This repository contains the code of programming experiments created in order to learn programming for MS-DOS. Please be aware that this is code is written on an almost 30 year old operating system using an almost 30 year old C++ compiler and software. Thus this code base can contain old and weird coding standards in comparisson to modern C++ standards.
All code in this repository can be compiled using the Borland C++ IDE version 2.0 running under MS-DOS. All code was written on a i386-dx2 PC and uses VGA Graphics and BIOS interrupts for drawing in GRAPHICS MODE (mode 13) An alternative to compiling and running this code is using DOSBOX.
The line drawing project is a simple project that demonstrates a few core concepts of writting to the VGA buffer and using bios interreptus to draw lines and pixels on the screen.
The SPARTAN project is a more elaborate project where I'm aiming to create a small game / game engine this project is still in the early stages of developemnt but has some WIP classes for renderering.