airdrop configurations.
  • Airdrop Commands: Order airdrops at random spawn, specific spawn, or your current position.
  • Mass Airdrop: Order a mass airdrop at all spawns.
  • Airdrop Grenade: Configure airdrops to be ordered by throwing a specific grenade.
  • Customizable Messages: Customize all messages sent by the plugin.
  • Customizable Airdrops: Set up custom airdrops with custom items and weights.
  • Rich Text Formatting: Use rich text formatting in messages.


  • /airdrop - Order an airdrop at random spawn.
  • /airdrop <spawn> [speed] - Order an airdrop at a specific spawn with optional speed.
  • /airdrop random [speed] - Order an airdrop at a random spawn with optional speed.
  • /airdrophere - Order an airdrop at your current position.
  • /airdrophere <airdrop> [speed] - Order an airdrop at your current position with optional speed.
  • /airdrophere random [speed] - Order an airdrop at your current position with optional speed.
  • /massairdrop - Order a mass airdrop at all spawns.
  • /massairdrop [speed] - Order a mass airdrop at all spawns with optional speed.
  • /setairdropspawn <name> [airdrop] - Set the airdrop spawn at your current position.
  • /whenairdrop - Check the time until the next airdrop.
  • /rocket reload airdropmanager - Reload the AirdropManager configuration.


<!-- Recommended for all players -->
<Permission Cooldown="0">whenairdrop</Permission>

<!-- For VIP players. Remember to set cooldowns -->
<Permission Cooldown="3600">airdrop</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="3600">airdrophere</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="3600">massairdrop</Permission>

<!-- Allows the player to specify spawn and speed -->
<Permission Cooldown="0">airdrop.full</Permission>
<!-- Allows the player to specify airdrop and speed -->
<Permission Cooldown="0">airdrophere.full</Permission>
<!-- Allows the player to specify speed -->
<Permission Cooldown="0">massairdrop.full</Permission>

<!-- For admins -->
<Permission Cooldown="0">setairdropspawn</Permission>

Airdrop Grenades

You can turn any grenade into an airdrop grenade by adding the <Grenade /> tag to the airdrop configuration. When a player throws the grenade, an airdrop will be called at position of the grenade.

In Airdrops.{Map}.xml file add <Grenade /> tag, like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AirdropsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Airdrop Id="541" Name="Washington_Carepackage_America">
      <Grenade Id="263" Name="Green Smoke" />
        <Item Id="123" Name="Ranger Magazine" Weight="150" />
        <Item Id="1449" Name="Scalar Magazine" Weight="100" />

Airdrop Storage

You can change the airdrop storage size or even replace a Carepackage (1374) with another barricade.

To change all airdrops, edit the DefaultAirdropStorageBarricadeId, DefaultAirdropStorageWidth, and DefaultAirdropStorageHeight attributes in the configuration file.

To change one specific airdrop, in Airdrops.{Map}.xml file add <Storage /> tag, like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AirdropsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Airdrop Id="541" Name="Washington_Carepackage_America">
      <Storage BarricadeId="366" Name="Maple Crate" Width="4" Height="4" />
        <Item Id="123" Name="Ranger Magazine" Weight="150" />
        <Item Id="1449" Name="Scalar Magazine" Weight="100" />

Airdrop Effects

You can replace the default airdrop landed effect (red smoke) with another effect.

To change all airdrops, edit the DefaultLandedEffectGuid attribute in the configuration file.

