this will only work for vehicles created using ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle (this should work for any default stuff like trader or the virtual garage ) for example if you spawn a vehicle using infistar it wont apply
copy the contents of Exile.MAPNAME/config.cpp to your config add any vehicles you dont want having thermal into blacklistedThermals[]
FOR DMS MISSIONS if you use the a3_dms missions system replace a3_dms\scripts\fn_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle.sqf with the file provided
to add support for addition mods find where the vehicle is created and modify below to fit it
private _vehicleClassName = typeOf _vehicleObject;
if (_vehicleClassName in getArray(missionConfigFile >> "CfgThermalOptions" >> "blacklistedThermals")) then
_vehicleObject disableTIEquipment true;
This work is protected by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). By using, downloading, or copying any of the work contained, you agree to the license included.
the original "fn_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle.sqf" file was created by eraser1 ( ) modified to add support for disabling thermals on blacklisted vehicles