You can find the sorter here
Sort any YouTube playlist based on selected attributes. The playlist does not have to necessarily be your own. Because of API limits, only the first 200 videos can be retrieved from the playlist.
Install dependencies
npm install
Install packages in functions
cd functions
npm install
Install Firebase CLI. Documentation on Firebase CLI can be found here
npm install -g firebase-tools
Create a web app on Firebase. More information here
Replace firebaseConfig.js with your own firebase config
export default {
Then, login to Firebase through the command line and follow the instructions
firebase login
Initialize a project and follow the command line instructions
firebase init
To obtain a valid YouTube API key, follow the instructions here
Create .env in functions
cd functions
touch .env
Enter your own API key in this format
Make sure this line is commented out within playlistUtil.js, which is used by Firebase Emulators for testing
// connectFunctionsEmulator(functions, "localhost", 5001);
Generate a build for production
npm run build
Deploy to firebase (make sure you're logged in to Firebase-CLI)
firebase deploy
To use Firebase Emulators, make sure this line is uncommented within playlistUtil.js
connectFunctionsEmulator(functions, "localhost", 5001);
Run Firebase Emulators
firebase emulators:start
Navigate to http://locahost:4000 to view the Emulator UI
Feel free to open a PR or submit a issue. Whether it's a new feature or a bug, feedback is always welcome!