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Helm charts by Avi Networks

This repository is used to host helm charts from Avi Networks (A VMware Company)

Helm Charts for AKO - Avi Kubernetes Operator


AKO runs as a POD inside the kubernetes cluster.

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To Run AKO you need the following pre-requisites:

  • Step 1: Configure an Avi Controller with a vCenter cloud.

  • Step 2:

    • Make sure a PG network is part of the NS IPAM configured in the vCenter
  • Step 3: If your POD CIDRs are not routable:

    • Create a VRF context object in Avi for the kubernetes controller.
    • Get the name the PG network which the kubernetes nodes are part of.
    • Configure the PG network in step 2 with the vrf mentioned in the previous step using the Avi CLI.

    Data path flow is as described below:

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    The markers in the drawing are described below:

    1. Client makes a request to a specified hostname/path.
    2. The DNS VS returns an IP address corresponding to the hostname.
    3. The request is forwarded to the resolved IP address that corresponds to a Virtual IP hosted on an Avi Service Engine. The destination IP in the packet is set as the POD IP address on which the application runs.
    4. Service Engines use the static route information to reach the POD IP via the next hop address of the host on which the pod is running.
    5. The pod responds and the request is sent back to the client.

    NOTE: If you are using AKO for test puposes you can use the global vrf but you cannot manage multiple kubernetes clusters in the same cloud with this setting.

  • Step 3.1: If your POD CIDRs are routable then you can skip step 2. Ensure that you skip static route syncing in this case using the disableStaticRouteSync flag in the values.yaml of your helm chart.

  • Step 4: Kubernetes 1.14+.

  • Step 5: helm cli pointing to your kubernetes cluster. NOTE: We only support helm 3

Install using helm

Step 1: Create the avi-system namespace:

kubectl create ns avi-system

Step 2: Add this repository to your helm CLI

helm repo add ako

Use the values.yaml from this repository to edit values related to Avi configuration. Values and their corresponding index can be found here

Step 3: Search the available charts for AKO

helm search repo --devel

ako/ako   	0.9.1-5047-beta	0.9.1-5047-beta	A Helm chart for Kubernetes

Step 4: Install AKO

helm install  ako/ako  --generate-name --devel -f values.yaml  --set configs.controllerIP=<controller_ip> --set avicredentials.username=<avi-ctrl-username> --set avicredentials.password=<avi-ctrl-password> --namespace=avi-system

NAME: ako-1588049417
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr 28 10:20:21 2020
NAMESPACE: avi-system
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
  export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace avi-system -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  echo "Visit to use your application"
  kubectl --namespace avi-system port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:80

Step 5: Check the installation

helm list -n avi-system

NAME          	NAMESPACE 	REVISION	UPDATED                            	STATUS  	CHART              	APP VERSION
ako-1588049417	avi-system	1       	2020-04-28 10:20:21.61093 +0530 IST	deployed	ako-0.9.1-5047-beta	0.9.1-5047-beta

AKO 0.9.1-Beta-2 is released

Currently, AKO's 0.9.1-5076-beta-2 is available for download. A complete changelog can be viewed here

beta-1 to beta-2 is a disruptive migration due to some object naming changes around the SNI virtualservices. Hence if you are running a beta-1 build and would like to move to beta-2, pls execute the following:

- kubectl delete cm avi-k8s-config -n avi-system (This will trigger a delete of the beta-1 objects in the Avi controller.)
- helm delete <beta-1-release-name> -n avi-system
- helm repo update
- helm install  ako/ako  --generate-name --devel -f values.yaml  --set configs.controllerIP=<controller_ip> --set avicredentials.username=<avi-ctrl-username> --set avicredentials.password=<avi-ctrl-password> --namespace=avi-system

Uninstall using helm

Simply run:


helm delete <ako-release-name> -n avi-system

Note: the ako-release-name is obtained by doing helm list as shown in the previous step,

Step 2:

kubectl delete ns avi-system


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the AKO chart and their default values. Please refer to this link for more details on each parameter.

Parameter Description Default
configs.controllerVersion Avi Controller version 18.2.8
configs.controllerIP Specify Avi controller IP nil
configs.shardVSSize Shard VS size enum values: LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL LARGE
configs.fullSyncFrequency Full sync frequency 1800
configs.ingressApi Support for default ingress API corev1
configs.defaultIngController AKO is the default ingress controller true
configs.cloudName Name of the VCenter cloud managed in Avi Default-Cloud
configs.clusterName Unique identifier for the running AKO instance. AKO identifies objects it created on Avi Controller using this param. required
configs.subnetIP Subnet IP of the data network required
configs.subnetPrefix Subnet Prefix of the data network required
configs.networkName Network Name of the data network required
configs.defaultDomain Specify a default sub-domain for L4 LB services First domainname found in cloud's dnsprofile
configs.l7ShardingScheme Sharding scheme enum values: hostname, namespace hostname
configs.cniPlugin CNI Plugin being used in kubernetes cluster. Specify one of: calico, canal, flannel required for calico setups
configs.logLevel logLevel enum values: INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR. logLevel can be changed dynamically from the configmap INFO
configs.disableStaticRouteSync Disables static route syncing if set to true false
avicredentials.username Avi controller username empty
avicredentials.password Avi controller password empty
image.repository Specify docker-registry that has the AKO image avinetworks/ako

networkName, subnetIP and subnetPrefix are required fields which are used for allocating VirtualService IP by IPAM Provider module

Each AKO instance mapped to a given Avi cloud should have a unique clusterName parameter. This would maintain uniqueness of object naming across Kubernetes clusters.

AKO objects

Please refer to this page for details on how AKO interprets the kubernetes objects and translates them to Avi objects.


For some frequently asked question refer here


Avi Networks Helm Charts






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