CloudMasking is a Qgis plugin for make the masking of clouds, cloud shadow, cirrus, aerosols, ice/snow and water for Landsat (4, 5, 7, 8, 9) products using different process and filters such as Fmask, Blue Band, Cloud QA, Aerosol and Pixel QA.
Read more in:
There are several ways for make cloud masking automatically, such as apply the default fmask band or cloud filter using a fixed pixel values in the QA bands. But these "by default" bands and values are not always good, and their efficiency varies in different regions and depends to a great extent on the type of terrain, vegetation or environmental conditions. The purpose of the plugin is to make cloud masking very personalized and configurable to perform the best possible masking by combining and using of various bands and filters.
If you want masking in a bulk process I recommend use python-fmask (but it is only fmask)
The plugin can be installed using the QGIS Plugin Manager.
the latest version of this plugin does not support old versions of Qgis
The official version control system repository of the plugin:
The home plugin in
Issues, ideas and enhancements:
CloudMasking was developing, designed and implemented by the Group of Forest and Carbon Monitoring System (SMByC), operated by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) - Colombia.
Author and developer: Xavier Corredor Ll.
Theoretical support, tester and product verification: SMByC-PDI group
Xavier Corredor Ll.: xcorredorl (a)
SMByC: smbyc (a)
CloudMasking is a free/libre software and is licensed under the GNU General Public License.