To change one specific airdrop, in Airdrops.{Map}.xml file add <LandedEffectGuid /> tag, like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AirdropsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Airdrop Id="541" Name="Washington_Carepackage_America">
        <Item Id="123" Name="Ranger Magazine" Weight="150" />
        <Item Id="1449" Name="Scalar Magazine" Weight="100" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AirdropManager3Configuration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Broadcasts DefaultIconUrl="">
    <AirdropCommand Message="Airdrop is on the way to [[b]]{spawn}![[/b]]" Enabled="true" />
    <AirdropHereCommand Message="[[b]]{player}[[/b]] ordered an airdrop at their position!" Enabled="true" />
    <MassAirdropCommand Message="[[b]]Mass airdrop is on the way![[/b]]" Enabled="true" />
    <AirdropGrenade Message="[[b]]{player}[[/b]] threw an airdrop grenade!" Enabled="true" />
    <AirdropInterval Message="Airdrop is on the way to [[b]]{spawn}![[/b]]" Enabled="true" />
    <AirdropIntervalMinPlayers Message="Airdrop skipped: less than [[b]]{min_players}[[/b]] players online." Enabled="true" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AirdropsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Airdrop Id="541" Name="Washington_Carepackage_America">
        <Item Id="123" Name="Ranger Magazine" Weight="150" />
        <Item Id="1449" Name="Scalar Magazine" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1368" Name="Vonya Magazine" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1366" Name="Vonya" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1360" Name="Teklowvka" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1481" Name="Empire" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1241" Name="Demolition Charge" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1381" Name="Calling Card Magazine" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1369" Name="Bulldog" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1447" Name="Scalar" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1361" Name="Teklowvka Magazine" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1371" Name="Bulldog Magazine" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1379" Name="Calling Card" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1483" Name="Empire Magazine" Weight="100" />
        <Item Id="1375" Name="Fusilaut" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="1484" Name="Devil's Bane" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="1488" Name="Swissgewehr" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="1362" Name="Augewehr" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="1490" Name="Swissgewehr Magazine" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="6" Name="Military Magazine" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="363" Name="Maplestrike" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="1485" Name="Devil's Bane Magazine" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="1377" Name="Nightraider" Weight="50" />
        <Item Id="1240" Name="Detonator" Weight="40" />
        <Item Id="1384" Name="Ekho Magazine" Weight="25" />
        <Item Id="1382" Name="Ekho" Weight="25" />
        <Item Id="20" Name="Timberwolf Magazine" Weight="25" />
        <Item Id="18" Name="Timberwolf" Weight="25" />
        <Item Id="1364" Name="Hell's Fury" Weight="10" />
        <Item Id="1365" Name="Hell's Fury Drum" Weight="10" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AirdropSpawnsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Arlington Farm" X="354.934082" Y="38.4007874" Z="-860.104248" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Paradise Point" X="736.7805" Y="70.1387253" Z="-473.59314" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Kent Raceway" X="-230.669678" Y="38.4007759" Z="-809.34845" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Rainbridge Island" X="-142.0918" Y="28.9490013" Z="-308.365356" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Camano Campground" X="192.535034" Y="29.42662" Z="594.0785" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Bellevue Golf Course" X="-607.9508" Y="34.15535" Z="691.577" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Kennewick Farm" X="-690.5533" Y="76.52753" Z="323.4618" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Kennewick Farm" X="-826.906" Y="93.4762039" Z="56.05786" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Olympia Military Base" X="-847.740967" Y="83.5868149" Z="-445.6571" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Everett" X="887.0541" Y="80.42981" Z="108.680908" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Scorpion-7" X="841.015747" Y="71.11272" Z="809.552" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Clearwater Campground" X="-79.0050659" Y="48.83967" Z="592.875244" />
    <AirdropSpawn AirdropId="541" Name="Seattle" X="-311.916748" Y="38.40078" Z="105.736816" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="AirdropNoPermission" Value="You don't have permission to specify airdrop spawn." />
  <Translation Id="AirdropHereNoPermission" Value="You don't have permission to specify airdrop." />
  <Translation Id="MassAirdropNoPermission" Value="You don't have permission to specify airdrop speed." />
  <Translation Id="AirdropSpawnNotFound" Value="Airdrop spawn with name [[b]]{0}[[/b]] doesn't exist." />
  <Translation Id="AirdropSpawnNone" Value="There isn't any airdrop spawns." />
  <Translation Id="AirdropNone" Value="There isn't any airdrops." />
  <Translation Id="AirdropSpawned" Value="Successfully called in [[b]]{0}[[/b]] airdrop to [[b]]{1}.[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="AirdropNotFound" Value="Airdrop with name or ID [[b]]{0}[[/b]] doesn't exist." />
  <Translation Id="AirdropHereSpawned" Value="Successfully called in [[b]]{0}[[/b]] to your position." />
  <Translation Id="MassAirdropSpawned" Value="Successfully called in [[b]]mass airdrop[[/b]] to all [[b]]{0}[[/b]] spawns." />
  <Translation Id="AirdropSpawnSet" Value="Successfully set airdrop spawn [[b]]{0}.[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="AirdropSpawnSetWithAirdrop" Value="Successfully set airdrop spawn [[b]]{0}[[/b]] for [[b]]{1}[[/b]] airdrop." />
  <Translation Id="WhenAirdropTimeLeft" Value="Next airdrop will be in [[b]]{0}.[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="WhenAirdropNotPlanned" Value="There isn't any automatic airdrop scheduled." />
  <Translation Id="Day" Value="1 day" />
  <Translation Id="Days" Value="{0} days" />
  <Translation Id="Hour" Value="1 hour" />
  <Translation Id="Hours" Value="{0} hours" />
  <Translation Id="Minute" Value="1 minute" />
  <Translation Id="Minutes" Value="{0} minutes" />
  <Translation Id="Second" Value="1 second" />
  <Translation Id="Seconds" Value="{0} seconds" />
  <Translation Id="Zero" Value="a moment" />